#Bitcoin #Energy #FIAT #Russia #EUEnergyCrisis #LinkBetween #WEF #GreatReset #PetroDollar
    The opinions expressed in the video are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry.

    Everything in our lives is made up of energy — including our thoughts, words, and emotions. Money is an expression of energy

    0:00 The Story
    2:20 Gazprom Turning the Screws on EU
    3:10 German power ATH €1,000 per MWh
    3:29 EU Steel Mills Shutting Down due to Energy Crisis
    3:48 Hidden Costs of Petrodollar
    4:23 “FIAT Subsidizes Dysfunctional Energy” @Saifedean Saifedean Ammous
    4:50 Kinetic World
    5:05 Spot the Connection – China, Taiwan & USA
    5:27 Another Connection – Semiconductors and Bitcoin
    5:55 Committing to Growth
    6:20 Enter Putin – enter Pelosi,
    6:40 Remember a Weak China is more Warlike
    7:25 Putin Points Out IOU’s are Worthless like FIAT
    8:33 Dirty Energy is still Big Money
    8:40 Energy Crisis? Not for Big Energy
    9:08 Gazprom Earnings Exploding
    9:20 Putin Knife in EU Back
    10:30 Speaking of Knives & Russian Energy
    11:08 “Forget War Games – This is Energy Games”
    11:40 Selective Sanctions
    12:02 Where Energy is and Energy is Used
    12:36 New Routes Will be Required
    13:00 US Oil Supplies
    13:40 Every Oil company will become a bitcoin miner
    14:17 Bitcoin Mining Consumes Energy Creation Waste
    14:44 Energy Inflation and Life Boats?
    15:57 Conclusion
    16:10 Energy and money are interlinked
    17:06 CBDC’s are FIAT on Steroids
    17:30 Remember This Guy?
    18:26 FINALLY Showing the link between Energy, Power, FIAT and Digital Energy – WEF Great Reset


    1. As usual a brillant video that provides so much value to the whole community. You are so appreciated James.

      Question: many people including me think we're still early. What do you think, where are we in Bitcoins adoption curve and when will it accelerate? Would be great if you could adress that in one of your Q&A videos

    2. James I think you give Putin too much credit. He’s not as smart as you think. Hes underestimated his military capabilities and the moral to fight.

    3. There will be strong civil disobedience where the public simply do not pay their energy bills, as it will be impossible to prosecute millions of people, a fight is coming. In the UK there's already a strong movement forming to do just that

    4. You should note that the EU is not paying their bills for that gas to Putin. He has been warning them to pay up to continue the flow but they refuse. He is not going to give it to them for free. Look the powerful in the US, the Clintons had over 40 people close to them "die mysteriously". They are all the same as Putin he is no worse or better then any others.

    5. The EU is talking of banning Russian tourists, yet still does business with Russian government for gas… They should not be punishing the people, they did nothing wrong. I thought the enemy was supposed to be the government.

    6. Why are we not buying shares in Exxon Mobil given their profits in the last year. The grown is incredible which doesn't seem to be reflected in the share price that much.

    7. I'd like to know more about the energey execs in Russia dying, that made my jaw drop… What is actually going on? Are they not doing what Putin wants, is there a revolt underway? Wouldn't be surprising but super interesting!!

    8. Tim Draper $250,000 Bitcoin by end of 2022 or the first quarter of 2023. I would like to believe he's right although I don't see how it's going to happen

    9. Maybe the US should start tapping into its vast amounts of natural resources… tons of oil and natural gas just waiting to be given the greenlight for drilling. Sell to Europe/non BRICS countries for a lower price.

    10. The USA, UK and all of the European Union put crushing sanctions on Russian oil and gas. The energy sanctions are destroying Europe ( self inflicted) and the UK, Ireland and eventually will work its way to the USA

    11. Well a bit depressing to understand all the manipulation going on in this crazy world.
      🙏 for explaining these complexities deftly. Happy Sunday au Prof and we are so lucky to have you.

    12. Putin is not doing anything new. US and Europe have been using financial wars (sanction) on hundreds of countries to bring them to their knees and they starved millions of people across the world. Why are they crying foul about Putin using his oil/gas as financial leverage now when they've been doing it for decades? Hypocrites.

    13. THE GOSPEL

      Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also

      ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

      – 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4 KJV

      Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. – John 15:13 KJV


      For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

      – John 3:16 KJV

      For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. John 3:17

      Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

      – John 14:6 KJV

      Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12

      For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. Romans 5:10

      But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. – Isaiah 53:5

      For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

    14. I work at a smelter and mentioned the idea every time we cut a cell out of circut. we could start btc mining whilst that cell is being reconditioned. thus utlizing the power that doesnt get used. Manager didnt even know what btc was😂, This is 5 min after we got a Rio Tinto spiel on being at the cutting edge of technology. 🤦🏽‍♂️😂

    15. Who ever Satoshi was understood human psychology vary well how the system of bitcoin was designed was ingenious through POW it use’s humanity’s own greed for profit to develop a energy network ware economic wealth can be stored and transferred through space and time for all of humanity

      One day all energy will be priced in bitcoin it will propel humidity to a type one civilisation and beyond

    16. James: Have you read any Chris Hedges or Howard Zinn or William Blum? The US has overthrown or meddled in 60 plus country's governments since WW2. The US is the greatest purveyor of violence today. It is looking for full spectrum dominance at the cost of WW3/ nuclear.

    17. Due to voices such as James’ we have been forewarned about 2 game changing events that are soon to take place:
      -Russia, along with 23 other countries, comprising some 60% of the world’s GDP are set to reject the Petro Dollar and form their own currency and reserve asset. This marks the beginning of the end of the dollar as a reserve asset.
      -the US is set to begin the introduction of a USDC this December. If this is implemented, the government will have total control of every transaction and be able to freeze anyone out at any time, limit their spending, monitor their spending choices and even set expiration dates (as China has already done with its digital currency)
      The only safe haven appears to be be Bitcoin, privately held in cold storage.

    18. James, I agree with much of what you said, but I don't think you realize MOST world is still YEARS away from mass adoption. We are involved with Bitcoin DAILY. Most people on this earth are NOT. Good presentation 👏

    19. If the money supply is abundant, everything else becomes scarce. If the money is scarce, everything else becomes abundant. This is why we should focus on Bitcoin and put an end to monies that are abundant: fiat and Altcoins.

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