The Last of Us HBO Episode 8 today spoilers! Beyond The Trailer breakdown reaction review 2023! Easter Eggs! Ending Explained! David & Ellie! Troy Baker as James!

    The Last of Us Episode 8 REVIEW today! Beyond The Trailer host Grace Randolph’s reaction and review of Episode 8 with spoilers! Based on the video game! Pedro Pascal is Joel, Bella Ramsey is Ellie, Scott Shepard is David and Troy Baker is James! Share your own reaction as you watch each full episode of The Last of Us on HBO Max in 2023! And be sure to make Beyond The Trailer your first stop for movie and entertainment news here on YouTube today!

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    Intro – 00:00
    Differs From Game – 00:39
    No Infected – 00:49
    David Motivation – 2:55
    Troy Baker – 3:20
    David Miscast – 5:12
    Human Cordyseps – 6:27
    Warped Father Figure – 8:00
    DARK JOEL – 8:41
    Ellie Evolving – 10:53
    Baby Girl – 11:27
    So When Did You Know – 12:20
    Ellie Experience – 16:11
    Joel Infected – 16:17
    David Reveal – 17:52
    The Cage – 18:37
    Final Standoff – 19:10
    Conclusion – 20:23

    Interact with host & creator Grace Randolph!

    #TheLastOfUs #TheLastOfUsHBO #HBOMax


    1. The commune is democratic, they said its council of leaders is elected. Communism is mostly an economic philosophy, not a political system

    2. I don’t understand the criticism of this episode. It was a masterpiece of acting and story. Infected should be used sparsely or they will transform true art into something else.

    3. Game does everything better imo. The show is great tho. It’s just the delivery of the lines that feel off. The way Troy and Ashley delivered their lines was incredible

    4. Once again Grace getting it completely inverted. The reason this adaptation is doing so well is BECAUSE they not relying on infected and cgi battles all over. The very thing other franchises rely on which is action. So why on earth would HBO execs ask him to change the formula. I'm very surprised by this take of yours Grace.

    5. In a regressed society what is law and order or religion and cult? This episode demonstrates our innate ability to survive regardless of the personal costs.

    6. [Randy here] This was a great episode. For me, the best part of it was David. In my opinion, books, movies, and shows like this are only as good as the main villain. The actor did an amazing job making David creepy and dangerous.

      I enjoy your writer insights in the review.

    7. I'm surprised, Grace that while you were talking about that cool shot of Joel walking in the snow, you didn't mention that he actually took Ellie's backpack with him. It was such a nice touch of detail there. And also, the gun he was holding is the same gun that Ellie shot Bryan with.

    8. Thank you for the review, Grace. Episode 8 was very intense. I do, however, believe that you have a tendency to overthink matters… I thought David was cast perfectly as the leader of a religious cult, understated calmness that was a prelude of how evil he really was. I can't wait for the finale.

    9. I love the show. If 5he infected were in every episode, it would seem gimmicky. That is what happened to Walking Dead. The infected loose their intrigue and scariest. It got repetitive and lost creativity. I like the human drahma.

    10. I think this show is great. If you look at religious leaders or cult leaders there’s not really much of a difference tbh. They do often look creepy and have little to no personality.

    11. I think we did need more clickers final episode at least. The clickers are a common enemy, even for characters against one another. You need a reminder for why the cure is so important! And what happened to the tendrils being connected? Episode 2 and then forgotten…

    12. The game blended the line between human horror and zombie horror but this show doesn’t have enough infected

    13. It was quite funny how Troy Baker was so quiet in this episode, I feel like they realized that his voice is too iconic, even when he isn't doing Joel's accent.

    14. Grace still harping about communism when they explicity said that Jackson was democratic and that they had a council. Communism is just a word, it's not scary!

    15. I love the show this way. I was worried the guy was a pedophile rapist and I was right. Im so glad she was the one to kill him instead of being rescued in the building. It's better with less infected. If they are in every episode they will look less scary to us. Sprinkling them sparingly give them more impact

    16. You definitely know David wants Ellie in the game. They did a great job compressing that arc for a tv episode. It was also great seeing Troy playing a part.

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