“NOBODY Yet Understands This 100x Opportunity…” Andy Schectman | Silver Price Prediction 2024″

    Andy Schectman has been a prominent figure in the financial services industry for more than 25 years, during which he has served as President and owner of Miles Franklin, Precious Metals. Before starting Miles Franklin, Ltd.

    In this Video Andy Schectman discusses why holding gold and silver in your portfolio is very important, he also discusses about the price of gold and silver in 2024.

    #silver #fed #gold #andyschectman

    Here’s What’s Next For The Gold Market | LIVE w/ Andy Schectman

    Liberty and Finance
    Miles Franklin





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    #federalreserve #economy #usa

    It’s how I’ve gotten ahead and I would tell anyone uh like I’ve hired people and told them this and um you know they’ll they’ll come back to me two years later and say I love you man thank you so much for for making me do that I

    Can’t believe what I put away well it’s because no one’s ever told us how important that is and that to me it’s more important than just about anything you have to prepare for the future and and it’s not always in a 401k or self-directed IRA take your own accountability and prepare outside the

    System everyone can afford 1 ounce of silver a month everyone can if not you’re having a hard time feeding yourself and 1 ounce of silver a month is better than nothing and if you can buy 20 ounces a month great or whatever that number is for you that’s how you

    Get ahead and you let the laws of compounding of time of interest um work for you instead of against you the most the not only the wealthiest Traders on the planet but the most well-informed the central banks about more gold and silver over the last two years than at

    Any time in Central Banking history ever so the people who know the Playbook are loading up on it that that’s one thing and in terms of how does the average person do this you pay yourself first you you become regimented you buy something every couple of weeks when you

    Get paid I don’t care if it’s 1 ounce of silver 1 ounce of gold or whatever it may be you you have to start somewhere you let the laws of compounding work for you instead of against you every two weeks you will buy something I don’t

    Care what it is you’ll buy something for yourself every two weeks and it was the best gift my dad’s ever given me honest to God I mean he taught me how to save he taught me how to pay myself first he taught me to get out of the Rat Race and

    He and he taught me the laws of compounding and how important they are to understand them um because most of us our whole lives have the laws of compounding chasing us instead of us controlling it and you know going into debt is now like you know a Birthright

    Whereas instead of of trying to pay yourself first and to accumulate wealth um is something that’s ignored it should be a Paramount it should be the first class you take a freshman in high school school is how to to manage your finances and to build wealth and and like working

    Out or dieting if you don’t start day one you never get anywhere and once you start day one if you’re not methodical in it you never get anywhere it’s like if you if you ever worked out at a at a club and then right after New Year’s the

    Place is flooded with new people and then you know by the end of January there’s nobody there anymore because they gave up on their you know methodology on their commitment well you have to stay committed and regimented and for me I have bought something every

    Two weeks for the past 34 years I have never missed a twoe period it was a promise I made my dad that’s how you win you pay yourself first and you mitigate your variable rate debt in an environment where ultimately I don’t care what the FED is talking about

    Ultimately the market is stronger than the fed and rates will go higher so what can the average person do start to pay off your debt and pay yourself first and that’s how you get ahead and and the thing about gold and silver is that it’s

    Not as easy to spend as it is if it’s in a bank account with your venmo or your zel or your cash card or your you know ATM or whatever with gold and silver you got to box it up and send it back or do whatever so it lends itself to being a

    Wonderful vehicle for savings pay yourself first and I think that’s the only way you ever get ahead and and be regimented about it and make it as important as exercise or taking vitamins or eating right whatever it is the suppressed price especially in silver has made it very difficult for EXP ation

    Um and so you know this is a deal where if we were to see the price take off it might really um spur more uh exploration and growth but that takes time to find it and then to bring it to Market and develop it mine it and all of those

    Things so look I think that if you look at your finances as a pyramid uh and I’m bullish on the minor I am but they’re also very volatile and if you look at your your assets in the form of a pyramid this is what the Swiss have used

