In this weekly recap video, I talk about how Bitcoin is gearing up for a massive move.

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    🔴Full Disclaimer: This video and its contents are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell or trade, a solicitation to buy, or recommendation for any security, cryptocurrency, or related product, nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advice or other related services by CryptosRUs. CryptosRus may have a financial investment with the cryptocurrencies discussed in this video. In preparing this video, no individual financial or investment needs of the viewer have been taken into account nor is any financial or investment advice being offered. Any views expressed in this video were prepared based upon the information available at the time such views were written. Changed or additional information could cause such views to change.


    1. GEORGE, I SUSPECT THE SEC HAS NO INTENTION OF APPROVING ETFs. Our gov thinks killing btc will save the US dollar. They still don't realize the dollar can't be saved.

    2. I’ve been under since day one, (April 2021). When BTC was supposed to go to $100k, It didn’t. I’ve been buying and hodling AMAV99X and i know my patience will pay off .

    3. Im DCAing in AMAV99X as well. ETH heavier DCA and ALGO. Im taking your advice and starting Google tomorrow with a 50 dollar purchase and continuing Microsoft and Apple. VTI and VOO on another app and longterm portfolio. Here we go family!

    4. The big institutions are not going to FOMO. They can understand that they may miss the parabolic run, which will be perfectly fine for them. They will buy their tokens on the next winter and be perfectly happy with knowing their gains are going to be huge on the next run in just a couple years

    5. Hey, have you all heard about $CRU?😊
      CrustNetwork is a project with so much potential💯
      $cru will be a life changer in the crypto space.
      Don't miss out on this, guys. I'll advise everyone to buy and hold $cru 🔥🔥

    6. Wow, Michael Saylor will give me Ethan if I scan a QR code? George do you have any control over these scam videos being on your channel? I think you’ve commented that you don’t in the past. Just wanted to mention that I got that video today. It doesn’t even really sound like Michael Sailer pretty bad job on the sound spoofing.

    7. What would be funny (and not surprising) that instead of the SEC approving any BTC ETFs in early January they actually deny several or possibly all of them. Could be a planned set up for the gov hoping to scare regular investors away while the banks scoop up coins at cheap prices. I dont trust our gov at ALL when it comes to crypto. Their best buds the Banks hate it….unless they can control it of course.

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