Scary Warning To Silver Stackers: No Price Manipulations -Rafi Farber

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    Where government is going to be so desperate that they’ve taken the ETFs they’ve taken the banks gold and silver they’ve taken private vaults they’ve taken uh safety deposit boxes and then private vault as number four they’re going to go after people good to see you in this video we’re diving into the

    Compelling topic of gold confiscation and its initial impacts on ETFs and safety deposit boxes join us as we follow rafy farber’s expertise to unravel the potential consequences equipping investors with valuable insights for navigating this evolving Financial landscape so don’t go anywhere and keep watching uh and I wanted to

    Open this video with gold confiscation why do I have a dirty man safe why do I recommend that people have a dirty man safe because I don’t know if there’s going to be gold confiscation but if there is going to be gold confiscation it’s going to proceed in the following

    Manner first of all if the government sees that the dollar really is collapsing and the prices of gold and silver are going up and up and up limit up every single day and they see that they can cannot extract any more purchasing power from the inflationary process they know they are doomed so

    What do they do they confiscate gold which FDR did in 1933 but exactly how FDR did it uh because they were in a was able to do it because he was in a deflationary period there uh where the dollar had still had an official link to gold and an official gold standard and

    There was still a lot of patriotism going around in the 1930s and uh the executive order was pretty much voluntary people were uh voluntarily coerced if you could say that into uh giving the gold up in exchange for $21 an ounce because they needed cash and they had gold so they

    Gave it in uh in a hyperinflationary scenario it’s not going to be that easy for the government to confiscate so it’s not going to be that scenario where people are going to want dollars when the dollar was collapsing in 1933 the dollar wasn’t collapsing it was rising in purchasing power because of the

    Deflationary forces because the FED couldn’t inflate because it was still on a gold standard but now they’re still going to need gold so what are they going to do well if you’re the government and you’re running out of money and the dollar isn’t working anymore you’re going to go after the

    Centralized supplies of gold and silver first which are the ETFs how much money would it cost the government to take over the ETFs and just piler their storage and just take the physical that’s in there it would be instant it just do it in executive order the

    Government would take it and that would be it it would cost almost nothing which is why I recommend not to not to rely on ETFs for the endgame for endgame purposes I don’t have a problem people trading them if they like to trade uh or want to increase their dollar holding

    But no it’s not going to protect you none of these ETFs are going to protect you in the end game but confiscating the ETFs is the first thing they will do what’s the second thing they’ll do the second thing they’ll do is they’ll confiscate gold and silver from the

    Banks from the member banks of the Federal Reserve the Federal Reserve could just issue an edict if that’s even possible or the treasury could in the name of the fed or whatever however it’s going to work out legally I don’t know but it doesn’t really matter they’re

    Going to confiscate all the fysical gold of the banks of Bank of America JP Morgan whatever they have they’re just going to take them and they can do that because it’s already centralized it’s easy to do it they can do it first ask questions later go through the legal

    Process uh and worry about that later but that those are the easiest things to do the third thing that they will do the third easiest thing to do is to confiscate private Holdings that are held in in safety deposit boxes in commercial Banks like Bank of America if

    You hold gold or silver in a safety deposit box in a commercial Bank uh they’re going to take that too because it’s very easy they control the banks and the fourth thing they they will do which is harder to do because it’s more decentralized it will acquire more

    Manpower is to P for the physical stocks of uh private companies or mining companies uh or a private vault which would require a lot more manpower um and a lot more Court battles be very difficult to do I’m not denying that they won’t try it I’m not saying that

    They won’t try it uh but the the hardest thing that they’ll do that they could do they could possibly go into people’s backyards or uh you know I don’t recommend burying everything in your backyard I certainly did not do that because I have a YouTube channel and I

    Want to broadcast this so you know spread things around different people I trust uh it’s one of those paradoxes like if you promote this stuff like what are you going to do you can’t keep totally secret I just have to rely on my assumption that if it comes to the point

