Krystal and Saagar discuss new reporting that could expose a secret Biden led mission to blow up the Nordstream pipeline.

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    1. Was there a need to blow up Nord Stream in September 2022? After all, it had already been decertified by Germany on February 22, 2022?
      >Also, search:
      ‘what ever happened to Seymour Hersh’
      >Watch previous Hersh interviews, including:
      “The World According To Seymour Hersh
      Part 2 (at point 23:23) [note that this interview was sponsored by ‘teleSUR’]
      >Question: Why did Hersh time his release to coincide with Biden’s State of the Union Address?

    2. Can someone tell me how breaking points is different from mainstream media? They present the same narrative 90% of the time from inflation to events in Ukraine it's pretty much the same thing CNN does. They just say they're independent at the beginning of the videos.

    3. Seymour Hersh is just a Russian bot mega maga fascist right wing Christian nationalist whites supremacist talking point conspiracy Qanon transphobe antivaxxer.

    4. Yeah that is and has been a motive of the US but its also the same motive for the majority of Europe other then Germany n a few others. Americans i think forget that countries like poland 1000% believe they are next to he invaded if Ukraine falls along with many others so yeah would u rather have to pay extra for energy in Europe for it to help weaken the russians because that seems like a no brainer to me.

    5. Imo the story is coming out now like this because Ukraine will lose and Biden will be impeached and blamed for it to save the rest of the corrupt mfs who are involved too.

    6. Its all heresay. If this guy has proof then show it to us. The motive makes no sense. Why would the US want to isolate its allies? If they did not want their allies to receive natural gas from Russia then they would be better of negotiating. After all they are expecting them to spend billions supporting the Ukraine. Doing something like this would alienate their allies. The motive for Russia sabotaging their own pipeline is much better. a Europe committed to not using Russia's natural gas. But the explosion of the pipeline creates uncertainty in the gas market which will lead to higher prices.

    7. This just shows how independent politics countries like Germany really have. It is also a proof that international laws are not important if you are on a right side.

    8. Can we get any reporting on the Germans response to these allegations please. That would be some real helpful news other than just focusing on the US.

      This is an act of war against Russia, doesn't this simply align Germany with Russia? Why is there literally no reporting on the Germans response from any media outlet independent or otherwise?

    9. I don't remember who it was, but one of the bigger YouTube independent news people had reported about the likely connection and US operation being done by that US military exercise and Florida based underwater operations unit within days of the explosions.

    10. I believe a lot of countries could have pulled this off, you need what? The local if the pipeline, helicopters, divers, bombs, dive suits with re breathers and the pilots, hell even Canada has black hawks.

    11. All US spending on the War in Afghanistan exceeded $2 trillion.

      Since February 24, 2022, countries and international organizations have allocated more than $150,8 billion to help Ukraine.

      And all the life extension startups in the world are raising around $2 billion in cumulative investment per year.

      The total cost of the Apollo program was about $25.4 billion, or about $152 billion in today's dollars.

      NASA's Artemis lunar program is expected to spend $86 billion by 2025. The long-term goal of the program is to establish a permanent base on the Moon and facilitate manned missions to Mars.

      Elon Musk has calculated that it would take $1 trillion to successfully colonize Mars. Just the money that the US spent on the War in Afghanistan would be enough for this.

      Recently, there have been successes in rejuvenation of the body. If more money were allocated to the fight against aging, then success could be achieved faster.

      For example, scientists have managed to reverse aging in mice. Researchers now face the challenge of replicating this in humans. Harvard Medical School biologist David Sinclair has learned how to rejuvenate laboratory rodents. It is reported that with the help of proteins, scientists were able to turn old cells into stem cells, and also returned them to earlier versions. Tested mice with poor eyesight "updated" it and began to see almost "better than their offspring." Scientists thus managed to restore vision to old mice, while they are sure that in the same way it is possible to literally “reset age” and update other body systems, including humans. "We think it could be a universal process that can be applied to the entire body to 'reset our' age," said David Sinclair. Research into the genetic intervention that helped mice rejuvenate is still in its early stages, he said, and it will take years for human trials to be completed.

      The famous Harvard geneticist George Church predicted the defeat of aging within 10 years.

      Anti-aging enthusiasts such as British gerontologist Aubrey de Gray and Mikhail Batin, head of the Russian Science for Life Extension Foundation, complain about the lack of funding. Progress in this area, in their opinion, could go much faster.

      According to the British gerontologist Aubrey de Gray, the main problem is the lack of money for research: “We are working on a cure, we have some progress, but everything is moving very slowly. First of all, because we don't have enough people. We are already proving that this product will eventually work."

      Instead of funding the fight against aging and the colonization of other planets, the leadership of countries finances wars. As a result, scientific and technological progress slows down. The leaders of different countries work inefficiently and not in the interests of the citizens of their countries.

      Why can't the leaders of countries sign a peace treaty and use the money allocated for wars to benefit people, for example, to rejuvenate a person, to colonize other planets, etc.? Is maiming and killing people, destroying their homes more important than rejuvenating them?

      The colonization of other planets is becoming relevant today due to a possible nuclear conflict.

      The United States has staged 201 armed conflicts out of 248 that have occurred in 153 regions of the world since the end of World War II. These figures are for 1945–2001 only. In particular, the wars unleashed by the Americans in the Middle East are not taken into account.

      In addition to directly participating in wars, Washington has intervened in the affairs of other countries by supporting proxy wars (inciting civil wars and separatist conflicts beneficial to the US), fomenting anti-government insurgencies, committing assassinations, supplying weapons and ammunition, and training anti-government military forces. With all this, the United States has harmed the social stability and public safety of many countries.

