In this short clip, Patrick Bet-David shares shocking information he received showing footage of a military 4-start general, claiming the U.S. was behind the Nord Stream pipeline bombing.

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    Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.


    1. Everybody knows this anyway the US banking and energy oligarchs wanted this and co opted their US government puppets who control the military to blow up the competition they started this war for that very reason nothing has changed since the days of smedley butler war is still the racket

      Texas Nana 🤠
      Psalm 91

    3. I bought in the whole 4D chess that Russia blew it up… NOW .. I am 90% sure either US blew it up or Ukraine with help from US and I cant believe we at current world including media
      just act "its nothing"… biggest forget about cows farting.. this shit is the biggest environmental terrorism ever.

    4. It's always been obvious that it was the US. We had a ship conducting "practice" underwater explosives just a few miles away from the Nord Stream. It is pathetic how they rely so heavily on the stupidity of average citizens. People need to wake tf up or we won't have a country anymore. Need a leader who will clean house and get these corrupt officials locked up for their war crimes.

    5. The only reason for Putin to blow up the pipeline instead of just turning it off is if he wanted to frame the US, her allies or Ukraine for it's destruction. This doesn't make much sense of course as every western intelligence agency would be on it and expose such a plot. So yeah, it seems more likely the west or Ukraine would blow it up.

    6. US/NATO want to trap Russia in the Black Sea , always has ! Ukraine is a FAILED chance todo so ! Problem is the West will not do the smart thing and back down , which what they should have done a Year ago . Lets not forget Monsanto's and Bayer's agriculture arm involvement in this !

