Michael Saylor is the founder and executive chairman of MicroStrategy and a bitcoin adopter.

    MicroStrategy was one of the first public companies to buy bitcoin and as of October 2022, owns approximately 130,000 bitcoins and is the worlds largest individual Bitcoin holder.

    In addressing the Atlas society Saylor gives one of the best speeches ever on the topic of bitcoin in my opinion. If you have any reservation about bitcoin being humanities best chance of freedom then this is a must watch.

    The fact that it makes you filthy rich by being the best investment of the last decade is just a secondary benefit. Enjoy.

    Special Thanks to:

    0:00 Introduction to Michael Saylor
    1:00 Michael Saylor compares PoW & PoS
    5:00 The Importance on Energy in Bitcoin


    🎥 We own commercial licenses for all the content used in this video except parts about the topic that have been used under fair use and it was fully edited by us. For any concerns, business inquiries, etc. please contact us via email in the “About” section of the channel.


    1. POW ensures the security of a cryptocurrency, however that does not ensure value.
      When I sell my car, it is unreasonable to ask the buyer to pay for my whimsical expenses which add no value, eg I cannot reasonably expect the buyer to pay for all my painting expenses for painting the car every single day

    2. It would be interesting to hear sailor's thoughts on Carano's POS system. Glad Max didn't interrupt the flow of the video with an annoying commercial for tomorrow's video right in the middle of it. 👍

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