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    The destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines can never be an individual act, and there is already ample evidence that the United States is behind this attack, making it an act of state terrorism, said German parliamentarian Steffen Kotre. In an exclusive interview with China Media Group (CMG), Kotre, a member of the German Bundestag, said the U.S. has the incentive to attack the pipelines because they link Russia’s cheap energy with Germany’s advanced technology.

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    1. Thats why I want Russia and friends to think Israeli backed Chabad – connect the dots to Trump and his love of Israel and his very specific anti-German rhetoric caught on tape a few years ago about "suppressing Germany".

    2. The US 🇺🇲 Biden White House are terrorist, and should be held accountable for the sabotage of Nord Stream pipeline. An administration that is completely out of control – with no respect for other Countries in the World 🌎

    3. Спасибо🤗🇨🇳
      poor russian soldiers! they must fight against 👿٩(๑•̀o•́๑)و peace 🕊️🌸🌸🌸

    4. Time to wake up Germans, this is not 1940. China and Russia is not your enemy, China have never done you wrong, make peace with Russian. Most countries in Europe listening to Germany, dont turn yourself to a vassal state for the U.S, be a sovereign state again

    5. Thank you, CGTN, for posting this video. It's refreshing to know that among hundreds of German U.S. puppet politicians there are some who will express the truth; that the U.S. is a terrorist state.
      Enough to use the the problem-solving principle called "Occam's razor".
      – Which country would benefit the most with the pipelines destruction?–> The U.S.
      – Which country has the technical capability do perform such complex act? –> The U.S.
      – Which country has a proven history of terrorist acts like it?–> The U.S.
      – Why did Henry Kissinger said: "To be against the U.S. is dangerous, to be its friend is fatal?
      – Which country's president said clearly that the U.S. would destroy the pipelines if Russia would militarily enter Ukraine?– Joe Biden, president of the U.S. said it.

    6. The U.S. uses MONEY and other means to influence the Western media stand politicians to always keep a narrative that protects the U.S. interests.
      German politicians (with the honorable exception of Stephen Kotre, Sahra Wagenknecht and few others) are consistently taking the side of the U.S.

      The German media is silent about the irrefutable news brought to the public by Seymour Hersh, a respected, iconic investigative journalist and writer with a long history in his field.

      Deutsche Welle is a German public, state-owned international broadcaster. When we look at DW's videos here on YT, if the news are about Russia or China, it seems they are funded by the U.S. to demonize both countries.

    7. Thank you for this international post. This terror act and the Hush-hush-silencing tactics of most of the media are a shame.
      Steffen Kotré /AfD – Party brings the facts onto the point.

    8. imagine you have no facts and use a german politician that nobody knows and who ist part of russian propaganda, as it seems, to underline an anti america politic eventhough there are hints against every one and not just the us

    9. Hey Germany yous can always apply to join the BRICS , The world is waking up to what the US does and realises the world would be a better place without them.

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