In this episode of Digital investor we continue to Explore the Intersection of Crypto & AI & Data as a commodity! to Build Your Portfolio… and Mastering AI, Cryptocurrency & Investment Strategies for Financial Success!

    * for those of you interested in the TWIN Protocol (TWIN) token launch at — stay tuned. Those possessing the NODE Market NFT will get guaranteed allocations of the token – likely in the first week of January with the Limited Release of the token.

    Want to see the FULL episode and all the Portfolio Building & Knowledge:

    + Interested in Hypercycle Node Licenses:

    News – AI & Crypto Research – Price Action – ICOs – YouTube – Twitch – Twitter – Theta TV – etc. There is so much to talk about, but don’t worry… we will. Get up to the date news, rumors and investment perspectives of Nick & Brandon as we help you navigate this tricky but very lucrative space of Cryptocurrency and Artificial Intelligence!

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    Do you trust your crypto assets to centralized exchanges that actively sell your private information and front run your trades would you like to buy and sell your assets without any middlemen intermediaries or robots do you like paying slippage fees and having the price go up as bot steal from you on

    Low liquidity decentralized exchanges the solution is nod market. set your guaranteed buy or sell price no middlemen no slippage no Bots ever buy or sell one 10 or even 10 million tokens and you never have to worry OTC trades are between you and the seller or buyer guaranteed by audited smart contract

    Tracks and no human middlemen nod [Applause] Market. I love it so much H okay uh let me see let me put our little Banner okay all right the Banner’s up okay do you have any um do you want to get do you want to knock out any housekeeping that we have right now let’s get through this this is important

    Although I want like six more people to be here before I go through this but whatever H okay so we have the twin protocol form live um obviously you guys can all fill this out I made a video for those of you that were struggling with

    Filling out a form and stuff just to kind of walk through it it and then I did the whole send thing so I’m going to rewalk through that because there’s still a couple people that are like ah crap so a lot of people are like hey

    When do I send the usdc but like the top of the form says you may send the usdc as soon as the form is complete now and you understand everything here so we would like to get that in as soon so now now we’d like to get that in as soon as

    Possible so maybe you just miss the big bold lettering with underline I don’t know I I miss that stuff too usually when I’m like reading through things CU I like I like to get right to the meet of things okay so this place uh what is the wallet address that contains your

    Nod Market nfts this is a big one because I’ve had um a couple people look at this like here’s all like addresses people put metamask like I can’t do anything with metamask I need the wallet address what if that’s their wallet address what if they’re what if they

    Have metamask doeth good luck I’ve already bid like 20 eth on that you can’t get it so good luck if you do have metam mask. eth good job I’m very proud of you it’s worth more than at least 20 eth so basically um what is the wallet address that contains your node market

    Nfts so put your regular address here oh my headset just left but um put your regular address here so you guys can get that filled out and then when you come over here that way I can I know to what wallet to check for the nfts and

    Then also do not send from coinbase if you send from coinbase then I am going to have difficulty um it’s the problem because I can’t we can’t send the tokens back to coinbase because coinbase doesn’t support the token yet and so then your your tokens are gone if you

    Send from coinbase and I send to coinbase on accident like I just don’t want to screw that up um the math thing you guys understand that hopefully now I’ve had a couple people put zero here um Jim you don’t need to fill out the form if you don’t want any so there’s

    That and then um just to go through the rest of this if you um there’s one more thing I was going to do so let’s just say oops let’s just say that we want to send hold on so let me paste this address everybody a couple people have like Hey

    Where’s the wallet address the wallet address is in here like four times so make sure you copy there’s also questions in here that say hey have you do you know how to send usdc and do you know the the twin collection wallet is this and so I put it here this is the

    Wallet address so if we go and we want to send so we go to our metamask and I did this in the video as well okay um you go in here and you hit send right and you’re going to paste the address in oh crap paste the address okay and I don’t

