1. Oh yeah Paul, that's just wonderful for crypto.
      To have banks take over crypto exchanges so they can also control and freeze your crypto assets as well as your fiat currency deposits. Thats just swell!!
      Excellent! Great reporting!

    2. "They're coming after the big boys"? Ha, they are the big boys, Paul. Haha

      You are right though, this will help with mass adoption. The die crypto fans are against the traditional banks…but there are a lotttttt of traditional investors who are interested in crypto who would rather stick with the traditional banks. They don't want to have to deal with hot and cold wallets. Everyone looking to invest in crypto aren't anti-centralization/traditional bank.

    3. Now this is gonna take market manipulation to the next level. If Satoshi is alive, he has most likely gone insane over the past few years seeing this, and if not, then he's spinning in his grave.

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