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    00:00 – New World Nonsense
    00:46 – Lockdowns return to Europe
    01:50 – Is this just the beginning?
    03:50 – Suez Canal NEVER BLOCKED BEFORE
    04:40 – Shootings?
    05:07 – They aren’t so subtle about their intentions
    05:46 – Numeric coding
    07:26 – Thank you for joining me


    1. Frankie, vaccine passports are coming, I told you this a while ago and you said they can't do that, now it's close. These people are walking time bombs and once the next Gates funded bioweapon is released in the fall supposedly, they will all explode and take others with them who haven't even taken the shot

    2. People are like " I got the vaccine and couldn't get out of bed for 5 days, still have a killer headache, constantly tired and now I have a rash all over my body, but still happy to get vaccinated and am safe now!" Fucking idiots

    3. Anyone can look at natural world death rates
      Example In 2018, there were about 7.53 deaths per 1,000 inhabitants worldwide.
      In 2020, the table shows the global death rate to be at 7.612 per 1,000
      World Death Rates are the same regardless of cov they just show the natural death rates and relate them to cov to implant fear and control.

    4. People in Oregon, Ohio and now Washington state are being monitored for ebola. That will probably be the next thing to scare the crap out everyone to give up the rest of our lives and liberty.

    5. I can't stand it anymore we all complain,we know so much,yet nothing ever changes no one wants to really step up,we just keep allowing new Things to be pushed,I wish people knew it in the bottom of their heart that we have the power. The only way to make it through this shit is to think this is all apart of the plan,and God will come back. Other then that I've come to a point where drugs actually keep me sane,I didn't smoke today and I feel the empending doom and the tension all around us and it's hard for me to not just be pissed!

    6. There always has to be a crisis. How many ships pass through the Suez Canal and yet THIS happened during the plandemic? Yeah okay.

      Did the Suez canal thing come out after the fake asian hate campaign? I can't remember but I know no one around me bought the asian hate thing.

    7. Glad to see at least some people have woken to the tyrannical government and deep state.
      I called this fake from day one. Not many else did. Took awhile for people to wake up. Sadly the majority of sheeple are still believing all the lies.
      Take care Frankie

    8. Someone tell Frank you never sell bitcoin lol you hold that shit like your life depends on it. The demonic Fed keeps printing USD, the higher Bitcoin will go, it really is that simple.

    9. Trump won. If his election wasn't stolen, none of this would be happening. Don't be soft on nor trust Biden voters in your life. They knew what they were voting for, the Leftist policies that ruin every nation. Don't excuse these voters by saying, "They were being lied to.". B.S.!

    10. Greetings from Germany. Here is no "third wave", nothing. The newspapers try hard to keep up the panic. They have to invent new stories every week.

    11. I have no idea what will work against them, what is even worth trying to do and doable ?
      The thing I know is that we should try to be happy as much as possible and seeing most things as they are : a huge joke. Also "what goes around comes around", trust the universe ?

    12. They start restricting stressed out Americans access to food and it will make the BLM riots will look like a bunch of Kindergarten students on a field trip.. Full tummies is the opiate of many people right now,. One of the few pleasures available in Lockdown USSA

    13. Everyone around me admits they wear the mask to not catch grief from others. I've tried to explain how this exacerbates the problem but I must not be a good communicator because it seems to make zero difference. Thanks for the video Frankieboooooooy. Spot on, again.

    14. You're right about people living in their own little bubbles. But really when it comes down to it people know WTF is going on around them they just pretend it doesn't affect them. That some how they are immune to what's going on. And you know what, it pisses me off! fucking cowards every last one of them. When shit really starts hitting the fan, and everyone start crying about the rights being taken away. We fucking deserve whatever coming to us at that point. Lets all ride that globalist wave.

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