    Where government is going to be so desperate that they’ve taken the ETFs they’ve taken the banks gold and silver they’ve taken private vaults they’ve taken uh safety deposit boxes and then private vaults is number four they’re going to go after people wherever they buried their their gold and silver what

    Are they going to do question them I mean how much Manpower is this going to take it’s going to take a lot and it’s going to cost a lot of money to go after what is probably the lowest supplies the the smallest supplies of gold and silver

    That they could even come up with right the risk return the the return on investment and trying to get people to reveal where their Stacks are wherever they buried them is ridiculous it’s not going to happen so I’m not saying it’s a 0% chance it’s going to happen but if it

    Comes to the point where the government gets that that desperate they’re not going to have the money to uh go after these small stock piles these retail sizes of gold and silver they’re going to go after the centralize supplies that’s the point and I do own gold and

    Silver miners the reason is not that I want to earn more dollars by owning gold and silver miners the reason is that in the endgame as the dollar collapses the only companies that will be able to pay in real money will be gold and silver miners because they’re the only ones that literally

    Make money all other companies that report their profits in dollar terms well they’re going to have accounting problems when the dollar no longer works and they’re going to have to get their hands on some gold which is why gold mining socks will do spectacularly once the FED starts printing again and we all

    Know that they have already pivoted towards a pivot they’ve already changed their stance to a rate cut stance which was the last fomc meeting and that’s why gold and silver and platinum and Palladium and all the precious metals exploded higher uh this is going to get much worse when the reverse repos run

    Out and we are about two months away from that as I wrote in the endgame investor and just like we saw in the 1930s once the FED starts printing again it is the gold and silver mining stocks that I perform all others because all other companies need what the gold and

    Silver miners produce this guy wants to argue with me about money so he uses that uh hack need uh analog that if you go to a store and try to use gold and silver they won’t take it but if you use dollars they’ll take it so he saids I

    Totally agree with you and anyone that t the value gold and silver is a store of value but you and all gold bugs totally lose me when you say that gold is money take a gold or silver coin to your local grocery store gas station car dealer drugstore pet store fast food restaurant

    And you name it and try to buy something with it and 100% of them will tell you to come back when you have actual money the only thing that is money is something one can use to buy things where the gold and silver fail Mis in that function well what he doesn’t

    Understand is the only reason that the dollar can be used as a money or a money substitute or really a gold is a derivative of money is that it is a derivative of money uh so I respond here as I respond to all people who use this

    Uh bad analogy take dollars to your local grocery store gas station car dealer drugstore pet store fast food restaurant and you name it and try to buy something with them when they can no longer be exchanged for gold at all and 100% of them will tell you to come back

    When you have actual money the only reason you can use the dollar in stores today is because it is still exchangeable for gold the minute it isn’t you cannot and you will need to use gold and silver directly more likely silver in a retail setting I don’t think

    You’ll be able to use gold in retail setting much you’ll have to use that to buy a car or a house or a business or farmland or whatever but silver will be the retail coin that you will need for retail purchases that’s all for today for rafy’s response to mean or semi

    Ignorant comments as we wrap up this insightful discussion on gold confiscation potential impact on ETFs and safety deposit boxes remember that knowledge is key in navigating the financial landscape stay informed stay engaged and hit subscribe to ensure you never miss out on our future discussions and analyses thank you for joining us

    And until next time may your Investments be prosperous and informed


    1. Rick Rule made the statement on Mike Maloney's platform that in contrast to China where like most Asian Ctrs it holds the majority of precious metals via it's citizens in contrast to the USA where 70pc of citizens do Not own any and only something like 4pc have any note worthy amount.
      Two yrs ago cashed in most of my investments and after a while realised that money was Ag in most languages and now have transferred to Sprotts Pslv. Just about even stevens now but am chillaxed and patient.😅

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