Rafi Farber’s Warn! Why I Changed My Entire Prediction on Gold and Silver Price

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    The Government Can confiscate through hyper deflation or bail-ins or just taking everything that you think that you own or it can hyperinflate and destroy the dollar so that you can’t purchase anything with it or it can just tax you to death and take everything that you earn and that’s another way of

    Doing it but it’s all the same thing it’s just theft in a world teetering on economic extremes rafy Farber presents a crucial insight into hyperinflation and Hyper deflation showcasing why gold and silver stand as vital lifelines in today’s volatile Financial landscape join us as we delve into the heart of

    This economic turmoil exploring how these precious metals offer stability and resilience in the face of unprecedented monetary challenges this is a journey you can’t afford to miss a journey that might just redefine the way you perceive wealth preservation in times of uncertainty so let’s listen to him again hey guys rafie

    Here from the endgame investor gold has been falling after breaking through a triple top it is driving the technical traders a bit nutty I’ve been asked to aine I got a really good question today and I wanted to share it with all of you and my answer and I’m going to go

    Through some charts to show you that hyperinflation and Hyper deflation are really two sides of the same coin it doesn’t matter if we end in hyperinflation with gold at $35,000 an ounce and silver at 2330 at a 15 to1 ratio or if we end up in a hyper deflationary scenario where Banks

    Basically steal all your deposits and brokerages steal all your stocks and all your bonds and anything that you own that’s paper assets and gold goes down to $35 an ounce and silver is at $2.33 at a 15 to1 ratio it doesn’t make a damn bit of difference and I will show you

    How and why showing what happened in 2020 to purchasing power what matters is purchasing power how much you can get with your physical Stacks the only difference between hyperinflation and Hyper deflation is that in hyperinflation your stocks would still have nominal value and your brokerage wouldn’t theve and steal all of your

    Paper assets and gold miners would go through the roof whereas in hyper deflation it could possibly be that your brokerage will steal even your mining shares and in order to protect yourself against that you have to stack physical gold in a place that the government cannot find I personally think that

    Hyperinflation is much more likely than hyper deflation because hyper deflation means that all of the banks die and no the FED will not be able to revive them with a central bank digital currency because that’s just another dollar derivative and that will be confiscated as well even in the event of

    Hyperinflation which I think is much more likely let’s say gold to $35,000 an ounce and silver to 2330 and5 to1 ratio which that ratio itself is the hyperinflationary endgame bell ring at the top it’s the ratio that matters because it shows that silver has returned to its monetary ratio which

    Means that the gold derivative of the dollar is dead and people have moved to Silver for monetary transactions even in the event of hyperinflation at the end the dollar will probably be redefined from $35,000 an ounce to $35 an ounce back to the 1971 levels and anyone who

    Has dollars in his bank account or brokerage or anything dollar denominated loses 999 out of a th000 of what he thought he had nominally so it’s the same thing it all ends with bailin what people have to understand is that the method of confiscation makes very little to no difference The Government Can

    Confiscate through hyper deflation or bail ends or just taking everything that you think that you own or it can hyperinflate and destroy the dollar so that you can’t purchase anything with it or it can just tax you to death and take everything that you earn and that’s

    Another way of doing it but it’s all the same thing it’s just theft now if we reason out what would happen in a hyper deflation where the government like Argentina did in 2001 just simply takes everything you have including your brokerage and your bank account and whatever else you have that’s dollars

    Denominated if they do that what happens well everyone who thought they had purchasing power suddenly have no purchasing power so what happens to the prices of consumer goods and services and real estate and farmland and everything else well the dollar price of that collapses because suddenly nobody

    Has any damn dollars so what do people have well the stackers who have buried gold and silver in their backyard or wherever on their top topographical maps that they can locate it they have real money that they can access and so because gold is the money and do and the

    Dollar is just a gold and silver derivative everything becomes exchangeable for gold and silver at r rically low prices uh gold in 2020 crash fell 14.86% from the highs and I have that highlighted on this chart the high the post bare Market high was 1704 and3 and

    The low on March uh 16th the next week was $450 $1,450 but that was only was less than 15% drop what was happening to every other commodity in the world in dollar terms well look at the crb index just in those two weeks and this isn’t even

    Counting the entire uh breadth of the fall from what is this 187 on the crb to 10.48 at the lows uh that is almost a 50% cut uh just in those two weeks we saw a 33% fall in the crb meaning Collective Commodities so would you rather have a

    14.86 6% uh fall in gold or a 33% fall in the rest of Commodities and that means functionally that gold doubles its purchasing power and you can see that in two weeks it doubles its purchasing power and and you can see that here in the gold to crb index ratio how much crb

    Units how much commodity units can gold purchase you and going back all the way to 1991 here it was pretty stable until we get to the 2008 financial crisis and then the real purchasing power of gold just Rockets up from about two or 1.5 or whatever that number is to about five it