    Have any usdc in here so I’m going to put eth whatever and then I’m going to go send don’t send eth look at this it actually resolves to Twin wallet. e so you know you’re sending it to the right address Isn’t that cool anyway that’s

    It so uh Lisa asked headphones so I can hear okay well once um once Brandon’s got his earpieces in uh where it’s uh Lisa’s asking you can’t go back and change your address did you send from coinbase are you using a coinbase address so what you’re gonna have to do

    Any of you that have luckily this is a small group so any of you that are doing that um email Brandon directly um and you can make those adjustments um no you can’t send a check I know that you’re just joking because clearly you understand that web 3 there’s no such thing as

    Goddamn checks um the other thing I was going to say not everybody’s getting their allocation if you don’t want twin tokens don’t fill out the form you don’t need to it’s not for you um now for those of you that don’t get your tokens or maybe you don’t get all

    Of them whatever’s left that’s unclaimed on the 31st we’re gonna we’re GNA cut that group off so everybody for the first group of claims is cut off from the for the next three days we’ll take whatever was not whether it’s 10 tokens or a trillion it wouldn’t be a

    Trillion whatever tokens have not been claimed we’re going to take those and we’re going to offer those up to again if you uh node nft holders um you’ll it’ll be the same allocation amount but it’ll be at 15 cents that’s for if you missed it if you screwed it up and if

    You got if you colored Outside the Lines if you are cryp tarded and you still want these tokens we’ll do it for three days at that point we cut everything off so from like January 1st 2 and third at that point we’re going to fire off the tokens we’re

    We’re done collecting um this is just because a couple of people had said hey I didn’t get in on time with my nft blah blah blah whatever so all all the excuse makers or whatever there you go all right you’ll have three days to get the

    Tokens at 15 cents and you’ll be you’ll be happy or you’ll be unhappy I don’t know I don’t know what to tell anybody um this is the only way we can make the most people happy all right we’ve we’ve talked all the twin stuff yes wait

    Somebody wants to send a check did you cover that though he’s joking yeah he’s joking option no that’s an option no oh crap I don’t want to confuse anyone never mind that’s not an option we’re not doing any of this web to web one web Legacy it’s not cash you can’t

    Trade any ham you can’t trade bread you can’t trade gold coins it’s crypto that’s it like wake up people Jesus all right there um okay uh did we create a spread sheet for the twin like hypercycle so we can look up our twin tokens uh I haven’t created that yet

    I’ve so everybody that sent and then I’ve confirmed one the form and two the the tokens I’ve sent out confirmation email to everybody that sent which which took a little bit but I can create a spreadsheet as well but it’s just like redundancy and redundancy um I’ll do it though Scott

    The actual twin token will just be twin as far as I understand they may have to look and make sure there’s not a bunch of other twin tokens floating around ethereum but ours is going to be in Twin it looks like I’ll write it down in Twin and again the we’re not spinning

    This token up this is being done by the twin team and Singularity Dow they’re gonna actually make the token so we think it will be that all right but you but again you’ll get all that information we’ll give you the contract address we’ll fire off the tokens you

    Can add it to your wallet Yad yaad y when the Twin tge occurs their actual T whenever they get around to it I don’t know when that is because that has to do with their road map so they want to be able to have things to do with the token

    And all that so whenever that is whether that’s a week a month three months whatever one month after the tge you’ll be able to trade these tokens one for one with the with whatever their twin token is that they put out into the into the world all right so there you go and

    There’s no lockups on these the tokens you get here you get them they’re just you get them in your wallet right then and they’ll be tradable right there on node Market that that same day okay I think we’ve talked this one into the dirt um I hope so yep all right uh let’s

    Do some we gotta do some AI news I feel like AI news is always so important um because God these guys are getting such ridiculous valuations all right so let’s talk I’ve seen that dear God okay so let’s talk AI news and then we will get behind the wall and we’ll talk uh

    Portfolios and we’ll talk some scenarios leading into oh wait one more thing sorry this isn’t important go on go on what did I do so what did I I don’t know what I did and I’m I apologize if I screwed something up but I made a tech

