Ethereum vs. Solana: The Battle for Supremacy in the Crypto World! Find out why Ethereum’s upcoming catalysts could potentially outperform Solana in this exciting video. Don’t miss the chance to subscribe and stay updated on the latest crypto news and trends!

    Welcome everybody today we’re going to talk about ethereum and how this is going to play out because salana has just been going crazy for the last couple of uh weeks here uh I’m here to tell you a couple of things the things happening right now with Solana is very

    Similar what happened in ethereum when we had defi summer back in 2020 2021 uh and uh you know the one thing is if you think about what happened in 2021 with the nft space and everything just kind of going nuts I think that we are in a very interesting at the moment

    Because if you take a look at what’s happening with our price action our tvl has now gone up quite a bit since the low in October when it was at 20 that was our really our low point in terms of activity now most of the other chains

    Have done pretty much the same um we have October as our bottom AR um Salon as our bottom we have uh let me take a look at Avalanche Avalanche is another one it’s a smaller chain but again we’re never no near the peak that we were back

    In October to April when defi when um these chain side chains were doing really well but salana has basically done extremely well however the T volume is still not there right now for ethereum and some of these other altcoins I think right now we’re having this kind of little pocket a little

    Small pocket of price action but we’re not seeing the volume that we saw back uh in two two two years ago now the reason are very simple take a look at what’s happening with the protocol rankings in terms of volume and what’s driving a lot of TBL volume because

    We’ve been going up about 40% in the last like three months a lot of it has to do with the staking um there isn’t any sort of retail nft big trades happening at the moment it’s a lot of it’s just like Lio uh now if you take a

    Look at Lio maker of a Unis swap rocket pole these are all the projects that have had significant changes in their TBL volume in the last month and in terms of tvl size they’re still holding their main value here so seven one month change we’re at 17% for Rocket pool if

    You add up all of them majority of these are in your staking and actually um Unis swop is interesting because Unis swop is still generating about $1 million in fees compared to something like Lio and also with um some of the other larger projects but majority the the volume is

    Still not there necessarily now if you take a look at something like a salana well it’s a little different because the majority of the volume has also come from staking but we’re also start seeing a lot of air drops coming in so Jos is an example we’re starting to see air

    Drops coming in from major major projects that they’re trying to get their their project off the ground and so what’s happening is it’s driving a lot of volume a lot of tvl coming into this projects but the question is once the incentives dry up are these going to

    Continue to do well in the cycle and so my guess here is I think the money is still going to be there but it’s going to be very similar to what happened um in this period right here um just to the fact that right now retail is getting

    Locked out all of a lot of these different projects because of the regulations now as an example Avalanche did something very similar back back a while ago um you know we got we talking about trading on Avalanche Avalanche is a small way smaller chain but you can

    Kind of see what happened with Avalanche as they were putting out incentives and Avalanche is kind of creeping up here at about $900 Million worth of tvl while Avalanche is trading at a fraction of what Solana’s um market cap is so Avalanche is really interesting to me at the

    Moment because it’s 17 billion and yet its actual total value is comparable it’s a little bit lower than salana by just quite a little bit so if you take a look at salana as a whole I think it’s a great project I think there’s got a lot

    Of things going on but I think the price is getting a little overextended now in terms of ethereum there’s a couple of catalysts for ethereum that I think Solana does not have and one of them has to do with the ETF there’s been already some institutions that want to make this

    Into an ETF just like Bitcoin the second U Catalyst I see there’s going to do an upgrade in q1 of 2024 where they’re going to introduce the sharding mechanism that’s going to make ethereum cheaper to transact and I think you might get something very similar to what’s happening with salana at the

    Moment as projects begin to realize that they could make this really cheap and if you can incentivize the user by airdropping token I think that’s going to drive ethereum back on now again I’m not saying that ethereum is going to take off at the moment what I am saying though is that

    These projects have been holding their tvl volume for quite a bit now if you take a look at Lio for the liquid Stakes it’s a very interesting proposition because Lio is $20 billion worth of liquid sck now we take a look at what’s happening with Lio on

    TBL after the FTX collapsed in November of last year which was pretty much our bottom at the moment and if you take a look at what’s been happening October November and after after that event it’s just been going up and up and up and up right I mean there’s more and more of

