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    Historian and futurist Yuval Noah Harari has a story about the future that’s profound, exciting, and unsettling.

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    1. Resources Based Economy in the "The Venus Project" could be a real possibility and addresses 90% of our problems just by logic. It's a very simple concept, no one lacks the necessity of life without the need for trade/money (which manifests greed/envy). The logic is sound, if there is no poverty then there is no reason for 90% of "crime". No reason to do all the infinite variety of destructive action humans committ for money/power.

    2. “You can’t understand what’s happening today in the world with the attention economy if you don’t observe what’s happening to your own attention every moment”

    3. At 5:33 Yuval has a very odd description of Liberal. To him it describes everything that isn't monarchy or religion based. Liberal is in fact using corporate power to take the natural resources of a country from it's people and privatize it. Once it's no longer profitable, socialize the losses and repeat.

    4. Another thought: money just represents human labor. So, if there is an abundance of available labor; then, there is an abundance of money to do whatever we like. It will be a very long time into the future before automation will displace all human labor (like forever); so, we just need to balance the profit making segment of the economy with the expense segment (research, education, infrastructure, public service) into order to have full employment.

    5. If life is about material technology then Yuval is on the right track. If life is at its best and at its core our human evolution as biological beings relating more and more closely to the cosmos then let the AI wanna be's do their alienating material things while we everyday humans evolve in a pure, intimate and fulfilling way without a robot being our model of how to live…

    6. Not quite sure if people have a clear picture of IA. In fact, It can simplify many jobs.
      Software development doesn't need high skilled people and it will be simplified by AI.

      Data gathering and analysis is not and won't be limited to any country or company.

    7. This speech is far away from (possible) reality. Plus computer science and human abilities have been understimated.

    8. Technology appears to have been a lure where you learn a little more, have then several new questions, gain a little more power, and destroy alot more…all the horrible miseries and destruction caused by civilization year after year, century after century…our environment developed birds, flowers, and we didn't assume a role of gardeners, but of destroyers, and with our natural abilities physical and mental to manipulate our world around us, this leads downward

    9. The real interview starts at: 45:08
      But he misses to realize what the observer, what the awareness is. Because he is still unconscious, while talking about 'things' and being afraid. In that sense he is wasting a lot of time during meditation. But I'm sure he will get there some day. He might need the time to process all his mind-fullness to reach the point of void and spaciness to recognize consciousness. But he gives the wonderful advice to: "know thyself". And I agree with him on that. That is the start of the journey 🧘‍♂️🙏

    10. Read The Human Condition written by Stuart Landsee shows the struggle with humans is a competitive dominace.. You can dominate by putting down,,, you can dominate by self-improvement or you can dominate by compassion and caring for others. …All humans are in all three aspects at one. Which one will dominate?

    11. Look folks, I am skeptical of the NWO just as much as the next person, especially considering much of it is being built upon manipulation, lies and tyranny. But at the end of the day, it is what it is, and so all we can do is to help steer the ship as much as we can and embrace it to work for all of us. Yuval Noah Harari certainly isn't short of haters and skeptics, I have been very skeptical about him and the people who often surrounds him such as WEF and what not. But the fact of the matter is we are all in this situation together and I don't think he is a bad person. Yes, we all have our concerns, but just pointing fingers and shouting at each other to change isn't going to solve anything, in-fact it only compounds the challenges we all face together even more. Instead of blame, we need to take a long look at ourselves as individuals and as a collective and ask ourselves "what is it that I can do to help improve ourselves, the people around us and the world that surrounds us" Our key focus should shift from blaming the globalist elites for getting us into such mess to finding and discovering our own solutions to the newly emerging challenges for the betterment of ourselves, each other and the planet. The future is uncertain, what direction it goes is up to all of us, yes technology will become a tool that helps shape our future, but fundamentally the future will still be formed by our behavior and our actions. The unknown future of technology is a scary concept for many in our world, mainly due to a series of previous bad experiences which validates and compounds that fear, but the future can be exciting and magnificent at the same time, and so when we learn to embrace it and make it work for us, the fear of the future dilutes itself into pools of potential…

    12. Superb. The idea of stories and random thoughts distracting us resonates. The idea of "know thyself" through meditation, sport or whatever is a powerful tool against manipulation, I wish I were aware of this decades ago before.

    13. There is a caste system now, where, even if a person has the will and ability to contribute toward more advanced developments, they simply will be shut out from that possibility due to not being part of the club due to the caste they were born into.

    14. The story is Jesus. The problem plaguing the human race is Sin. It started in the garden and will continue until Jesus returns. The only hope for eternity is the cross. Jesus paid our debt to make us right with God. He died for our sins. The rest of the world keeps looking for all the other solutions and answers. Jesus IS the answer.

    15. What he’s saying makes a lot of sense… with increased AI more people without realistic employment options and a disillusionment that their world and the future belongs in hands of a shrinking group of elite and that they are irrelevant. He’s warning us that’s how it could go in the hope of avoiding this.. It’s the Pareto distribution that Jordan Peterson describes almost as a natural law, power and wealth ultimately concentrating itself in a smaller and smaller group .

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