    More than doubles but look what happened here from 8 to uh 16 I think it is the high here so it doubles again in just two weeks uh it was insane what do you that means that Gold’s purchasing power skyrockets during these times obviously this was only two weeks so the prices

    Didn’t have time to filter down into the consumer sector because the Fed was busy printing money and replating the system which I think they are going to do again because they’ve done it every single time before and it’s what every Central Bank does at the end yes that’s true uh

    That bail-ins can happen it happened in Cypress it happened in Argentina in 2001 it can happen here and the and the navity the difference will be in stocks are you going to own your mining stocks and I’m not 100% sure that you will which is why I also Advocate chiefly to

    Own physical gold and silver now what is happening to Gold Now versus Commodities uh you know gold was breaking through some kind of level uh 2150 and now it’s at around 2,000 again and people are talking about manipulation maybe in a small sense there is I don’t deny that

    There is manipulation in Futures markets I just don’t really care about it that much because the Futures Market is the manipulation itself and the way I look at things but if we look at gold versus Commodities now right this little candle that’s sticking up uh and going past

    Eight uh in the gold versus Commodities index ratio so this is the fall from 2150 to now it hasn’t fallen that much it has not been a very uh dramatic fall because what’s happening in Commodities now is that they’re all falling and whether we like to see it that way or

    Not and we don’t like to see it that way because we’re gold bugs gold is money yes in a logical sense but the market treats it as an industrial commodity for jewelry and whatever else it doesn’t see it as a monetary commodity doesn’t price it as a monetary commodity at least not

    Fully and so as Commodities fall gold tends to fall with it but it falls much less which is why its purchasing power Rises during these deflationary periods so we have here this line at about eight in the gold versus Commodities ratio and this was the line it hit in 2016 that

    Was at the end of the gold bare Market that ended at the end of 2015 and this is when miners were really uh zooming up higher we hit that again in 2019 in the middle of 2019 and we passed and we tested it one more time just prior to to

    The huge skyrocketing of Gold’s purchasing power into the 2020 insanity and look at this we’re back at it again at that number eight and it tested here and now we’ve broken through it briefly here and we’re testing right below it here uh I think when we hit this number

    We’re in danger of a deflationary crash which I think the feder will respond to by printing 5 six trillion dollars and we will be in the hyperinflationary phase but if not and they don’t we will hit a hyper deflationary phase and either way gold purchasing power and Silvers will rocket higher Silvers much

    Faster because we will be heading towards a 15 to1 ratio the endgame ratio in Gold to Silver the dollar denomination terms really do not matter that much now check out what oil is doing now this was the 2020 bottom when oil hit Nega $35 right you talk about a

    Deflationary crash that was uh one of them and in that deflationary crash gold fell to $450 which was not that extreme less than 15% from the 1704 top but the point is here that oil is falling has closed in a weekly basis below its 200 we moving average for the first time

    Since the 2020 catastrophe Insanity I don’t want to talk about what the world was doing there because it’s just a bad memory but you see here that the 200 we moving average in oil was tested 1 two 3 four five six maybe seven eight times uh

    Mostly in 2023 and it tested again and it broke through does this mean that we are at the beginning of what is a developing banking crisis well we’ll have to see whether the reverse repos run out in the next few weeks it could happen or some kind of crisis in the

    Treasury market don’t know for sure but what I’m saying is that hyperinflation and Hyper deflation are the same thing gold and silver are the money dollar is just a derivative and so what gold is worth in dollar terms is not really going to matter when the dollar crashes because of hyper deflation or

    Hyperinflation even if there is hyperinflation they’ll Lop off four five six whatever how many zeros and go back to the 1971 nominal value of $35 an ounce but the purchasing power of gold will not decline because they lopped off a bunch of zeros the zeros do not matter but yes

    A concession what does matter is for Gold stock holders and If the Fed or the federal government or whoever is in charge decides to steal everyone’s bank account if they can get away with that without being lynched and I’m not calling for any violence but if they can

    Get away with this while much of the civilian population is armed in the United States then yeah they’ll try it but I don’t think they can actually get away with it it’s too dangerous for them they might get injured and so it appears if what is happening is deflationary

    Meaning gold falling from 2150 to what was it 1980 or whatever it was I think it was less than 10% it could be the beginning of a deflationary uh trough that is developing in the bank banking system something might be happening in the monetary sphere it will happen

    Eventually and the FED will either allow hyper deflation to happen by confiscating everyone’s assets or they will print and allow hyperinflation to to happen and most people’s assets will be confiscated through hyperinflation anyway it doesn’t make a damn bit of difference gold is the money silver is

    The money what we are watching for for the endgame ratio is a 15 to1 gold to Silver ratio and the dollar terms do not matter remember that in the tumultuous dance between hyperinflation and Hyper deflation these precious metals remain unwavering anchors of stability stay vigilant stay informed and stay

    Connected please like share and subscribe to our channel to navigate the ever evolving Financial landscape thank you for joining us on this insightful journey and may your Investments always shine as brightly as the enduring Allure of gold and silver thanks Again


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