Prices have been falling for 21 days, according to AAA, with the national average now at $4.77 a gallon.

    #ABCNews #GasPrices #Economy #oil


    1. less than 100 a barrel….. the gas prices should be at around 3 dollars a gallon, but no, oil execs want their yearly record profits…..

    2. If we all would THINK at the same time,A.m.e.r.i.c.a is changing to better at the minute! People are waking up,& will stand for goodness! We will not let e.v.i.l. Push us around & take our F.r.e.e.d.o.m.s! The only why to save this .country,is to look back on History: It’s repeating! G.0.V. Wants the good guys g-u-n-s,then only e.v.i.l. Will have. Then e.v.i.l. Takes d.o.w.n everything! Who is e.v.i.l.: The ones that push N.e.w. L.a.w.s on us. They want us to take S/H/0/T forever! They do! It is k/i/l/l/i/n/g us s.l.o.w.l.y!

    3. My partner stopped driving me to work because of the gas prices, now he called me telling me he may reconsider depending on the prices this week..

    4. 2% price drop and they're actually reporting that as though it's something significant. They're really trying hard to save biden's hopeless doomed failed presidency.

    5. It’s painful how hard they have to work to push this propaganda for the admin.
      Not “still more than we’ve ever been paying for fuel ever”…

    6. I call B.S. what 2 cents?? Open up our pipelines. Then the price will really fall, with us using our own !!! Hey how about those Truckers in DC. Let's hear about them and their cause!!

    7. Too little too late from Joe. Until we start producing our own oil again, we will be subject to the price of crude from other countries. Thanks for nothing Joe!!

    8. You think dropping the gas gonna save you we have witnessed your colors and quite frank it's looking a lot like treason season around these parts

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