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    DISCLAIMER: This is not financial advice! This is an entertainment and opinion-based show. I am not a financial adviser. Please only invest what you can afford to lose, and we encourage you to do your own research before investing. DYOR

    I don’t think we’ve ever seen you know a 2 to 10x increase in demand combined with a having and Supply in a scarce desirable asset that people want to hold for a long period of time so I think we’re expecting 2024 is going to be a

    Major Bull Run for the asset class we just don’t know how far the asset’s going to run at this point as we’ve said many times before 2024 will bring with it some of the biggest changes not just to macro not just to crypto but acoss the world we will see more changes to

    The way the world Works than possibly any year in history and that is because of four major themes that we’re going to be outlining for you here so that you understand what is so important about the next year in the world of cryptocurrency so this video in tandem

    With my ultimate 2024 crypto portfolio video which I published just a few days ago will be some of the most important work I do here on this channel and if you’re excited about what I’m going to outline for you today which are the most important trends that will emerge in the

    Next year in cryptocurrency then smash that like button and subscribe with the Bell notification on so that you can get these videos before the herd in October I did a video going over my approach to crypto gaming investing that video now has over 200,000 views and in my opinion

    Will stand the test of time throughout this cycle helping people get ahead and stay ahead of the most important movements in the market again I am just a human and I’m doing my best here so occas I will be wrong let’s just say 2023 has been a great year here on the

    Channel I’m very proud of the work I’ve done who really cares about 2023 now let’s get on to the actual important stuff the point of this channel is really simple I try to explain the most important information that you need to swim around in the deep end of the

    Crypto pool or the shallow end or the sort of middle deep transitional part you decide where you want to swim my point is that I’m trying to equip the audience with the actual knowledge to get ahead and stay ahead or really just to not get completely wrecked by crypto

    And in turn hopefully benefit tremendously so if you guys appreciate that make sure to share these videos today we’re going to be going over the trends that will Define the next year and the coins that I’m going to discuss within those Trends I believe that this audience will benefit disproportionately

    To others first and foremost the trend that you must understand that will Define the next year is politics you see politics actually Define everything in our world including the economy and how money works you see if it wasn’t so politically popular to print money to save the economy from dramatic downturns

    Or to finance things that people in power want to see happen well we wouldn’t be in this inflationary crazy cycle that we’re in you wouldn’t need a finance degree to protect and provide for your family you could just do a normal job like cutting hair or fixing toilets or whatever and you’d probably

    Be able to make ends meet because we live in the hyperinflationary Fiat system which allows governments to print money to achieve their objectives it’s really important that you understand the political Lang landscape which is of course why 2024 is set to be one of the most important years not just in the

    United States but in the history of the world you see 2024 will actually have the highest number of Elections since the M virus of the nation state infected our Collective Consciousness a few hundred years ago any politician who wants to get reelected needs to give the goodies to the people for Rich asset

    Holders give them loose Financial conditions by encouraging central banks to print money for the poor give them handouts to cover the rising cost of food and energy which is a direct result of the policies that favor the asset Rich for the middle class give them democracy tell them to pay their taxes

    Bend over and be glad they got a vote with this in mind it makes no sense for a politician seeking reelection to stop the Fiat debasement party the votes for those who benefit from Fiat to basement and inflation linked handouts will still outweigh the votes from those who suffer

    As a result the printing will surge in every democracy globally in 2024 but I guess you’re wondering Elliot what’s going on democracy globally the most elections ever what’s the deal I get most of my news from Tik Tok help me understand this well to help you understand this let’s venture outside

    The crypto bubble and talk about democracy globally you see 2024’s elections are actually taking place in more than half of the population of the world’s so-called democracies check this out next year countries with more than half the world’s populations will hold elections as The Economist noted more

    Than 4 billion people live in the countries that will be voting we have tensions over in Taiwan which is of course under the thumb of China it’s the semiconductor capital of the world they have an election in January we have Russia and apparently Putin is leaving

    Nothing to chance we have India in April and May the world’s most populous nation out of Crossroads here and apparently the table Stakes are high as some would like to turn India into a Hindu Theocratic Nation interesting again I’m no expert in Indian politics but I can

    Tell you that in any nation that controls its own Fiat Curren especially one of the major Nations like India well you can believe that there’s always a better sentiment when people are getting handouts of some sort in some fashion and I would expect whoever is running

    India to do whatever they could to stay in power we also have the European Parliament which is trying to fight off a huge move not just to the right but to the hard right the rise of a more radical right-leaning political force in Europe has been a significant stoy over

    The last 10 years and this election is yet another installment in that battle for the future of Europe and finally as we all know the old Donald is back on the ballot in this time even though 2016 really felt like people were fighting for their lives like the spirit and the

