I recently got accused of scamming. This is my response.

    The Information discussed and shared on Logan Paul Vlogs and related content is provided for educational, informational, and entertainment purposes only, without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including warranties of accuracy, completeness, or success for any particular purpose, and is an opinion only.

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    RISK STATEMENT– The trading of Bitcoins, alternative cryptocurrencies, NFTs, etc. has potential rewards, and it also has potential risks involved. Trading may not be suitable for all people. Anyone wishing to invest should seek his or her own independent financial or professional advice. Individuals involved may have financial interests in what is being discussed, which in no way should be considered an advertisement.

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    I’m a 27 year old living in Puerto Rico. This is my life.


    1. logan, i didn't like you since u first started. just a reckless stupid m*r*n. after years u keep proving me right. sorry for everyone who lost in this and for all who still follow a m*r*n like u

    2. There are more views on penguinz0 video responding to your response than there is of you responding to coffeezillas videos.
      This is a clear example of who people trust, remember this!

    3. How much money is enough Logan your just like every other rich person enough is never enough even if you gotta trample people's lives for your money it's never enough

    4. Apologies and accountability just aren't your thing, are they? Well, I mean decision making isn't your strong point, either,huh?
      I suppose the old adage is true – when someone shows you who they are, believe them.
      Duly noted.

    5. You didn’t communicate egregious fundamental issues caused by literally every level of the team you put together while continuing to collect money

    6. I 6:39 I like when he says I won’t come to your podcast bc ur slime but come to my podcast where me and my friend will talk alot of non sense until the episode ends 😊

    7. Doing a friboulous lawsuits just beause you want someone silenced will cost you not him. Your lawyers are taking you for a money ride

    8. All this says is, “Yeah I hired criminals but you forgot to say one of their names. I’m angry” I really hope it does go to court. Discovery on this case would be glorious. Please stop giving this con artist your time & money.

    9. I’m genuinely impressed by the amount of logical fallacies you can cram into one video. Not a single real statement addressing any of the points made against you. Only ad hominem attacks against peoples character in an attempt to shift people attention away from the actual claims made against you.

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