    7. That crap about Kennedy is a crock of shit. Everyone around him was ready to go to war, yet he insisted on diplomacy, and not just insisted, as Commander in Chief, he commanded that rule was not to be breached by any military officer regardless of status. He stood his ground and demanded diplomacy in one of the most dangerous situations the world had every seen. The US has no doubt committed its share of atrocities, supposedly in the name of democracy and stopping the spread of communism. But Russia, besides being victimized in WWII, had always been an aggressor, maybe not directly towards us, but the Cuban missile crisis made it a direct threat. So who is wrong and who is right? It’s actually pretty simple. How did USA or any of its allies take any land from sovereign nations during the Cold War. Of course the issue with Mexico was bullshit and was wrong, many decades before WWII, and there have been plenty of times we “assisted” bullshit campaigns, and was Puerto Rico or Hawaii or Alaska legit? Ok, ask around. Would anyone like to use those examples to equate us with the Soviet Union? Go ahead. If I’m wrong I’m wrong. I love being wrong. No bullshit. But I doubt much of a case can be made how the US could be made on par, an equal in terms of aggression towards otherwise sovereign nations, so at this point I’ll concede that we, the US, could be a bit of a bully, check Vietnam and many other conflict with that, I’ll agree all day long about what we did wrong. But if we are going to compare the USSR and the USA, call them both global bullies, could anyone confidently say that the USA was as wretched as the USSR? And if that’s the argument, then why does NATO exist at, why did people choose to live in those countries while trying to flee in the face of certain death the Eastern Bloc territories, and why did China, USSR, and North Korea end up all alone when all the dust settled? Because we are just masters at bullying and had a great cover as benefactors for the planet? Maybe. Maybe. We all know how what may appear as a good deed could just be a ruse, and how bad deeds can be covered with an onslaught of distractive news, cite 2016-20now United States as it relates to Donald Trump and his shenanigans. Oh, am I claiming Biden is pure? Fuck no. Am I claiming there is no comparison, and that Trump, McConnell, and all those in that camp are deranged traitors bent on megalomaniacal dreams of taking America back 150 years to when the white man ruled with a noose and a gun? Well yes. Yes I am. Ok. So back to Putin. Did the US spend the last 200 years terrorizing neighboring territories, run them into the ground, keep all of its populations captive in their own countries, make all citizens in fear of uttering one cross word against the Premiere, and systematically murder, imprison, or both, millions of their own people who spoke against such? Well, yes, I guess, if you put it that way, America is and was no better than the USSR. I’m joking you assholes. We did plenty of bad things, and in some part, almost all of those things, but to a scale minuscule compared to the Soviet Union. Putin is simply an idealistic outgrowth of the USSR. Period. He has no interest in democracy or freedom for his people. The only things keeping Russia from regressing into the Soviet Union are the capitalist enriched oligarchs and fat on power cabinet around him, who like the way it is- a country portraying itself as democratic and capitalist but is truly the mob on steroids. Lots and lots and lots of steroids. Russia is organized crime gone military, super organized, and global, and relatively rich. Could you I imagine if the mob in America had ACTUALLY gained control of the military, the police, the Capitol, the judiciary, Wall Street, and labor. Well, I must concede that we have ebbed and flowed not so far from that, but far nonetheless. But had that happened, we would be just like Russia. But the mob did not ever have the Management acumen for such a grand scale like Russia. They have it down to a crooked system always on the edge of implosion, and of course Putin has just about steered that ship to the edge of the ocean, you know, out there where the edge of the flat earth stops, where ships fall off into space. I just, I just. But anyone saying that the pushing Eastward of NATO was an affront to Russia and Putin is either a fool or in his pocket. Any argument otherwise is a ruse to make some underlying motives or interests more obscure. So the bully, Putin, occupies your front yard, which was reclaimed from him decades ago, legitimately and acknowledged as such by the whole world, and because you now are paying taxes and have police helping you protect your property, and wished to be annexed by a nation or whatever, just the fact that you are in proximity to a powerful madman who once possessed your land and knowingly wants it back, and who you know will stop at nothing to STEAL it back, YOU are at fault for having a security force helping you preserve autonomy? You are the one who should have expected Putin to be upset and aggressive because you should have known it would have pissed him off and if you piss him off it’s YOUR FAULT? Just who is paying you to utter such nonsense? And where do you live? What’s your address? I’m gonna show up with some armored vehicles, lots of guns, maybe a small nuclear warhead or three, some anthrax, some other mystery gases, an campaign to demonize you, discredit you, and frame it like you stole YOUR land from me, regardless of the truth, and then I’ll simply park the arms around the corner in the cul-de-sack, put a few pizza boxes on my shoulder, ring your doorbell, give you fee pizza, over, and over , and over, and then before you know it, I just won’t leave. Each time you ask me to leave, I’ll level a room in your house, and dump millions of leaflets over the area decrying your aggression towards me, and tell everyone you stole all of that pizza, with proof being no income receipts from those pizzas, and I’ll just keep bitching and moaning, while burning down the shed where you keep your lawn mower, poisoning your drinking water well, leveling your kid’s study area and playground, and then when you murder some of my generals, I’ll cry war crimes to the world, and when you send your bottle rockets my way, I’ll respond with cruise missiles, which will reach outer space before returning, having traveled a hundred or so miles, but landing 200’ from the silo from which they emerged, which had been the site of the gas station where you refueled your Volvo. Now the next closest gas station is five blocks away, an insurmountable obstacle to survival, not to mention the Piggly Wiggly is now owned by me, and locals are not welcome there, unless they can prove they don’t live within 1/4 mile of where you are holed up, which I won’t call your house, because OBVIOUSLY you are occupying my land. You are the aggressor, and my missiles are defense only, and have leveled your chimney because the smoke from your firewood burning over the holidays allowed soot and carbon to blemish the titanium shelled, plutonium tipped nose cones of my ICBM, and do you know how much I pay the local car detailers per week to keep my ICBM fleet gleaming in the sun and the gray skies from your house fires seemingly always alight? Well, it’s gotta be like $500 a week. I had only expected your house to burn for maybe 18 hours before the fire department showed up, but I mistakenly had already bought the fire department, and since they once got some of your charred roofing shingles onto my ammo bunker, I was forced to cancel their Union contracts, and by cancel their union contracts I mean I had to fire them, and by fire them I mean fire them, and by fire them, I mean fire bullets from Ak47s at 36 feet while they stood, eyes pinned open with safety pins, and cold and hot surprise pizzas stuffed into their mouths, some with anchovies, some with pork, some with only cheese, in what must be the most vile thing I have ever done, and I admit the atrocity might get me in trouble. The anchovies thing alone might bring the UN down on me with at least a 10,000 Ruple fine. Oh yeah, a ruple, Let’s see , exchange rate, interest, world wide sanctions, domestic starvation, banks netting 10,000% more each year, that comes out to , carry the million, divid eBay 0.00576, that’s about $2.78, American. So keep it up, and I’ll bring back the Whopper. But I’ll call it a big Mack. Just cause I’m fucking evil man.

    8. How did this mother @&$er become a 4 Star when he gets wasted and talks sh@t about the commander in chief and now talking publicly about secret operations? Would you slap him in the face like the @&$ch he is? My son is in the 82nd airborne…@&$@ this guy.

    9. Might is right… USA has the might… Europe is paying for centuries of their b.s and terror. USA all the way. Send in US companies to rebuild it.

    10. What's The News? 📰🗞️
      Anyone Remotely Connected
      To Alternate News Knows We Did It.
      Biden Strongly Hinted We WOULD Do It Just BEFORE It Happened.

    11. We will never really know what happened, as with a lot of things happening in the world.
      Only very few people at the top know the truth.

    12. Russia-China alliance BRICS and dedollarization. The world is fed up with American politics. It is screwing up itself and the rest of the world, allies and foe and neutral.

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