I spent $92,000 on 16 Bitcoin miners and they’ve made me about $30,000. Was this a huge mistake or is Bitcoin mining worth it? I break down all my numbers and what I would or would not do again if I got to do it over. ▼▼

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    ➤Best place to buy Bitcoin miners: https://a.ndy.fyi/MuskMiners

    ➤Where I buy my mini miners: https://a.ndy.fyi/ipollo

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    1. Of course it is! Because it will mine another BTC, and another BTC, and another… and then the hardware is paid off and its all profit

    2. Andy: hosting is typically around $0.075 – $0.085 per kWh which is around $180/per month. So for 16 units you should be paying ~$2,880/month, not $1,800/month. Did you just work out a sweat deal or are you paying a portion of the hosting with BTC?

    3. How is the kadena mining going for you nowadays? I remember mining 40 kda per day on 12 th/s 2 years ago, must be tougher now with electricity costs⚡️

    4. Andy, great 👍 content, nice to see you putting out content like this! Miss you brother; also congratulations on your 16 miners I think you are ready for some solo mining hitting just 1 solo block a year would put you ahead, I got just about 2x miners on solo and the rest in pool mining and so far I am ahead 4X I think you can do the same, try it out for 4 months let me know!

    5. At this point, losing money to crypto is a rite-of-passage.

      Happy you moved that Anchor protocol money to Musk Miner BTC miners. Too bad your $48K was lost.

      I noticed your strategy to sell your miners at the next bull run. Smart, considering rising mining difficulty and next halving of mining rewards.

      Then use those sale profits to by the newest, better hash-rate miners.

    6. Hey @andy, have you considered other people such as subscribers getting involve in your btc miners and we pay you a % for service and get some passive returns?

    7. Is the 30K monthly revenue after you deducted the hosting and electricity cost? Makes all the difference. Also, mining difficulty is steadily increasing. I can predict now already that ROI wont be 2 years in total. Even though you seem to be halfway after a year.

    8. The BTC network hashrate has nearly doubled in the last year and is increasing at an exponential pace. The same BTC miners are now mining 45% less BTC than they did 9 months prior.

    9. I spend 46.000,-. US $ (3.2 BTC) for 14 S-9 ALT-miners doing cloud mining, and took me 9 months to mine 1 Bitcoin, being worth 3.450,-. US $ end 2018…Basically turned 3.2 BTC into 1 BTC during the 2018 bear market…..Still got my 1 Bitcoin though…

    10. Have you considered the depreciation rate of antminers escpecially when halving is coming up? Every year your "old" antminers will be absolutely crushed by new and improved antminers

    11. Great content!! Every financial goal requires patience, dedication and consistent spirit knowing that investment is really currently the lucrative in the world, both stock, real estate and crypto shares are really positively changing lives..

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