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    1. This is the reason I don't invest in cryptocurrency. It's in my opinion a scam and doesn't really have value. If I wanted to invest in anything I'd invest in previous metals as I know they will always have value

    2. Guys ITS NOT HIS FAULT…….all he did was hire criminals who had history of scamming people via fraudulent claims instead of hiring a legit software company that would have cost abt the same

    3. Anyone who thinks financial advice given to the masses is real is a dummy. Real financial advice goes on behind closed doors between friends and is typically illegal.

    4. love to see kids jumping from ponzi scheme to ponzi scheme … "dude check out crypto we're gonna be rich" " dude check out nfts we're gonna be rich" "dude…."

    5. @CircleToonsHD
      Is good to let people know that Scams r bad, but is not up to us to Judge Logan,
      Is up to Jesus & u need to seek him too

      Let him into ur life : )
      & pls dont use God's or Jesus name in vain, I understand is part of our Vocabulary culture, but is better to say OH Shit than it is to say OH God.

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