1. Psychopaths (deviants without conscience) cause holomodor since time in memorial (for nacissistic "profit"). No care, no responsibility.
      They are also deep in central banking and governments everywhere.
      The Cluster B Blind masses do not see this type of deeply/core disordered glib pure evil THINGS at all….through their camouflage: their 'mask of sanity'. Also they do not listen to warnings coming from the few (tongue tied) super empaths.
      So that gives pure evil the opportunity to thrive. The result will be disgusting and utterly MAD horrific, like complete cities boiled to human soup or glue.

    2. Greg you seem to be losing it. Fiat is not the problem. WHO prints the money and how is the problem. So, keep avoiding it so you can stay on YouTube and not offend the Tribe.

    3. Hello Gregory. I recall you mentioning that you don't own weapon manufacturer stocks for certain personal reasons that do not align with your moral compass. I applaud you for taking that stance, and doing it publicly as well. I am just wondering a bit about the bank stocks you have also told us about Greg, that you own, and a lot of it too – have you over the years also made windfall profits, flowing from those juicy dividends of those banking stocks, just like the banks have done, in their reports recently? When people get blown to bits because of manufactured weapons, it's awful, but I want to remind you my friend, that it is similarly awful when people get financially blown to bits, because of the windfall extraction of banks and their bank share holders.

    4. I was born during the great depression, I remember mother making us onion sandwiches for school. It isn't a pretty memorie. Now at the end of life l am seeing it repeated! Who got the gold when FDR had it confiscated? The Banks!

    5. Greg asks the correct rhetorical question – who runs the central banks. But it is a question than cannot be answered without being banned.

    6. Great report on what’s going on here..Hey Mannarino did you see Gary Gensler testify?? Talk about a freak show he couldn’t answer simple questions about Etherium and cryptos..Can you report on this !!

    7. Hello Greg the question today Greg is how much longer can the central planners keep this financial ponzi scheme going before it completely falls apart ,or will it be outright war then they can point the blame at another entity ,meanwhile tensions are building up in the east and weapons of mass destruction are getting put into positions ,so the markets continue on a unrealistic path detached from the reality as central planners continue to rig all the data ,again Greg we watch your videos every day and you have kept us all informed and thanks for all the time you take to talk to us all here in the UK ,yes the bit today about a surprise rise in inflation in the UK was no surprise to any one who follows you or Gerald as we could see this coming way ahead .

    8. Greg, in my opinion, at the end of 2018 Gold started to rise in reaction to the then President who called out the FED by 'Boneheads, stop raising rates'. And yes the FED, independent as the were supposed to be, started to lower rates again. Simultaneously the then president called for the end of pegging the dollar to world currencies to maintain the status of reserve currency of the world. It is with these things that inflationary trouble started at the root of what we experience now. I understand that most people only look at things on a day-by-day basis, however some historic, even geo-political, perspective may help? Being disgusted today is the harvest of what was sown in December 2018.

    9. 🤣😂😅Bond yields JUMP.. Dancing and jumping,.. excitedly Jumping…. in extaz they jump.. so much excitement displayed by the yields of these bonds…even defying gravity in all this excitement…😅😆🤣😂🤣😂😅🤣😂

    10. I look at people around me in London and I do not see anyone complaining about food prices. Unfortunately, they fail to see that it will become far worst. A week ago, there were no eggs in my local Costco. The s**t is hitting the fan.

    11. Weather has also been weaponized. The Bible talks about the children of darkness, they are beyond evil and they can’t wait until their ‘beast’ is released from the bottomless pit. Then things will get really crazy & ugly here after he is released. But if you Know Jesus you know His peace. He will save His followers from what is coming and He is the only Saviour Who gave His life to forgive our sin! Just repent, believe and receive ! ♥

    12. Do you have any comments on the Brics nations getting together to stop using the Dollar?
      Would love to hear your voice on this

    13. Yes it makes me sick as well
      I pray from the time I wake to the time I go to sleep that the Sheeppelle will waken up
      I try to explain what is going on but the Blank looks and the Words of you are F#cking crazy, you are a idiot is Deafening
      CBDC's will be excepted by the Sheeppelle and that will be the End of Every Freedom 😔😔😔

    14. The inflation is 'transitory', like boys are 'transitioning' to become trannies. It is just that sick and ridiculous, and sad to witness. This is an illness in the markets, like the illness in the minds of many people.

    15. Awesome video! I was blown away by the recent economic data! There seems to be uncertainty over inflation and the U.S. stock market is at a crucial crossroads. Despite growing concerns among investors, the economy shows signs of resilience which could help Bitcoin remain stable. Interestingly, the crypto market, which is usually correlated with the U.S. stock market, has been moving in the opposite direction. BTC and the Nasdaq are currently bouncing back. However, with the sentiment changing fast now is the perfect time to get into the crypto market. excellent trading strategy has helped me amass 32 btc in the three weeks that I've been trading. In this field, she is a true visionary.

    16. As a new investor, it's important to remember that investing and trading require more than just technical analysis skills. Discipline and emotional maturity play a significant role in achieving success. It's wise to keep in mind the adage of "time in the market vs. timing the market," as this mentality can help you weather market volatility. With insights of Kerrie Farrell and my commitment to learning and growth, I've been increasing my earnings in just a few months. Keep up the good work!

    17. Well analyzed as always. <I've seen a lot of newbies enquire as to whether or not it is too late to buy assets especially BTC, ETH, SHIBA & XRP…most having the intention to hodl these assets. The truth is that the market remains unpredictable especially in the long-term. I must say tradn offers far more benefits than just holding, I will advice traders esp newbies to have orientation of trading before they get involved in it. .Prices will go up or down, but in order to be able to ride with the wave of the market you have to put your assets into active trades. I have made over 30BTc in 6 weeks from implementing trades with signals and insights from a professional, Kerrie Farrell..

    18. Thanks for the good summary! Now is the perfect time to start buying stocks and crypto( BTC, ETH,) if you are just being introduced.. I really wish I started earlier. I’m learning this doesn’t have to be as complicated as some people make it out to be. Thanks to Kerrie Farrell Program for helping me get into her trading server and investing guidelines. Investing and trading are more than just having TA skills. There is a big component of discipline and emotional maturity, that one has to work on! Time in the market vs. timing the market. If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm! Within some months I was making a lot more money and have continued on that same path with Kerrie.

    19. Just because a stock/crypto is going up doesn’t mean it’s a good investment. just because a stock is going down doesn’t mean it’s a bad investment. theres more to a stock than just its stock price. An entire company more. focus on the company, not just the stock price or the bitcoin price, I trade and hold profits keep up the great work! and also Kerrie Farrell has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio to 11 BTC lately.

    20. First time on your channel, have seen you, on Stansberry before. Like your work.
      And, the biggest issue is, they are able to do it unopposed, because 95%, of the population are deaf, dumb, & blind. Guess that makes me a racist, under Biden's definition.
      Guess who will be the first to complain, once the brown mass hits the air accelerating device (line stolen from Mike Maloney). Won't matter then, as it will be too late.
      Start/keep stacking metals, & crypto.

    21. The biggest financial collapse and biggest transfer of wealth is coming Soon—-stock market to Zero—-NCSWIC—understand Trump’s EOs?

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