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    The Texas Blockchain Council is a nonprofit industry association made up of companies and individuals that work with blockchain and distributed ledger technology. Our mission is to promote blockchain technology initiatives that drive growth and benefit the citizens of Texas. We exist to amalgamate the influence of our members to advocate for blockchain-centric public policy initiatives, to educate members of government about the benefits of blockchain technology, and to provide subject matter expertise on topics related to blockchain and distributed ledger technology.

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    1. He is by far the best candidate we have had in the last 8 to 12 years depending on how you feel about Obama but he gives me hope its ashame there are so many people that are brain washed to just see color (blue or red) i was young but i believe McCain was good also

    2. After more than 50 years of voting, mostly Dem, RFK Jr is the most honest, intelligent, able, experienced candidate l have seen. His integrity, courage and wisdom is absolutely essential to the USA and to the world NOW.
      Go Robert F Kennedy Jr.. God protect you and prosper your campaign😊🎉

    3. RFK read a book about homelessness. Shellenberger wrote a book about homelessness. They don’t agree. I like them both. I do not understand the problem.

    4. The fact that he can talk about this, shows he can lead on our Nation’s legislation on future items such as AI, Crypto, internet rights & data

    5. RFK Jr is so refreshing to listen to. Our current politicians, especially the two main candidates, can’t have in depth dialogue and explore solutions like this man.

    6. When the younger generations realize that they have been sold into debt slavery by their ancestors it will probably go well beyond "Losing faith in America"! Especially considering that the "debt" is based on fake, fiat "money" created out of thin air with a click of a mouse. Why didn't their ancestors just click the mouse to pay the debt (instead of passing their debt onto non-voting children)? The entire Western World has had their "consciences seared with a hot iron" and are the most decadent generation EVER by their embracing the financial cannibalism of their progeny when, at the end of it all the "money" is fake and they could have created the "money" to pay the debt. Sure, it would cause inflation but at least that financial burden would have been born by the generation that created the debt! This abomination of "taxation without representation" of children that don't (and can't) vote are orders of magnitude greater than it was before the American Revolution. Put another way, your children and grandchildren have much more reason to revolt against their ancestors (sic YOU) than the Colonist did. At least King George taxed adults! Anyone interested in blogging for RFK Jr. and possibly getting paid for it?

    7. There are three types of people involved with Crypto – liars, cons and fools. Crypto is not a means of exchange. Crypto is not a store house for wealth. Crypto is the biggest fraud in modern history. Shame on you Bobby Kennedy!You had me believing you were a viable alternative candidate.

    8. The 6 block radius of where I grew up once was a beautiful middle-class neighborhood. In just a few years it now is run down. People need to take pride in the neighborhoods again. Smash and grabs have no conscience any longer. Our education system is horrible. People who do care can no longer afford to live with any of the dreams several generations ago enjoyed. Our country is failing. I believe in RFK,Jr's leadership. I do not believe the elections are fair any longer.

    9. I was at the Trucker Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa. Everything he said about what happened there is True. It might well have been an in the moment tactic by the gangsters in power, but the result was a test case for governments everywhere.

      Time to pay attention America.
      Time to elect some intelligent adults.

    10. If you vote for Republican conspiracy theories, abortion banning, Kennedy, you might as well vote for trump ok. He can not win trump will. Dumb ass people understand he's a spoiler for trump. All he's doing is splitting their votes, so none of them will have enough votes to win. So trump will win automatically ok why do you think he switch from democrats, they not voting for his republican ass. Bideb may not win, but his ass wont either, you giving the election to trump and he will be dictator for life, he wont leave office this time. So go ahead, but understand, this will be your last vote. Your ass wont decide no more.Trump ending voting and elections ok. So when there's no demarcrocy, voting, freedom people being locked up and shipped out, no Healthcare or social security, I hope it will be worth it. Team biden for demarcrocy and roe.

    11. A 60k house is pre-construction 4 million. Who likes to inflate housing costs to such hellish prices? I'm prejudiced (don't shoot me) for honest working class on American soil for centuries. I hope that's not offensive to anyone.

    12. Folks. This is just more trash can Kool- Aid poured by a guy who is not who he projects. I have been watching him for years and he is not the right person to be Prez. Do yourselves a favor and keep digging. It gets a lot less pretty. So you know …. Big fan of his pop. I met him and talked with him twice… the real deal. The kid is not.

    13. Kennedy makes every politician out there bar none, look stupid and ill-informed. His grid policy alone, if it gets out to the mainstream, would win him the election. When's the last time a politician spelt out an inspirational policy idea with detailed knowledge? 1950?

    14. Can you imagine if Trump or Biden were asked about long haul electron transmission? Biden would tell a story about being a long haul trucker!

    15. i don’t understand his free market grid system idea at all. we do that a little already by selling solar energy back to the utility. unless we figure out a reasonable battery solution tho it’s got to be oil driven and somewhat centralized. lithium ion isn’t going to scale/last like what we need to do what he’s talking about.

    16. If you don't own your own home, you don't really live in a country, you're a drifter with no sense of partnership with a country. Your country is not your country If you don't own it, or a little piece of it. You literally have no stake in the game.

    17. Thankfully Mr. Kennedy realized the Democratic party is Not "redeemable" like he had thought. Democrats are more corrupt than ever, they are the party of endless wars and division.

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