    Tip video on how to add the bass network to your metamask and I kid you not I’ve received no no short of like 22 emails saying do I have to add bass network to metamask do I need to only send on Bas Network now do I need to send on Bas

    Network to get the node Market nfts do I need to send on Bas Network to purchase twin tokens I I I I don’t want there to be any confusion you do not need to use the bass network that was just a tech tip video for those that accidentally

    Sent on the bass network like Kathy if you sent on the Bas Network go watch my tech tip video um if you don’t see the usdc but you do not need to send on the bass network and I apologize if I caused any confusion because if you did you

    Need to initiate you need to initiate the network send those those tokens back to coinbase send them back to your metamask in ethereum yeah the ethereum usdc because it’s the same as if you had optimism usdc or Harmony or or whatever you’re on a different protocol yeah I just feel like I was

    Just given a tech tip on because I know a lot of people accidentally said on the Bas Network they sent usdc so we discovered how to find that usdc but don’t send on the bass network nothing’s on the Bas Network yet don’t even use it

    If you don’t need to yeah if you did for some reason defaulted to the base Network a lot of times now because they’re trying to use it and I think it’s unfortunate yeah if you did send it back send it back to coinbase and flip

    It flip it back for the normal one and send the normal one okay yeah that’s how you bridge it basically how send it back to coinbase and flip it that’s yeah if you there’s not enough liquidity to do any kind of real bridging and if there was they would charge you exorbitant

    Fees so you don’t want to mess with that so send it back to coinbase and then resend it out as ethereum usdc um I know that coinbase is really pushing to have people use the bass network I just think it’s they’re trying too hard they’re you know what what do

    They say why are they so thirsty they’re so thirsty that’s why their token that’s why the seam token is absolutely the bed poor seam yeah seams like garage here Kathy I’ll look at it real quick Kathy put your wallet address in the chat all right uh let’s get back to stuff

    Okay uh so let’s talk AI news which we got to do so here we go oh man hold on okay so here’s what’s going on open AI is in talks to raise at a$ 100 billion valuation Jesus man um in they are in uh early discussions to raise a new round

    An evaluation of 100 billion even though it’s uh Tinder offer at 86 billion valuation isn’t yet completed so I guess old Sammy he’s back in the saddle um open AI has yet to complete a separate offer that would allow employees to sell shares at a valuation of 86 billion one

    Of the reasons why all the employees jumped on board when he got booted was like wait a minute wait don’t we get to sell so they’re going to a lot of people are going to get rich off this anyway this New Deal values open AI at a 100

    Billion and would make uh the chat GPT maker the second most valuable startup in the US behind SpaceX and almost nothing that chat GP GPT does blows up and kills the pilots yet anyway um the company also discussed raising funds for a new chip Venture with Abu daby based

    G42 uh which is interesting for other reasons which I won’t mention um anyway why is all this matter just weeks ago one of the most thrilling Tech dramas of the year um open AI future looked pretty sketchy because Sam got booted and then he got brought back and a bunch of other

    People got booted because they were it was a big old Mutiny and anyway all that seems to be behind us because they’re just going to get more money um and weird at the same time that that world token is just completely s the bed have you seen that thing that thing is

    Just disintegrated disintegrated so anyway there we go all right um chat GPT has a bunch of cool AI tools but there’s a bunch of there’s a bunch of companies that have cool AI tools that are all kind of spinning off of you know the the basic uh large language

    Model and large multimodal models um the the list is let they have like a a list of top 50 most visited AI tools uh chat GPT I mean uh chat. openai that’s the first one character AI is number two um Google’s Bard which is not so good is

    Way lower number three and then the list just goes like to dust um but there was a new report put out um that showed a bunch of data over those top 50 most utilized AI tools and GPT led the list with 14 billion visits 14 billion uh

    They have 60% of the total Market the top 50 AI tools experienced an almost 11x growth rate with an average monthly increase of 236.000 million visits keep that in mind as you look you think about like the AI assets that you might have in your portfolio or that you’re looking at and

