Solidity Course For 2023

    In this solidity course you will learn about solidity programming language along with that you will be building web3 decentralized solidity power web3 app.

    Through out the entire solidity course in 2023 ,you will write multiple solidity smart contract for different application and learn about the fundamental of how solidity smart contract exactly work and build web3 application using solidity smart contract

    Complete beginner friendly solidity course for inspiring web3 developer using solidity smart contract.

    Hope you all will enjoy this complete solidity course in 2023


    Introduction: 00:00:00
    Smart Contract Language 00:04:12
    Remix Id Tutorial 00:17:19
    Hotel Booking Contract 00:24:23
    Write You First Contract 00:34:59
    NFT Counter Contract 00:45:00
    Solidity Data Type 00:49:36
    Solidity Function 01:03:57
    State variable 01:13:13
    Local Variable 01:21:25
    Global variable 01:28:04
    View Keyword 01:32:22
    Pure Keyword 01:40:33
    Event Ticket Smart Contract 01:44:07
    Constant Keyword 01:51:32
    If Else Keyword 01:55:23
    while loop 01:59:37
    Do Wile Loop 02:03:03
    For Loop 02:05:35
    Required Error 02:08:34
    Assert Error 02:13:35
    Revert Error 02:17:40
    Modifier 02:21:14
    Constructor 02:30:53
    Mapping 02:38:41
    Array 02:51:41
    Array Remove 03:02:06
    Replace Array 03:09:15
    Enum Solidity 03:14:41
    Import Enum 03:20:54
    Structs 03:22:47
    Import Structs 03:31:57
    Data Location 03:33:47
    Solidity Function Part 2 03:39:33
    Solidity Events 03:50:47
    Inheritance 03:54:28
    Shadowing Effect 04:02:53
    Super Keyword 04:06:21
    Visibility Solidity 04:15:16
    Interface Solidity 04:22:41
    Payable 04:30:21
    Sending ether solidity 04:36:01
    fallback 04:42:31
    Call Function 04:47:11
    DelegateCall 04:53:44
    Calling other Contract 04:58:59
    Create Other Contract 05:04:49
    Try and catch 05:13:49
    Solidity Library 05:23:34
    Solidity AIB Encoded 05:33:19
    Solidity ABI Decoded 05:43:09
    Keccak256 05:45:29
    Chat App 05:52:14

    Complete Solidity Course With Projects 2023 | Become Solidity Developer In 1 Video & Build Project

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    1. I feel like you're talking way too fast, mainly because you're indian I guess and that's how you guys are used to talk, but it's exhausting. Also, try to put yourself into a newbie's shoes when teaching. You're also scrolling too fast and the code is too zoomed in so we're supposed to keep in mind all the code above. Other than that, the video is great. Do you plan on making more courses? Also, paid ones?

    2. A pillar of the web3 community. Thank you so much, would love it if you would go over the security aspects of solidity, maybe the basics regarding smart contract security?

    3. I have question, please answer, modifier part, why do we get "No reentrency"? I believe we don't change anything on locked on decrement function, we only change the x. Why does the x variable can change the locked variabel if they are being 1 and 0? Please answer Mr Daulat @daulathussain, I'm stuck thinking at this, thanks

    4. Hi Hussain, thank you for this great teaching…. i really love it, A quick question… can i get access to the images used on the chatapp. i am trying to code along but it seems the github resource and the images link is not available. I would appreciate a quick response. Thanks

    5. Hello Daulat. Thanks for this tutorial. Can't afford to pay for a course now but your videos are truly helpful.

      Please in the chatapp contract. The function getchatcode is quite confusing. Why did you declare the condition – If pubkey1 < pubkey2 ? Why did you compare the addresses this way?? I really want to know the meaning of the condition.

      Anticipating your response. God bless

    6. Please create a ERc20 smart contract.where token use for specific purpose.for example a token use only for book purchase. Admin send token to user. He can use only for purchase book.if he don't use within 2 days.token expire and back to admin wallet

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