Ledger announced the Ledger Recovery program where it will now be possible to extract private keys from the Ledger Nano X. Is Ledger still safe?

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    1. Imagine a safe made of steel plates that are three inches thick, with triple security locks and an alarm system if it's opened. Now imagine the option of being able to transfer the gold, for example, that you keep inside the safe without opening it, using WiFi over the internet. LOL Ledger

    2. I love your optimism, but it is unclear if Ledger has misled or lied to its customers. How do you know that these two things are true? 1) You have to upgrade the Firmware and 2) You have to opt-in as the ONLY way the for there to be access to your private keys? We have to trust them. But what we do know is we thought it would never be possible through Firmware updates to access the private keys in any way, but clearly it was always possible – which they even admitted on a Tweet. That was a lie. Then there was the data breach which led to leaked customer email addresses a couple of years back. This company has a lot of red flags

    3. Not panicking yet. I will, like you, take a wait and see approach. Not sure what I would switch too. Not sure there if a perfect solution, yet.

    4. I just watched some dumbass old man explain this in quadruple the time you did and it was so annoying and his end point was he’s still unsure of whether you should trust ledger or not but just be safe. You’re direct, much more thorough and i thank you.

    5. Sometimes i wonder how people talk about the profits they make trading and mining bitcoin. I have made lots of loses trading bitcoin.please can someone put me through on the right path so i can trade and make profit also?.thanks y'all

    6. Exactly. Having looked extensively at the other wallets out there, none offer 100% storage of the range of tokens I own (Ledger does), so I'd still need at least 2 other devices from different manufacturers if I switched. Also, some of the hardware/airgap card options, while they look slick, are still in their infancy, with small numbers of users (plus with some, you get no seed phrase, so lose the card(s) and you've lost everything. Plus, if they ever went out of business and you're dependent on their app…then what?

      For now, sticking with Ledger…and see what the next 6-12mths brings

    7. I have the same og ledger, looking into an air gapped wallet seems like the safest option

    8. Trezor also can give you a feature of passphrase so is mean you can add and extra word and this will be only choice from you …i basically can give you my 24 words but you still will not able to see my funds without my passphrase

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