Germany’s foreign minister says she’s thankful for the unity shown by Canada returning a turbine used in the Nord Stream pipeline. The decision has faced scrutiny as the pipeline is used by Russia to sell natural gas to Germany.


    1. How about you report on how the Trudeau government unlawfully infringed on Canadian citizens rights claiming science….turns out b.s lies 2 years stolen & Canadian citizens blood on Trudeau regime & has acted against the Canadian constitution, bill of rights & carter… & city tv news urinalism is silent…city tv news is the enemy of Canadian citizens & will be treated as such 💯

    2. Germany is in this position because they made themselves energy dependent to a country that does not respect democratic values. Even Canada would rather buy oil from Saudi Arabia than increase it's own production in Alberta just so politicians can continue climate change virtue signaling. You would think they would have gotten a wake up call when Russia invaded Crimnea and from Russia's disregard for international rule based order over the last decade. China is another Communist regime we have become to dependent on.

    3. Canada is no Paix Romanis nor Paix Britannia nor paix Americans we are one Canada Sovereignty!!! Our natural resources will pay 100% Coverage for All Government Canadian Healthcare and full Dental as ONE, not in the hands of few!! . We will not be divided by useless UNION healthcare Insurance shananigans , thievery which place a three tier healthcare system in Canada !! when 20% of unionized workers call the fate on remaining 80% non union working class , this is fascism!!

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