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    European and Nato officials said they believe “sabotage” may be behind as many as four leaks in two major pipelines that carry gas from Russia to Europe. Gas has been leaking into the Baltic Sea from the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 lines. Two underwater blasts were detected on September 26, 2022, in the vicinity of the leaks, according to seismologists in Denmark and Sweden. Danish Defence Minister Morten Bodskov said it could take one or two weeks before inspections of the sites could take place.

    Related story:
    EU suspects sabotage likely in leaking Russian gas pipelines

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    1. The fact that there is no full out cry from western media condemning Russia. ( I know there are a few but mild). We all know that it has to be done by USA. It is also not the first time for USA either. They did it during Ronald Reagan time.

    2. The entire story sounds idiotic and stinks to high heavens of "Iraqi weapons of mass destruction".

      I wonder how much time will the western media take this time around to follow the trail of french fries and hamburger wrappings across the Atlantic and locate the actual saboteurs.
      A mistery indeed.

    3. Für die USA war das starke Deutschland wie ein Knochen im Hals, gestern wurde der Traum der USA wahr, Deutschland schwach zu sein. Innerhalb von zwei Jahren wird es keine Unternehmen mehr in Deutschland geben, alle werden in die USA oder in andere Länder mit billigen Energieressourcen ziehen. Das arme Volk in Deutschland, die USA sind in Armut getrieben. Polen wird nach der Explosion der Gasleitungen der wichtigste Gasknotenpunkt sein. Wer profitiert davon? 1 USA – Lieferung von "billigem" Schiefergas. 2 Polen ist der wichtigste Gas-Hub der EU. 3 Norwegen ist einer der Hauptlieferanten von Gas durch das Rohr und dann durch Polen. 4 Großbritannien ist ein Nordsee-LNG-Lieferant. 5 Die Ukraine ist ein Traum, es gibt keine technische Möglichkeit. Alle Vorwürfe gegen Russland werden aus dem Finger gesaugt. Machen Sie vier Lesezeichen für Hunderte von kg Ladungen, unter der Nase des NATO-Geheimdienstes, wo sind Tausende von Tracking-Sensoren?…… Wenn die Deutschen ihre Wirtschaft wieder aufbauen wollen, muss man Merkel einladen.

    4. 1 Russia still benefit from the pipe
      2 they build it (with others) to benefit their economy
      3 They could just close it
      4 Too expensive to repair
      5 Russia would loose one more asset that europe depend on.
      6 Use gas as a tool to press Europe to ease sanctions when needed.
      7 Over 70% of the pipeline is on Nato territory
      From millions reason for Russia to not even think about such a childish behaviour, I can't find even one for Russia to blow up the pipeline.
      You have to be a special intelectual human to believe such a foolish idea.

    5. To all those claiming that America sabotaged the Nord pipeline, first of all, the USS Kearsarge was only in the area on September 21 and never after that.
      Second of all, what does the US possibly have to gain from sabotaging the main gas pipeline for several of it’s allies? No seriously, can someone name even one thing that America can benefit from by intentionally sabotaging it’s allies???

    6. lol cant wait for them to blame russia when they have literally nothing to gain from this, the usa has a lot to gain in the meanwhile forcing eu to buy from them

    7. Europe knows Russia didn't do it, or they would have used strong language. They know who did it but do not have the guts to say it.

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