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    RUSSIAN Revenue from Natural Gas has COLLAPSED due to the Economic Sanctions. Russia is struggling to be able to replace the lost revenue as they do not have the Infrastructure to convert Natural Gas to LNG and EUROPE is now using a combination of increased RENEWABLE ENERGY and LNG. In this video I provide an update on the current situation for Russia & Europe and discuss the impact that the Sanctions are having on both Europe & Russia.

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    0:00 Intro
    9:35 CO2 EMISSIONS
    16:01 LNG
    19:19 STORAGE



    1. Apparently, Putin and all brain controlled Russians do not care the consequences of the sanctions and Ukraine war financials and human needs

    2. Here is an idea….What about trying to focus on some positives, just for a change?

      Which economies are doing well & why?
      Which economies are successfully combating inflation & when will they have it under control
      Which economies are set for growth?
      Which players in the major global industries look set for future growth or domination in their sector?

    3. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. It’s about maintaining the high end equipment to produce refine and transport these fuels. As Russia is struggling for revenue, maintaining equipment will be de prioritised. As more and more men are conscripted, the competence to do this is now crawling through a minefield in Ukraine. Now that Russia is cut off from both the foreign staff and technology to keep up we should start to see Russian production decline.

    4. I'm still laughing at your last show I viewed about the full head-transplant operation. Anyhu, hanging till the end, I want to see some good animal/pet shorts.

      The continued bad news you're reporting about Russia is worth the trip. Russia had a great thing going with the pipeline, then they had to get greedy and go after the Ukrainian gas reserves and it looks like they're going to lose everything because of it, great job Putin!

    5. Renewable is a scam. Wind projects cost more then they produce. Solar doesn't work at night, and the battery costs are too high. Nuclear is apparently too scary, so natural gas is the best option for the near term.

    6. If the Ukrainians go ahead with their plan to target Russias refinery sites and pipelines if they are bombed this winter then prices will go up. It’s only because Ukraine does not want to push up World prices and annoy the US they haven’t so far. With Americas weak and unreliable attitude to Ukraine amongst a very divided Republican Party in the US the Ukrainians may well go ahead as they feel on their own. The collective West and the US only have themselves to blame. Ukrainian action may be to use this as a bargaining point for war aid and would probably be supported by most of Europe who are fed up with ludicrous US House Politics.

    7. The only reason Ukraine isn't attacking all of Russia's energy infrastructure is it would hurt global energy prices, and thus their western supporters. People should be mindful that if western nations bail on Ukraine (lookin at you USA) Ukraine might decide to take the gloves off and burn Russia's energy infrastructure to the ground. Not supporting Ukraine might cost US more than Supporting them.

    8. You've been telling us on an almost daily basis for months that it's breaking down. How come now it's "just starting too" ? No doubts tomorrow it'll be "finally the Ruble crashes"

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