#silverstacking #silverbullion #silverslayer

    Silver stacking is by far the best investment! Precious metals are a great way to protect your wealth but stacking silver bullion in particular has more opportunity beyond gold and other precious metals. Why invest into Silver bullion in 2023? Silvers price will drastically rise in the coming years for many reasons i explain on my channel, so make sure to subscribe for daily silver videos! There’s no wrong way to stack silver! There’s not even a wrong way to buy silver! Selling your silver can be dangerous so make sure you watch my videos explaining how to safely sell. The best way to stack silver is buy the physical silver bullion and store it away! Some investors buy silver coins that are more expensive but i recommend beginners starting to stack silver to play it safe, buying silver bullion with the lowest spot prices. Silver stacking will change your life! Financial freedom and understanding the value of true wealth is what buying silver represents! I cover various types of Silver videos on this channel such as how to buy silver, where to buy silver, best silver for beginners, silver tips, silver news & updates, silver price forecasts and predictions, the best silver coins to buy, silver and gold giveaways, podcasts, livestreams, interviews, silver and gold unboxings & more! Hope you enjoy my channel & Keep on stacking!

    I recommend buying Silver from Miles Franklin, they have NEW DEALS EVERY MONDAY! Just send an email to info@milesfranklin.com ask what they have in stock! Make sure you let Andy know Silver Slayer sent you! He will love to hear it & also supports me for free!

    Silver is by far the best investment for many reasons explained in this video, even beyond other Precious Metals such as gold. Silver stacking is the best way to secure your wealth into something that has intrisical value (real value). If you are a beginner silver stacker or new into the precious metals world then i highly encourage you to subscribe and watch as many silver stacking videos as you can because its called a silver stacking STRATEGY for a good reason. Don’t worry too much about silver prices or spot price because buying silver is storing your wealth into something of real value.

    If you would like to donate, here are the links –
    – Paypal / https://paypal.me/SilverSlayer21?locale.x=en_US
    (All donations are extremely appreciate, but only donate if you want to)

    Follow me on reddit! https://www.reddit.com/user/SilverSlayerYT

    Become an exclusive member of the Slayer Elite here!

    Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/silverslayerofficial/?igshid=1mk6uwohale21

    Subscribe to my 2nd channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClGf5k-sGExw8UKt0cCZa1A

    Business email – info.silverslayer@gmail.com

    ***DO NOT invest more than you are willing to lose.. every investment has risk involved. I am NOT a financial advisor, do not seek financial advice from this channel as i am only sharing my experience & opinion involving the world of Precious Metals & Cryptocurrency. Always be careful & responsible.. do your research before investing into ANYTHING***

    Key topics my channel discusses:
    Silver Stacking, Silver Stacking coins, Silver prices, Silver bullion, Investing in silver, Stacking silver, Silver coins, Precious Metals, Buying silver, Silver for beginners, How to buy silver, How to stack silver, Best silver to stack, Best silver coins, Silver stacking stragies, Gold vs. Silver, Silver bars, The silver shortage, Silver eagles, Silvers price in 2023.

    – Slayer


    1. This is sad, but true.. It's inevitable for the Dollar to crash as it's already lost 98% of its original purchasing power, we are 34 trillion dollars in debt and the Dollars world reserve status is being threatened from the BRICS Nations.

    2. When the dollar collapses, dealers will buy up bullion first at spot. Eagles will sell at the spot. Why would dealers pay spot plus a premium when it will be all melted down in the end. Been there done that. I was lucky to unload all my silver when it spiked late in 2011.

    3. Silver will be subdivided into 1 gram units. Either with heavy duty shears or bolt cutters, as they do in Venezuela and most merchants will have accurate scales. Where there’s a will, there is a way. Also silver will rise in value as compared to gold, going back to its historical ratio of around seven to one or whatever they decide.

    4. The dollar already collapsed. If you don't know that, you're too far behind the power curve. Get whatever you can get your hands on now because you definitely won't be able to afford it soon.

    5. If as you said that there are 250 ounces on paper for the ounce that I hold in my hand then if the dollar becomes worth less (worthless) then spot times 250 which today would be about $6000. per ounce. I know that's pretty hypothetical but that is my best guess.

    6. 0:19: 💰 The video discusses the potential impact of the collapse of the US dollar on the price of silver.
      4:00: 💰 The value of silver during hyperinflationary collapse would be infinite in terms of the US dollar due to its scarcity and usefulness.
      7:07: 💰 Silver has numerous uses in manufacturing and outperforms other precious metals during bull markets.
      10:01: 💰 Silver is a timeless and widely accepted form of money.
      14:08: 💰 Investing in semi-numismatic coins can provide protection from spot price fluctuations and potential appreciation due to collectibility.
      Recapped using TammyAI

    7. У меня нет сомнений что будет подобный закон принят,потому что они десятилетиями продавали физический металл по заниженной цене и теперь нужно будет пополнять пустые склады металлом ,покупать его возможности нет цена будет в разы выше чем сейчас , остаётся только конфисковать

    8. Gold and silver are great and will have a place in trade always – BUT – Milk, Eggs, Beer, Butter, Energy, Transportation, Information, Education..
      All I'm saying is it seems better to me to have a balance of investments.. you can not eat gold or silver.. and the US dollar has been dead for years – everyone is just trying to make the transition without taking beating.

    9. It's very obvious that the debt situation is getting out of control. It's accelerating in an exponential trend since the 1980s. At this point the debt can't even stop accelerating. When too many people think US$ will not collapse then it will. Alternatives are being pursued and if proven successful they will snow ball.

    10. Holding physical silver is going to be monumental at the start, middle and end of U.S. fiat currency…We all have been tricked into believing that pieces of ink and paper are money which in fact throughout history only silver and gold have been money everything else is just an substitute.

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