Brent oil advanced above $94 a barrel after closing 2% higher Thursday, heading for a third weekly gain as the market continued to tighten on the back of supply curbs from Saudi Arabia and Russia. Bloomberg Opinion Columnist Javier Blas examines the prospect of $100 oil on Bloomberg Television.
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    1. As a Saudi citizen I like to explain to world, that the kind and the crown prince to us are exactly like your father at your house. I don't know how you guys treat your parents but here in Saudi Arabia we treat them with the maximum amount of respect and love, because they represent every single one of us and we and our families know exactly their history. And when fake media spread lies about them is like some guy start lying about your parents!! People are starting to understand how fake media and human rights organizations operate and that they're nothing more than a weapons like any other weapon in any army's arsenal.

    2. Saudi Arabia is a country has the most violation human right on Earth! It is nothing great about them. When the oil run out, they no longer have any protection from the US, their people will overthrown the monarchy and it will spread across the Middle East, 1000 times worst the the Arabs spring movement. The United Arabs will danger the peace in the world.

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