    For hundreds of years where the base of your pyramid would be something like 60 or 70% of your assets and to me that would be paid for home or real estate cash um precious metals assets that you own outright right the wealthy people in the world they own lots of assets not so

    Much cash but assets that’s the base of your pyramid the middle portion of your pyramid could be treasuries paying 5% little bit more risk right now especially in the treasury market but you know six month treasury paying 5% okay I’m cool with that or utility stocks throwing off a return a divid in

    Um and then the top 10% is the Home Run will be your cryptocurrency and your mining shares and and the theory works like this if you lose everything on the top 10% you lose it all and so in a perfect world yeah you hit a home run on

    The top 10% and the and the mining shares give you that type of potential especially when you see the big funds move into gold and silver in that in that environment where it’s really taking off the top 10% percentage um potential outpaces the bottom 90% but the volatility makes it so you don’t

    Want to invert your pyramids so I do think people should own some but do not substitute physical gold for mining shares they’re they’re cousins at best they’re not they’re not the same thing I come from a world where here again it doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive

    You don’t have to be in the gold camp or the crypto Camp I think they’re both speaking to the same issue and that is of the problems with with the dollar and with um uh you know the political and geopolitical Landscape but I think the difference between the two camps is that

    When I sell gold and silver even though I will tell you silver to me is the investment of a generation offers unbelievable potential I don’t own it myself for that reason I own gold and silver because they are wealthy and so to me it is more of an insurance

    Defensive position whereas crypto it seems the mentality for most people is to get rich you know you don’t see gold go up to 65,000 and then fall down to 15,000 you don’t see it go above 2100 either but the point of it is in terms of percentage gain and loss that

    Volatility is something that works against you unless you let it work for you you could be a Trader and play that volatility if you’re more of a longterm Buy and Hold then take the profit off the table keep your principle put it into gold and silver and now you win if

    If you’re prepared to take advantage of something well you buy low and sell high and that’s what most people do the opposite of that so yeah you you um you start selling high and and either reallocating into something on the low side or putting it into something safe

    And stable to retain those profits that you had on the high side and it’s very simple yet very hard to do because you know um we’re all Geniuses when things go the right way and take a little bit of accountability and um you know try to

    Think of the big picture how do you get ahead and to me you get ahead by taking your winnings and at least some of them and putting them off you know out of the game so that you know you can continue to ride the original investment but you

    Know that you got some gains over there that will that will keep you um keep you going if the game doesn’t work work out so well you know time compounds you wake up one morning and you’re not as young as you used to be so let the the it

    Could be compounding even in the simple terms every two weeks every two weeks every two or or think about lifting weights you want to see how this works just do curls with one arm not your other arm and watch the laws of compounding work for your right arm

    Instead of your left arm and you’ll see what the compounding of time and effort make and and I think it’s an important thing and people lose sight of that but it’s how I’ve gotten and I would tell anyone uh like I’ve hired people and told them this and um you know they’ll

    They’ll come back to me two years later and say I love you man thank you so much for for making me do that I can’t believe what I put away well it’s because no one’s ever told us how important that is and that to me it’s more important than just about anything

    You have to prepare for the future and and it’s not always in a 401k or self-directed IRA take your own accountability and prepare outside the system everyone can afford 1 ounce of silver a month everyone can if not you’re having a hard time feeding yourself and 1 ounce of silver a month

    Is better than nothing and if you can buy 20 ounces a month great or whatever that number is for you that’s how you get ahead and you let the laws of compounding of time of interest um work for you instead of against you


    1. 'Nobody… Understands' could also mean: It's not going to 100x.  
      Silver sold for $5 in 1974.  
      ATH in 2011 was $60.  
      It's had lower highs since 2021.
      Bitcoin is what you're looking for.  
      Simply compare the charts…

    2. If you can, always pay cash when buying silver and gold. Government and banks can track you is you use checks or credit cards. You don't want the government to know how much gold or silver you have bought.

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