Interested to know- Why should you prefer DCO over ICO? Check out all the exclusive details!

    Blocktunix – No.1 Blockchain App Development company

    All the success stories prompted new players to jump into the ICO fray, but as the number increased, the quality of the projects and the number of fraudulent ones skyrocketed. This led some forward thinkers in the industry to come up with a new model, and the smart contract-based DCO might just be the future of blockchain startup funding.
    ICO and DCO crowdfunding approaches seem to have their downsides but on the bright side. DCO makes a more compelling argument in favor of investors and it is aimed at protecting their interests. There is a lot that is still not clear especially the criteria that will be adopted for this kind of crowdfunding. More details will be revealed once the first run proves successful. However, based on an evaluation of ICO vs DCO, it is safe to say that DAICO makes a more appealing argument.
    DCO is the future of crowdfunding in the blockchain community. Watch the complete video to see how.

    Blocktunix – No.1 Blockchain App Development company

    We’re creating new-age blockchain app development laced with AR/VR, IoT, and cybersecurity advances for a decade now. Blocktunix delivers a clear roadmap for blockchain system implementations and harnesses the power of decentralization to build asset-agnostic applications. Our subject matter experts provide enterprise-grade blockchain app development services ensuring transparency & immutability over a distributed ledger. Our expert guidance and tools enable faster, smarter decisions and stronger performance on an organization’s mission-critical priorities. #ico #ido #blockchaintechnology
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    ICO: Pioneering but Risky! Transforming Era with DCO Blockchain Development | Blocktunix

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