German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is in the Gulf, hoping to secure new partnerships with oil and gas-rich nations.
    He met leaders of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar hoping to agree on how to meet nations’ energy needs since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
    Since the war, EU countries have had to cut back on energy and look for supplies elsewhere.

    So how is gas shaping the politics of the region as the war in Ukraine goes on?

    Presenter: Hazem Sika

    Ulrich Brueckner, Professor of Political Science at Stanford University in Berlin.

    Mahjoob Zweiri, Director of Gulf Studies Center at Qatar University.

    Andreas Goldthau, Professor at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy.

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    #Germany #OlafScholz #EuropeEnergyCrisis #Qatar #SaudiArabia


    1. Yes, why puppet Shoz of Germany did not beg and ask a share of the Iraquiz oil, robbed and on going smuggled by his master USpublicServants-Racist-Hypocrite-European-Mafia-Politicians,,,to solve his Germany energy crisis?
      TruthSetsUsFreeAlways… GodBlessUsMoreInTruthForever πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ•™πŸ•™πŸ•™πŸ¬πŸ¬πŸ¬β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

    2. πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί why you fight Russia again punishment🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    3. I'd give them nothing. Simply because of the escalation for war with the USA and NATO. All those could have been avoided. With the leak of the Rand corp documents it goes without saying the USA had this planned for years.
      Ukraine will no longer exist as a country & this is the biggest tragedy of the whole situation.

    4. Thank you! This was a very interesting segment on the changing energy market. We all hope for a peaceful solution with Russia!
      All sides need to make an effort to stop the war in Ukraine!

    5. Olaf visit is more US geopolitics than anything else, to try to pull MBS away from Putin. It will not save Germany from their winter demise, there is no infrastructure from Gulf like the Nordstream you can just switch on, it will take years to build the infrastructure from Gulf to Europe. And the Gulf states already stated they have no surplus capacity, they cannot simply increase production, more so at the levels sufficient to replace Russia supplies. Saudi is also aware EU is going Green and will need less oil, so he is not going to fall for Olaf or western tricks, MBS knows western leaders speaks with forked tongues. It is in Saudi interest to limit production, keep prices high and make as much money as possible. Make hay while the sun shines and EU is currently shining very bright.

    6. US and NATO "human rights" are……

      1) supply weapons and money to Ukrainians to prolong their proxy war with Russia until the last Ukrainian

      2) US conduct 2000-3000 drone strikes per all over the world, state sponsored executions from the sky without trial. People blown up from balconies, at weddings, driving.

      3) UN wanted to investigate US Iraq war crimes, US sanctioned the UN investigator, she could not travel πŸ™‚ US told UN, UN has no jurisdiction over US soldiers and US citizens, they have immunity from UN investigations. UN dropped investigation. US leaders can lie about Iraq WMD in UN to world leaders, without consequences. UN cannot take action against US leaders lying about Iraq WMD, resulting in a million dead and 38 million refugees in US middle east wars.

    7. How about picking up biden and throwing him in a room with Putin keeping the door closed until they resolve Ukraine issue.
      Winter coming people will literally freeze to death as prices are already killing people.

    8. The person who is representing Arab views very misinformed and self centered inmho.. German examples about hosting Olympics or France’s examples for Eiffel tower building are totally preposterous.. it happened a century ago do does it mean we should redo things because they once were okay in the passed.

    9. Gulf and most of the fossil fuels exporter countries need to focus on the facts that the Chinese and the Russians are going to be irrelevant very shortly.
      USA EU ( NATO ) are all that matters.
      Game over.
      No more playing all of the parties.

    10. Well said Maahjoob, this people are trickery changing goalpost and kicking cans. The very definition of dishonesty, immorality and lack of spirituality.
      Heck with it

    11. It is interesting how little Middle East journalists care about human rights for its own sake! Telling us the "West" has double standards is meaningless, as we know that already. Besides, it is ironic, as there are millions of refugees from the Middle East in Europe… now the EU is attempting to defend Ukraine, and the journalist misses that goal and millions of Ukrainians. If the idea is to say that the EU should care more about human rights, of say, the Palestinians, then DO make that statement, as it is TRUE and accurate. But to be upset with the Germans for standing up to Putin despite losing oil and gas is absurd. Time to support Germany, instead of attacking them… time to realize that the Middle East is also full of hypocrites.

    12. Yeah, at latest time German government looks for alternatives! Great Job! All energy rich countries have still partnered with new worldwide alliances , now comes germany all behind around the corner πŸ‘because of complete deny since now, that germany ist in real big big trouble

    13. This "Green" Illusion in Germany will Not Work. We are 20 years behind….now we See that many other countries beside Europe had a much better roadmap with mixed Energy strategies

    14. Neu Energie market is Garante supply gas uns oil ???? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      I think Middle East and Russian have good relations πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      What you think about very series issue
      What doing politation

    15. The guy from Doha was absolutely correct. The so- called DEFENDERS AND PREACHERS of HUMAN RIGHTS, are and have been the main ABUSERS of human rights. They complain about human rights abuses in the Gulf but they were/ are the same people who denied OTHER COUNTRIES OF BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS. Now we are being PREACHED ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS.

    16. When it comes to goods and well being of European specially WESTERN EUROPE (GREAT BRITAIN , GERMANY, FRANCE ITALY)humans right, terrorism , dictatorships and so on will be ignored

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