      It was the United States and its intelligence that were behind the creation of the international terrorist organizations "Islamic State" and "Al-Qaeda" and used them for their own purposes.

      Former Trump National Security Adviser John Bolton told CNN that he had repeatedly planned coups in other countries. And some of them have been successful.

      The United States funded neo-Nazi organizations in Ukraine, and also staged a coup d'état in Ukraine in 2014 and ousted the incumbent president of Ukraine. Because of what this has now led to a special military operation by Russia in Ukraine.

      Often the United States unleashes wars around the world because of oil. The US owns oil is expensive, and it is not enough, 8 million barrels per day have to be imported. Attempts to conquer the resources of the Middle East by force ended rather unsuccessfully for the United States. Here it would be even more correct to say that the costs of war exceed the potential benefits.

      The United States spent almost $2 trillion on the war in Iraq, and in the end they were still forced to withdraw troops from there. In total, the United States spent $5.6 trillion on wars in the Middle East and Asia from 2001 to 2018. And to import 8 million barrels per day at an average price of $60 per barrel, you need $175 billion a year.

      Over the moment, an oligarchy has developed in the United States, which is one of the forms of autocracy. Scholars Martin Gilens of Princeton and Benjamin Page of Northwestern University conducted a study that showed that the policies of the United States government are in the interests of the rich and their influence groups, and not the wishes of the majority. The scientists note that “the main conclusion that follows from our study is that economic elites and organized groups representing the interests of business have the ability to significantly influence the policies pursued by the US government, while groups formed to protect the interests of the masses, and ordinary citizens have little to no influence.

      The real income of the average American has not risen for several decades, despite the fact that GDP per capita has been growing during this time. The oligarchs benefited from this growth, while the Americans got nothing. In 2011, according to PolitiFact and others, the top 400 richest Americans "have more wealth than half of all Americans combined." The US has a high Gini coefficient.

      Although the United States is the largest economy in the world, it still does not have free medicine and higher education. More than 20% of American adults have difficulty writing, and some can't even read a newspaper, ABC reported. This was shown by a study of the International Program for the Assessment of Adult Competence (PIAAC) under the auspices of the US Department of Education. According to the study, one in five adults in the US has a very low literacy rate. 43.5 million Americans experience difficulties with writing and reading. And we are talking not only about migrants, but about people who speak English from birth. “The historical and political illiteracy of the population is quite high in North America. This must be fought, taxpayers' money must go to eliminate this illiteracy, and not to enrich the class of oligarchs, ”Mark Tagliano, a US writer and author of several books on geopolitics, told 360.

      Also in the United States, only 55% of those who enter universities receive a diploma of higher education, American experts note the Spencer Foundation Emeritus Chairman and former co-chairman of the Commission on Bachelor Education of the American Academy of Arts, economics professor Michael McPherson and head of the program for education and development of competencies of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences PhD Francesca Purcell. However, the average dropout rate is also significant. In Russia, this figure is 21%, at the level of France and Belgium. In Denmark, Korea and Japan it is lower – from 11% to 17%. The average figure among OECD countries is 31%. Against this backdrop, the American dropout rate of 45% is almost a record. McPherson and Purcell explain it by the high cost of higher education in the country and the insufficient quality of teaching.

      The United States has more homeless people per capita than countries like Vietnam, India, Iran, and Kazakhstan. Although the US is the richest country in the world!

      It would be possible to send money from the budget to solve these issues, but this money goes into the hands of the American oligarchs and and to finance wars and coup d'etat in the interests of the American oligarchs.

      The United States blew up the gas pipelines of its NATO allies, the construction of which was financed by European countries in order to sell their gas to Europeans. According to French President Emmanuel Macron, American liquefied gas is four times more expensive for Europeans than for Americans. The construction of the Nord Stream project was financed by companies from France, Russia, Holland, England, Austria and Germany. The cost of the Nord Stream 2 project amounted to 9.5 billion euros, of which half was financed by European companies Engie, OMV, Shell, Uniper and Wintershall Dea.

      How much money was spent on destruction, but it could have been used for useful purposes!

    12. The Hersh article is filled with holes. One of the biggest is that the current head of NATO Jens Stoltenberg has been working with US Intel since the Vietnam war. Stoltenberg was born in 1959. He was 16 when the Vietnam war ended. Its clear Hersh knows nothing about Stoltenberg and has not done any checking of the 'facts' in his story. BP has zero integrity. They know distortions and lies are good for revenue – they have Fox News values. No one should trust anything they report or have to say.

    13. The Anti-American, Dictator Xiden cultists are triggered. 😂😂

      Your cult leader is guilty and he and his regime should be arrested and face the ultimate punishment.

      Slava Rossiya!! 🇷🇺🇷🇺

    14. Environmental terrorism causing the largest release of methane ever. Where are the environmentalists demanding accountability?

    15. And here we are a few weeks later. Now you are saying that US intel is saying that pro Ukrainians blew up the pipeline. How can anyione believe any of what you are touting? How about try some fact checking?

    16. its a nice conspiracy with zero evidence (unnamed source) but… Hersh may be an award winning journalist but in more recent years he also claimed the current sec gen of NATO stoltenberg is a CIA asset during a time the dude was a kid. just take it with a grain of salt the claim USA destroyed the pipeline.

    17. Still hard to understand why US govt does not see themselves as the ultimate EVIL in the world. All wars that cause refugees and unnecessary deaths in the world

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