    Then you think about next year and the year after and the year after um do you think that this slows down down or increases I mean that’s a I mean I guess everybody’s going to have to Grapple with that so the uh the US contributed 5.5 billion visits so a little bit over

    A third equating to well actually not quite um they did to chat gbt which is more popular here but they were uh 22.6% of the total worldwide internet visit to AI tools 63% of AI tool users accessed Via mobile devices so that’s interesting two out of almost two out of

    Three are on using their phone and then just shy of 70% of the top 50 AI tools were male users with about 30% being females so 2third two3 mobile 2third male H I don’t know that you could probably draw some we could probably draw some lines there anyway um

    AI is moving very fast I mean this is what you would say is exponential rate of increase of onboarding of mainstreaming uh and it is significant because that all that’s going to directly apply to um a somewhat exponential rate at least in the near term of obsoleting of

    Jobs and uh every day the AI that you see every day is the dumbest it will ever be it you need to I think you need to keep that in context um so that’s kind of interesting um in AI research uh they um scientists use AI to discover a new class of

    Antibiotics and there’s a a new app which led to the discovery of the this new class of um antibiotics that can kill drug resistant bacteria research uh researchers used graph neural networks to predict the the toxicity over TW of over 12 million compounds which is

    Impossible to do in a wet lab um like those those fancy Labs that didn’t leak uh any kind of covid absolutely did not leak covid those anyway um on a computer with software they successfully identified compounds capable of killing drug resistant strains leading to a new class of antibiotics which is good for

    Those of you that are like you know ever find yourself coughing up green green stuff and you’re like dang this is not my green stuff this is someone else’s green stuff anyway the new antibiotics have shown um promising results in Mouse models and I don’t mean like a model of

    A mouse but like you know you know what that means anyway um they’re going to be treating infections from um very hard to combat bacteria which is good um the death toll from antibiotic resistant um resistance continues to grow claiming 1.2 million lives a year on the aggregate so

    So I mean I guess you could go the other way like if we save all those people then it’s going to make it harder for the pollution and all yeah man the but AI will fix that too right um the advancement shows um real world results uh with software and this is the

    Thing I’ll kind of put a button on this but like basically if you can model a biological system and with software then the time doesn’t matter so for instance what a kind of test that might have taken a lab 6 months or 12 months or 12 years right if you can correctly model

    All of the biology then the time that it takes to run the experiment you can truncate into a few seconds so you can do Decades of research every few seconds so what do you think that means for medical advancements and well advancements in all Fields but especially medical

    Advancements in anti-aging and you know antibacterial and um you know you get it you can like you guys aren’t all you know so slow so I think the medical side of AI is not really I don’t think that’s resonating with people yet but I think it’s a big deal and that’s coming really

    Really soon uh and then the only other thing I thought was pretty cool um Australian researchers developed d-wave which is a non-invasive AI translating um which this translates thoughts to text let me let me say that again it is a non-invasive AI that translates thoughts to text via an EEG recording uh

    Recording of brain waves and they tested it on subjects um that were reading silently and it achieved 40% accuracy but just think about that for a second people that were staring at words and reading them words and not just and they got 40% they got almost

    Half um and this is this is um not like the MRI based which is a little bit more invasive methods um which are pretty creepily AC uh accurate but this this could be something that would be used for stroke patient stroke victims um controlling bionic devices and so what

    D-wave does is it is is it uniquely encodes new EEG into language without itracking so you really can convert thought to text and it’s already you know B you know climbing towards 50% accuracy which that’s pretty badass um uh Johnny Ivy uh Apple’s former Chief design officer and open AI

    Sam Alman are now collaborating on a new AI Hardware device uh they’re not super specific but it’s called the well they’re calling it quietly like new hardware for the AI age uh I mean I like Sam I think Sam’s awesome I don’t think everything he does is awesome World coin

