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    1. No timestamps, we're all over the place this week.

      Bitcoin –> Ethereum –> Alts –> News

      Capo, Twitter trading, directional bias vs "if then", altcoin cycles, memecoins

    2. Guys great stuff. Always keep it real. No moon boy Bull. Also keep it light while our bags go to zero. At lest mine are don sold the top like always. Peace and love keep up the great job.

    3. yeah nah keep stacking with high conviction. Imagine being on the sidelines waiting for lower prices or trying to trade to increases your fiat stack. If bitcoin fails we're all screwed anyway ❤

    4. Wonderful ep!! Such rich content today. You guys are literally the best. My favorite content on the internet tbh.

    5. glad youve got a sponsor now. much deserved. literally some of the best ppl in the space.
      will be a sad day if TR show ever stops. love you guys and the whole vibe of what you do.
      thanks for existing in general 😹💙💜❤

    6. Thanks for sharing usual incredible insight, thx. Re: Capo, trading is contextual. If 🧢-o claims clout at a revisit of the yearly low, it lacks credibility because he ignores the context of a market that bounced 101%.

    7. my week wasn't the same until you were back. fortunately, my SEC protects me very well from even reading the about page of your meme token exchange. lucky me

    8. u guys r absolutely amazing so real and so transparent love it, i agree 100% ppl r fallowing crap influencer's that profit out of others hope to make a lite side income or having a better chance to a better life, selling them the dream as financial freedom etc disgusting to see. appreciated the content u guys put out here, more ppl should fallow your social media and learn top alpha context. thank u

    9. It would be nice if you added the ticker and timeframe watermark on the chart. Makes watching on mobile or a smaller screen much easier.

    10. Investing is easier with proper guidance, especially from a
      professional it really helps reduce the chances of running into
      losses. All thanks to Mrs lucy vendu. He changed my life, I
      was able to pay off my losses from both stock and Crypto

    11. Does Woo x required KYC? Im from Argentina and crypto regulations r being a pain in the ass and binance is getting to close to gov. here i want to get out of it and use my ledger and an decentrelazi exchange

    12. Yeh most of twitter is BS tbh, there’s a few good accounts to follow but so much noise. I’ve recently stopped using it and I haven’t missed it what so ever

    13. This administration is putting so many families into difficult situations A lot of people are financially struggling to live , keep a roof over their heads and put food on the table , Anyone who is not investing now is missing a tremendous opportunity imagine I invested $1000 with a lady you recommended some time ago and got profits of $4,380. Thanks so much Mrs Elizabeth Wesley

    14. As a new investor, it's important to remember that investing and trading require more than just technical analysis skills. Discipline and emotional maturity play a significant role in achieving success. It's wise to keep in mind the adage of "time in the market vs. timing the market," as this mentality can help you weather market volatility. With insights of Aaron Addison and my commitment to learning and growth, I've been increasing my earnings in just a few months. Keep up the good work!

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