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    ⚠️⚠️⚠️#nordstream #nordstream2 #biden ⚠️⚠️⚠️

    The CIA potentially bombed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

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    1. Where was the explosion? What does it take to execute this? Who gains the most from this? There is really only one country that has both the motivation and capability to do this.

    2. I don't know anyone in Germany who believes that the Russians blew up the pipeline themselves. After this very detailed report by Mr Hersh, we finally have the facts on the table. If our government has tolerated that, there will be big problems here with the citizens.

    3. Lol kevin. Why would u even put a clip of traitor carlson on your channel. He stands for like everything you oppose. Not to mention his show is like 80% pure propaganda. I know your just commenting on one thing he talked about but in the process you have reinforced in peoples minds that he is an actual source of reliable news rather than the bold faced liar that he actually is.

    4. Biden and his cheerleaders definitely blew up that pipeline , anyone with a functioning brain can work that out 🤣
      Also, the US took a big L with this balloon thing 🤣

    5. Tucker is about as reliable as Putin. Have Matt Taibbi and Elon published the new information released of how the Republican presidency had a hotline to Twitter to remove uncomfortable news yet btw? Oh, I'm sure they'll get right to it any moment now.

    6. This is all still just speculation. There is only 1 unnamed source, 1. There is no corroboration of this 1 unnamed source's information. Who gains the most by blaming the United States for the attack? who would benefit by increasing tensions between the United States and Russia. Think carefully before stating dubious information as fact.

    7. This is great. Now all of the worlds infrastructure will be planted with explosives for the future. You know those high speed internet communications cables on the ocean floor? Can you imagining if someone floated a balloon so high with an EMP on it? It might take out the grid.

    8. Kevin why are you repeating this nonsense from a man who denies Assad's use of chemical weapons, doubts 9/11 and whose mentor, I.F.Stone, was a proved Soviet NKVD agent!?

    9. If anyone thinks bidens and whoever has their hand up his ass push climate change because they actually care about the climate, i have a bridge to sell ya

    10. It's actually very easy to see. When the main stream media mentions 'news' but they don't go too far into it and not that long, then you already know. It is that easy to see.
      And these are the so called 'GREEN DEAL' people. Now you can see how much they care…

    11. Our federal government is controlled by huge private interests and the military industrial complex and if we don’t regain control soon it may be too late. Congress term limits and campaign contribution limits are necessary to start a change that’s needed

    12. No hot shower for US in Germany! The US ambassador should be summoned to the German Foreign Ministry. Baerbock announces a robust proportionality response. It is possible that only Rammstein's hot water pipe will be turned off.

    13. If the US publicly said they were going to blow something up, then it blows up, wouldn’t they say they did it if they did? Anything is possible so who really knows, but I do know Tucker Carlson is a clown 🤡

    14. USA FU@KED Europe from behind and USA is the cause for higher inflation in Europe due to cutting their energy supply but guess what? Europe is not going to do anything about this because Europe is enslaved by USA and Europe will be used like a football just like USA used the taliban during the Russian invasion in Afghanistan.

    15. Thank you Kevin for finally covering a story that the Pentagon/intelligence controlled mainstream media has not approved. Take a bow 🙂 Now, maybe you and viewers can broaden your perspective a little by ignoring mainstream media and watching Jimmy Dore, George Galloway/The MOAT, Garland Nixon,Kim Iverson,Scott Ritter, Russell Brand, Alexander Mercouris, Chris Hedges/Real News, The Grayzone, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, The New Atlas, Medhurst, etc..

    16. The CIA completely destroyed their credibility when they intentionally lied about WMD in Iraq. Then they have the gall to accuse Russia of spreading disinformation as a means of covering up the truth about Nordstream 2. These people – from the CIA all the way up to the president (both George W Bush and Joe Biden) are no better than KGB and Putin himself.

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