    This tvl volume being put in and if you notice carefully if you notice carefully What’s Happening Here is that Lio is really taking the cake in terms of steak eat so they’re drawing a lot of the a lot of the E the new issuance from the

    Ethereum chain back on that side um I also wanted to mention that if you take a look at um the overall let me go back to the overall uh picture here on the chains is that ethereum still has a good chunk of tvl relative and stable coins relative

    To everybody else next to Tron now Tron I wouldn’t consider it a worthy defi because it’s only got 27 protocols but if you take a look at the next big one which is BC it’s still it’s still much much larger the amount of Fe etherum is generating is n $658 Million worth of

    Ethereum on a market cap per tvl value of 10 times so you’re paying less than 10 times TBL while something like a BSC you’re paying 12 times a Solana you’re paying 35 times tbll and aside from all of these other projects what you’re actually getting for is value you’re

    Getting a lot of value for what you’re paying for relative to how much volume you’re generating in the nft space ethereum is generating 15 million wle trading at 12 so even on the nft volume uh ethereum is still worth quite a bit so if you’re bullish on the altcoin

    Space the best project right now to go for is ethereum not necessarily some of these other small ones and the other thing I also want to mention is that if you’re taking a look at the 24 Vol hour volume right ethereum is a tra its volume is trading at all

    Dexes on the Chain are trading at 1.07 billion dollar none of these other projects come even close not even salana comes close at at that value right well salana it’s at you know close to a billion too but it’s 895 million which is still a little under but most of

    These projects are relatively low right so if you take a look at all of these coins all of them okay so that makes the question is so why aren’t people buying ethereum that’s the case well the simple reason is because there’s nothing in there that’s hyping them up at the

    Moment what caused this move here in 2021 and 2022 was driven by a lot of the nft a lot of the dgen stuff we’re talking about a lot of trading with some of these projects that were doing algorithmic stable coins I mean there was a lot of different projects that

    Were coming in during that period they were taking advantage of the smart contract and I suspect that’s what’s probably going to happen again now with all that said what what projects are we looking for with ethereum within the ethereum network well as long as the tvl

    Value continues to rise here on both the dexus and also of the lending portion and we’re getting the ETF coming in then we probably could see another Resurgence for ethereum but at the moment I think that the price to I think the price that you’re getting for ethereum relative to

    Your TBL volume I think it’s worth a shot um downside risk is really easy I mean I think you can probably get down to if the market starts to collapse from these levels 50% downside risk for ethereum but that’s really what you’re paying for on the uptick that ethereum

    Is going to catch up at some point so in my opinion I think this is a really really good opportunity to take a look at ethereum at the moment nobody’s really talking about it and I think there’s a lot a lot of um potential probabilities for ethereum to really do

    Well here in this cycle um the only thing is the staking pieces that we have so ethereum staking if you take a look at for Lio uh for Lio it it’s very interesting because Lio is where a lot of people are storing their eth so eth is becoming a

    Hard asset just from the fact that you have this staking protocol that’s now being pulled in compared to the last cycle which was proof of work but if you want a stake for ethereum you’re going to get a 3.7% APR and 20 billion of that about almost like a little bit less than

    10% of the total amount of ethereum is actually ending up um of the supply of the market cap is actually Stak so there is an inflationary piece by this but the one thing I would say though is you are going to find a situation where Lio ends up being a very

    Interesting you know piece that many people are not really thinking about because of the fact that ethereum has historically had these cycle so if we do get ethereum here it’s going to be about one year cycle where ethereum just starts to rise and just to give you an

    Idea of how far we can go we went to ethereum to about 5,000 close to $5,000 so it could be a double up within a year which is again not necessarily what some some people want to get but it’s a very stable compounder right that’s what you really want and

    Our low point for ethereum on price action if you remember from our low point back in the during the FTX collap let me just go ahead and put the um uh inflows here so if you go back to the um the low point for ethereum the low point for ethereum was at about

    $1,200 so again a 50% drop and that’s with all the FTX stuff so you’re looking at a 50% drop relative to calling ethereum dead in the event that Salon is going to flip it and I think that they’re going to be surprised so my opinion I’m going

    To be shifting some money over to ethereum and I’ll be taking a look at if we can get back to that $5,000 range all right hopefully enjoy this CBL


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