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    China great strategy for energy made india accept BRICS expansion


    The expansion of BRICS, composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, was primarily motivated by the need to secure future energy pathways. Despite interest from over 20 countries, only six were invited as full members, with India initially hesitant but ultimately agreeing to include specific nations. India’s consent remains pivotal for new members, reflecting the alliance’s commitment to unity. Egypt and Ethiopia, two strategically significant African nations and rivals, have joined BRICS, securing vital chokepoints in the Red Sea. Egypt’s control of the Suez Canal and Ethiopia’s influence over Somaliland enhance energy route security for India and China, while also establishing their presence within the African Union. This expansion, along with partnerships like India’s with the United States, strengthens energy security through multiple channels, highlighting BRICS’ evolving role in global geopolitics and energy resource procurement.

    Tags: BRICS, geopolitics, energy security, expansion, Egypt, Ethiopia, Red Sea, Suez Canal, African Union, strategic partnerships, global geopolitics, energy resources.

    Energy Security
    Red Sea
    Suez Canal
    African Union
    Strategic Partnerships
    Global Geopolitics
    Energy Resources

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