Today in the news:
    – Mark Venturelli Ambushes Crypto Bros with Anti NFT Panel
    – GameStop lays off workers, then promotes NFTs
    – Kirby x Fall Guys

    5 Minute Gaming News is a short form program where old internet wizard Jesse Cox drops you just enough gaming news for your short attention span.

    Today’s Episode:
    Mark Venturelli Ambushes Crypto Bros with Anti NFT Panel –

    Kirby x Fall Guys –

    Gamestop lays off workers, then promotes NFTs –

    New Merch at the store!
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    • Cox Omnimedia:
    Founder/Executive Producer: Jesse Cox
    Editors: Mari Locsin
    Animation: Daniel Tan

    • Send your fan mail to:
    Jesse Cox
    PO Box 11089
    Marina del Rey, CA 90295

    #Gaming #News #NFTs


    1. Love how he said they sold 1 billion in stock… That was the last ceo the company didnt own the stocks owned so no revenue was created.

    2. As a Brazilian Dev myself, I love what Mark did and I'm glad you are covering Jesse.

      This was such a Big W and it needs to make all the waves possible in the industry! =D

    3. This is why we like Jesse. He calls NFTs BS when they're BS instead of trying to milk his fanbase for every last grimy penny.

    4. Gamers say they hate NFTs but will happily preorder games, pay full retail for digital only licenses, and drop $100s on in game skins/mounts they can't even trade.

    5. And speaking of things still not in the description (since you said "speaking of things in the description") – a link to your CoxClips channel. You'd think, if you wanted to promote it better and make it easier on your viewers, you'd put a link already.

    6. I find it baffling how any gamer could think NFTs are a good idea. It's like people voting against their own best interests. You're actively ruining the community you're a part of.

    7. Ah yes. People realise that we built society because we didn't want to get stabbed in the back and got our things stolen. Good we're back to the roots.

    8. Honestly with how long Fall Guys has been out without any optimizations to load times or streamlining of the gameplay experience at all, I'm 100% on board with as much competition as possible so get that formula right.

    9. Hahaha gamers are fucked. Diablo immortal is setting new standards that every new game will follow. The majority do not want it, but we don't have a say cuz the few whales who do want it are so damn loud and… Seemingly bottomless pockets? How are whales and furries so rich???

    10. It's nice to see that some people seem to care about integrity.

      I'm not exactly sure what people are trying to accomplish with NFTs in gaming, but it just doesn't sound good, even in the tamest context.

      I don't know how much this moral argument is going to work against big money, but like people always say, if no one buys micro transactions, they will stop making them.

      On another note, I think that the future of gaming involves a very diverse cast of game types, art styles, genres, etc. If I had to guess, I would say it looks bright, and this NFT/micro transaction stuff will all be a part of the past one day. I don't think it's the future at all. It's inherently exclusive and not fun.

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