Are you an a**hole for not selling your gold when it reaches peak price? An odd and aggressive question but there is at least one YouTuber who believes you are if you don’t sell your gold. Why won’t I sell my gold? How can you maximize your gold profits? We go over these questions and more in this video.

    I stack gold and silver to hedge against our debt-fueled, fiat currency-based economy that I am convinced is in severe trouble. Consider stacking silver and gold yourself to help you build and preserve wealth. And thank you for watching Campbell’s Coins!

    Reach me:

    Follow me on Instagram and Twitter for more gold and silver content

    PO Box 911
    Davis, CA 95617

    If you’re looking to support my channel, consider using one of the Amazon links I have listed below. It costs you NOTHING to use my links and you don’t have to purchase the item in the link. Thank you all!

    Items I use:
    Capsules for Silver Eagles:

    Capsules for Gold Eagles and Gold Buffalos:

    Capsules for Gold Maples and Britannias:

    Plastic coin flips:

    Clear coin display easel:

    Jewel lupe:

    Small Scale:

    Cotton gloves:

    My camera set up:

    Camera lens:

    100mm Macro lens:


    DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional financial adviser, nor do I offer financial advice. This video is for entertainment only. Please consult your investment and tax experts for financial advice. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and B&H Affiliate Program, both an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Some of the above links are affiliate links where I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.

    Music and sound effects by:

    00:00 Introduction
    01:44 YouTuber Caveats
    03:35 Issues w/Making a Profit
    08:06 YouTuber Lies
    09:35 What I Do
    12:30 Conclusion

    Topics Discussed: why I won’t sell my gold, selling gold, gold stacking, gold and silver investing, gold investment, youtube channel, youtube creators, profits, gold profits, investing, gold stock, roth ira, selling all my gold, my gold exit strategy, exit strategy for gold, buying assets, buying land with gold, buying assets with gold, gold coins, gold bullion, gold stacking strategy, bad Youtube channels, bad youtube advice, gold investment 2024, how I maximize my gold profits


    1. I don’t tell anybody to do anything on my channel I just show what I’m doing
      What you’re doing has no basis on what I’m doing, I would never make a decision based on a YouTube channel comment 😆😆
      I never participate in other stackers auctions that’s just for suckers
      I never reference precious metals against spot value. I use the dollar value.
      PS/ I don’t give a shit about premiums. That’s just a bunch of BS from Bullion dealers, it’s like my wife telling me that there’s 40% off the dress that she wants, It doesn’t mean shit. 👍
      I only see supportive comments on your channel?

    2. Selling gold SUCKS. The premium you paid? Sorry, pal… The spot price? Good luck getting it. If I needed cash quick, I'd probably take some gold to a pawn shop. But I keep cash on hand so I don't wind up facing said scenario.Have a merry Christmas, CC!

    3. I personally don't get hung up about the use of the word "investment" as it pertains to precious metals. Investment can have a widely varying meaning to people. For instance using it to describe "investing your time into ____." Or investing your energy into a hobby etc. It's just a word and its definition isn't absolute… at least for me. Great video, thanks.

    4. Thank you for this video. We are new gold and silver buyers and really appreciate this simple breakdown of buy/sell premiums and spot price along with the tax implications.

    5. Agree with CC completely. It’s a free and democratic society, and no one has the right to tell you what you can or can’t do (as long as what you’re doing is not illegal or morally wrong). People that tell you to sell have ulterior motives, and usually not for your best interest. Make an informed decision and stick with it. 2 cents.

    6. Bro, I don’t think I need to tell you that if you consider your gold as your insurance plan and some symbol of freedom.. you ain’t never gonna sell, and that’s fine, but most stacker YouTubers have a buy and hold attitude. Maybe you’re watching the wrong degenerates on YouTube, but perhaps selling at ATH isn’t such a bad idea, look a few days and gold got its haircut

    7. I won't part with any of my Gold. If I add any gold to my stack ( which has been a challenge ). It goes into my old citizens bank safe and stays there. if I have to part with some silver I will in order to get more gold. but that's only if I don't have any other options left.

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