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    1. Cryptocurrencies are a hoax – they don't exist.
      Try to buy a pack of gum at a gas station with your Bit Coin – they will call the police on you.

    2. Hmm..biden big , very big, major attack on retirement accounts … major ! biden hates seniors… not his first attack ! Multiple attacks starting when in Congress. SS taxed by biden twice, (his bills).. Keeps attacking seniors ! HUGE new taxes forcasted for senior retirement accounts.
      Killing Seniors ??? Fun for "braindead" ?
      And yet…biden rich in criminal syndicates !! And his family…!

    3. ..hmm …disagree. Don't be surprised if biden outlaws investments … just like China , and others did. Wait 'till CBCD takes full control… then yours will disappear…

    4. Mark I’ve heard a lot of so called Bitcoin experts say it would drop to around 12-15k by end of year and 5-9k early 24. My friend that works for intelligence agency said government is trying to run the big money out and if they weren’t successful they’d make up charges to take them down, then he said after banks and others the government want n they’d raise it so high a normal person wouldn’t b able to afford any! I trade crypto but don’t own any so I’m trying to wait until it bottoms then purchase all I can then hopefully sell half after it reaches 100k and above. I know this is a good idea if it works out like I’m thinking but if not I’ve messed up bad, what’s your thoughts?

    5. My fear, even if it's wrong, is that Bitcoin will slide after the economy does, maybe after the Fed does whatever it does if the the economy slides.

    6. i have to buy a computer or phone then i have to pay monthly payments to keep the internet then i have to pay fees to buy or sell bitcoin then i have to wait for this to reach 100k yup in the red.

    7. with all you've said have you ever thought btc might be Cia-Op to get people to move their $$ as some sort of control mechanism? idk just wondering? I use it to make $$ to turn it then to gold?

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