“Mad Money” host Jim Cramer on Tuesday urged investors to avoid companies that went public via SPAC and cryptocurrencies, saying the speculative assets will continue to struggle as the Fed tightens.


    1. In crypto, the large institutions that dived in have encouraged naive, ill-informed bedroom-based "investors" to join in…. the same way as happened during "tulipomania", the South Sea Bubble, 1929 – to name a few only.
      Tulipomania crashed catastrophically, and we still don't know how it began or what triggered the crash….. There were scores of tulip bulb "variants", each commanding more stupid valuations than the last…… Sound familiar?

    2. Bitcoin as a real currency is just a foolish daydream. It does not allow for interest rates (lending businesses would die immediately after monetary system adoption). Beyond that also the adoption via market pricing would be massively devastating to the world order as there would only be buyers, selling would only make sense through some kind of arbitrage if by some chance that could still be profitable.

    3. I'm not a Cramer fan but he is spot on regarding crypto. I've never heard a satisfactory explanation for the simple question…what exactly is wrong with money? Disruption is all well and good but in the end is it really necessary?

    4. If Jim Cramer's out, I AM ALL IN! IF it's Jim's mission to make people money, he needs a REASSIGNMENT!

      Oh wait, its his job to make his BOSSES more money, not you and me. 🤣🤡

    5. Jimmy calls his show "Mad Money" because you'd have to be MAD to think this clown would make you any money. His track record says it all, and the fact that he still has a job shows you who he's working for.

    6. Crypto bear markets make the highest returns.. this guy been around at the top…. They wanna trash crypto because they wanna control it… don’t believe main stream media to make you wealthy that never happens..

    7. In the UK if you call your company a "Bank" for example you sell lots of hats and call your company "The Hat Bank" you will hear very soon from Bank of England's legal department telling you to stop. Maybe the Fed should have stopped people calling things "Currencies" unless they actually we're.

    8. I use to respect your thoughts Jim, but if you think Crypto, Bed Bath and Dodge is a waste of time, why do you continue to spend the majority of your time talking about these stocks and crypto projects? It sounds like you are bitter that your bread and butter industry is getting less attention from the younger audiences than the new digital transition. Fair enough if you don't like the Crypto, but do us all a favour and stop talking about it just for views.

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