In this weekly recap, I talk about bitcoin and the bitcoin whales and what they are doing in the market.

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    The whales they have some of them have inside information others are just smart about it so you got these whales that hold over th000 Bitcoins the addresses are going up because they know what’s coming right while everyone else maybe cautious these whales are not they are stocking up here’s another example

    $1 133 million wor of Bitcoin bought within the last 10 days by one individual one individual think about that so whales are loading up but as for the rest of us the non whales we continue to hold on DCA right 80% 80% of the supply the entire supply

    Has not moved in 6 months and keeps on going higher and higher and higher so not only the whales are buying the retail non whales are buying and holding okay that’s why we have have a all-time high in terms of number of Bitcoin not moved last 6 months year 2 years 3 years

    5 years and so forth we all know that something big is about to come right spot ETFs we know that is coming in fact we know it’s coming in less than two weeks so right now we’re just waiting but there’s a lot of people talking about about how the

    SEC has been secretly having these meetings with all these fund makers including Black Rock and Ark and monike and everyone else right secret meetings to make final changes by the end of the year and why is that because they’re getting ready to approve I mean really that’s

    That’s what it comes down to 2 weeks and we will get a spot Bitcoin ETF black rocks keeps submitting changes to the applications because they keep getting I don’t know they keep talking with and getting I don’t know asked to do these revisions so it’s like the third or

    Fourth or fifth one now right and we know that is coming and here’s another reason why we know because the whales are stocking up and here’s something else that’s interesting prior in our bull runs we will see like a lot of 25% draw downs we haven’t seen it yet which

    Which means it’s one of two things we really haven’t started a bull run yet which we’ll probably see in 2024 or the market is so strong right now it’s just impossible for us to fall 25% because there’s too many people gobbling up the cheap Bitcoins as it falls we have seen

    10% drops 15% drops but not 25% no 20% right so it’s one of two things the Bull Run didn’t really start yet and if that’s the case think about what it’s going going to be like when it does number two well maybe there’s just so many buyers that

    We’re not going to ever see 25% drops again think about that one of two things they’re both positive they’re both very very positive and I apologize for EO because it’s in my office it’s not sound sound proof sound de and stuff like that but we’ll get through what’s important is what I’m

    About to say uh um so this is this is what what is coming when we get that spot ETF we will see a rocket ship upwards to the Moon right I think we all anticipate that so as for Bitcoin Bitcoin is going to lead the way Bitcoin is going to the

    Moon so if you have any doubts still you shouldn’t because there’s so many good things happening and there will be I mean whatever we’re seeing right now is tip of the iceberg really just the tip of the iceberg let me show you guys this real quick according to market

    Cap Bitcoin right now is the 10th largest I mean 10th largest market cap in the world basically um if you compare it to any precious metal any public Trade Company any ETF Bitcoin is at number 10 already above Tesla Burkshire hathway Visa JP Morgan some the biggest companies there

    Are we’re right below meta and then you know then it starts going up right but as Bitcoin gets stronger and gets bigger it will climb the ranks and one day one day be at where gold is not this cycle maybe next cycle but one day in the

    Future what I show this Bitcoin is going to be at number one and by then you know what it’ll be a little bit too late to get in because Bitcoin will be at 700,000 plus then so 40 something th000 now is still cheap compared to 700,000 then but just to show you how

    How amazing it is for digital currency to be already ranked number 10 and pretty soon it topass Sil it has done that before and pretty soon will surpass even gold it’s just a better version it’s a better version of gold and silver and you guys know that that’s why a lot

    Of people think 50,000 once we hit it we’re not going to retrace we’re just going to keep on going and so many are thinking 50,000 by the end of this year or first week of January is very believable and why wouldn’t it be considering we’re already at

    $44,000 it’s not it’s only a 15% gain from here right it definitely is not unreasonable but 50,000 is a big psychological Mark if you think about it right because it’s is halfway to six figures it’s a nice big number and we weren’t above 50,000 that long in

    2021 so that would be awesome and then building up to the having event maybe s $70 $80 $100 by April that is what we have to look forward to and it’s just going to be awesome it’s going to be awesome not only for Bitcoin holders but for all

    Crypto holders that money is going to flow in everywhere the market cap of the entire space is going to blow up and we will see everything rally not just memes but all the l1s l2s L Zer and all the other DS they will follow so here’s another here’s another look of that 48

    50,000 Point basically mimicing previous Cycles it looks pretty much exactly the same but this also thinks that there may be a little retracement once we hit it we’ll see but right now man everything is firing on all cylinders even fees not that fees are good but because of inscriptions and in ordinals Bitcoin

    Fees surpass ethereum uh and we haven’t seen this since 2017 that shows you how hot Bitcoin is and Bitcoin miners continue to buy and buy and buy and I’ve showed you guys holdal charts and everything else that measures the the fundamentals of Bitcoin and they just keep on getting better and better and

    Better and better right so 50,000 soon yeah that’s coming but what about Beyond well that’s a lot more interesting and we will see but before we get to the having event I expect Bitcoin to go much higher than 50,000 and then afterwards we’ll have to

    See I mean I I think I I just think ‘s too much goodness in 2024 there’s going to be too much too much we’re going to get overloaded with goodness in 2024


    1. Time for Ethereum to move. So much is built using its architecture, I thought it would have paralleled Bitcoin’s moves. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year George…appreciate all of your efforts and insights.

    2. The AI created,CEO of ripple, apparent scam, telling people to send their XRP to an address and receive twice as much back, keeps on playing before your videos. Pretty much every time. They are pilfering your followers! Just a heads up!

    3. kusama gentlemen, small supply and in January the connection with Ethereum ath was over $600, how much will it be in this cycle, no one knows, apart from that Polkadot 2.0 is coming

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