California is notorious for its high gas prices, but a new law now in effect has tools to root out price gouging.

    Governor Gavin Newsom signed the law earlier this year after calling out the so-called “Big oil” for fleecing families at the gas pump.

    Since the law passed experts said California gas prices have dropped.



    1. It's been known that you can't set prices by law since ancient Rome. Literally all this law accomplishes is increase costs to the companies that now have to create and review reports under this law. That means high level executives' time, lawyers' time, and information gathering at lower levels. It's all more money. Except now some idiot intern sucking Newsom off under his desk will also get a stack of papers he's never going to look at every month.

    2. This will solve nothing! always remember, the more gov regulation = the more you pay .. the more they open the opportunities for a free market to compete, the cheaper things will get. leftist/ democrat/ commies ideas never worked anywhere and it will NEVER work, like ever! Newsom is a scammer! remove gas tax instead! its a dollar per EACH GALLON you thief!

    3. California regulators are fully captured and this Newsom showboating will be fully shown up to be grandstanding. See if his donations from the refineries will go down this year – NOT.

    4. Why didn’t REPUBLICANS support this law? Oh that’s right they are on the side of the oil conglomerates and the pharmaceutical corporations and the insurance giants and the list goes on and on…

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