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    WARNING: Please be aware of spam bots in the comments pretending to be me. These are scams and you should NEVER send your money or Bitcoin to anyone. Please be careful.


    1. this interview troubles me… I very much want to believe Batman himself orange pilled Michael Saylor, not some guy who "will not die on this hill"

    2. You work for 40yrs to have $1m in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10k in a meme coin for just few months and now they are multimillionaires, all thanks to Mrs Jane , God bless you ma

    3. Hodl/Trading isn't a get rich scheme, and neither is it about guessing! You need utmost accurate entry signals to be in the uptrend of a market on BTC, ETH, LTC, SOL, BNB etc mining/leveraging/staking. Rather than putting efforts in pump and dump coins, or choose a guaranteed way your portfolio can increase with about 28% weekly. Since I started trading with Mr. Mehler Ralph, whose skill sets are extraordinary, I have seen enormous profits on my investment. Working hard is good, but working wisely is preferable.

    4. I am very unhappy with my new account at Robinhood. I have listened to British Hodl for the last couple of months. I finally reached one Bitcoin and then decided to buy my second one on Robinhood. I decided to buy it over a short time period $5,000 at a time. Soon I had my second Bitcoin and was going to transfer it to self custody in my Trangem wallet but the transfer was denied.

      I had been buying and HODLing for a year but never had a problem. Now weeks later I am frozen by Robinhood and can’t buy though I have the cash can’t buy new Bitcoins or transfer the ones I already own.

      I am 75 years old and bought my first stock in 1982 when the DOW was under 1,000. Never had anything like this. Believe me, just bypass the free trade BS. Use someone else.

    5. Man you know your a bitcoiner when you got a full node on the wall lol I think that's the coolest thing!!!! Love it! And want one but maybe 1 day!

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