    I think maybe they should have thought about that a little bit longer um so and then Alman also worked on Humane on that like wearable AI device that’s really kind of creepy it looks like a police officers like chest cam if I man I’m not saying anybody

    Shows up with one of those things on their chest I’m not talking I ain’t saying nothing the problem is if it reads EEG because they’re using that other software they might already know H I’m gonna have to come up with words to say that like in my mind

    Like I don’t know man what do you say if you know that your thoughts are being read by AI that’s a good question what do you guys think what what should you repeat in your mind if you just in your mind you just say buy Bitcoin buy Bitcoin buy Bitcoin

    Buy Bitcoin buy Bitcoin you just keep keep saying that in your mind not out loud though buy Bitcoin and don’t walk into oncoming traffic so that then that’s all it it gets pineapples oh that’s my safe word hey Brandon you know what my safe word is I forgot my safe [Laughter]

    Word it’s foolproof oh yeah that’s perfect because you’re never gonna say that so oh oh dear God you oh dear okay you’re you’re going down sucker okay anyway um so that’s that uh there we go all right um Brandon any other AI any other AI happenings oh can you talk about the

    People for the twin people that are twins that have twins that have twins can you talk about that well I don’t know if it’s personal but I I can say it vaguely yeah sure so we have we have somebody who emailed me yesterday that’s actually a twin that has I his brother’s

    Twins and his parents are twins anyway obviously getting a lot of twin tokens I think it’s a really cool Dynamic so kind of a cool story so he’s really interested in Twin protocol because they’re all gonna make twins of their twins of their twins yeah of their Twins

    And they’re all gonna twin together as Twins and sell their twin anyway GNA be Co that’s that’s so many layers that’s so many layers all right here’s what we’re gonna do let’s um let’s get out behind the wall now um and let’s uh let’s go talk po portfolios we didn’t

    Get to have a portfolio talk on Monday so I think we need to look at the portfolios we need to get everybody ready for the um decision um for the Bitcoin ETF which I’m gonna go Brandon what’s your percentage faith that we get one before the 10th oh it’s it’s a 100

    It’s 100% okay not 100 you can’t do 100% I can’t 98 no you can do 100% I can do a 100 okay okay like like how could this not come out like I well because one of the one one something that in one of the SEC statements they said you the the

    Statement that talked about having to have the filings um all the s9s amended by the 29th to make it into the first batch of ETFs they’ve already said it they just haven’t given a date doesn’t mean it’s going to be the 10th it could be the it could be the first

    Well it wouldn’t be the first it could be the first business day back you guys know that they don’t have to the 10th doesn’t mean it could people that are waiting for the 10th I I think that’s fair because that’s the expiration date or that’s the uh the

    Date that they have to answer some of those filings but it could be the fifth the sixth the third the seventh I mean I just think by the 10th in my mind yes add three more nines uh yes okay so that’s where I’m at all right

    Um okay let’s get let’s get behind the wall now let’s get behind the wall time to go we we love you we love you man we gonna talk about markets today right oh yeah yeah markets are nutty and also holy s did you see the uh layer twos yes

    I did I I’ve told you I’ve T anyway we’ll talk about this in oh have you okay anyway for those of you that are not um uh digital investors you can be one um and you can join us behind the wall got a bunch of tools and all sorts

    Of cool stuff um for people to help you be better at making decisions um we can’t make anybody Rich only only you can say no to drugs wait that’s a different only you can prev oh yeah which is a lot of stress that’s a lot of

    Stress for a kid like only you can prevent forest fires well what if I’m asleep well then then half the for then half the forest burns down because because you were asleep kid yeah that’s a big ask it really is a big ask all right we’ll be back on the other on the

    On the flip side but those of you that are not members of digital investor or digital Private Client we’re going behind the proverbial wall now to continue the broadcast privately for the digital investors and digital private clients if you’d like to join us simply go to nickl And subscribe to

    One of our plans and immediately take advantage of our library of tools tactics and information it’s all designed to help you learn grow and manage your portfolio like a pro join us Now


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