    Soul of the United States was on the ballot you really get a sense of desperation out of the political left in the United States we even saw recently Colorado removing Trump from the ballot based on a ruling from the Colorado Supreme Court saying that he was disqualified for January 6th well we

    Know something for sure the recent war in the Middle East between isra Israel and Palestine has seen a huge drop in support for Biden based on his handling of the war young people do not like what he’s done his poll numbers are plummeting fast and what we’re seeing

    Now is a clear shift as recent as mid December with Biden trying to push his economic record touting stock market gains as signs that bomic is actually working so it’s not just an election year it’s an election year where the left views a return to power of Donald

    Trump as an apocalyptic scenario one that they must overcome no matter what they must do to accomplish it and most certainly sentiment around the war has been a huge hindrance to an already tight polling battle you can imagine that they will turn to the one trick they know that they can control Beyond

    Any other which is of course firing up the printing press now of course if you look at all Reserve currencies versus the price of gold over hundreds of years they all go to zero the question is just how fast are they going to go to zero

    And in pivotal years where we prints a lot of money well the answer is faster than in others now what you see behind me is an article called expression by Arthur Hayes now Arthur Hayes has been one of the most forward-looking Minds in anticipating exactly how to invest around this Rising interest rate

    Phenomenon and all of the stuff that’s happened on a macro level in the economy lately he shows that if you anticipate that there will be debasement of fiat currency which is what this is all about that there is absolutely no trade that expresses that desire to bet on that

    More than Bitcoin or crypto as a whole obviously we help you find stuff Beyond Bitcoin that makes even more money when the debasement is kicking into gear and we’ll talk about that later in the episode since the middle of the Year Joe Biden’s treasury secretary Janet Yellen has been literally fire hosing the

    Economy with more money which is plain as day to see in this US dollar liquidity index so I don’t want to hear mumbo jumbo about the FED hiking rates about the M2 money supply or anything else net net the economy has way more money drifting around than it had a few

    Months ago and this all started started with the blank check they wrote to bail out the banks in March which was my signal to flip bullish in our beloved crypto land I know I know this is long-winded but it’s really important you realize the story of 2024 and the

    Elections taking place this year is not limited to the United States and in fact the success of crypto as an asset class each and every time it does this attracts not just local but Global popularity across the world people want access to things that can preserve or multiply their wealth it’s not really

    Hard to understand why and so in a year where Bitcoin is set to grow dramatically in an election year in a year where they must simply fire up the printing presses not just here in the United States but in Russia in India in many other of the dominant Nations

    Globally you’re going to see global expansion in liquidity from all corners of the world and in a world where Bitcoin and crypto are pumping you better believe that any politician that says you can’t get access to this lifechanging opportunity is going to be far far less popular and so is it

    Coincidence that on Christmas we hear that Democrats are starting to turn on Biden SEC chair over increased regulation calling gendler out as a politician masquerading as a regulator crypto is on the verge of becoming a partisan issue with the liberal side effectively calling it a vehicle for money laundering or terrorism or

    Something like that all of which has not been backed up by evidence we do know for a fact however that the largest vehicle used to finance terrorism for money laundering of All Sorts is of course the US dollar of course we all know that assets aren’t bad people who

    Are bad use all kinds of assets and their favorite one of all time is the US dollar let’s get that absolutely clear so as we transition now from elections which of course involves that piece of news I just brought up to you we’re going to start talking about the ETF

    This is no longer a rumor this is a stone Cold Fact and we just got word that one of the largest ETF issuers had their chairman Barry silbert actually resigned and this is grayscale the company that won the lawsuit against the SEC to actually create create this spot

    Bitcoin ETF we owe so much to grayscale of course its chairman Barry silbert did a lot of no NOS throughout the last cycle he even had this famous tweet where he said there is a daisy chain of borrowers and lenders in the crypto space most well capitalized but some are

    Not lots of Leverage still in the ecosystem including some non- obvious places important to understand counterparty risk and where the weak links in the chain well it turns out that grayscale itself was a weak Link in the chain and it ended up owing Gemini and other partners billions of dollars

    This led to a ton of speculation as to how big the hole in the balance sheet was but suffice it to say oldi has committed enough sins that he along with CZ SPF do Kuan Alex mashinsky collectively known as the main character villain arcs of the crypto space of the

    Last Bull Run well they’ve been taken out like yesterday’s garbage now it feels especially with this news about Barry resigning especially as we hear that the SEC set a deadline for ETF updates as December the 29th effectively meaning hey look if you want to be part

    Of this first batch you need to to have this done whatever they’re asking you need to make those changes and updates by December 29th and that really feels as though they have all the te’s crossed and the eyes dotted for a launch of a Bitcoin ETF in early January so with the

    Knowledge that the ETF is more or less coming with the knowledge that this is an election year not just any election year but potentially the most important election year as it pertains to markets that we have seen or maybe will see for significant amounts of time talking

    About decades and decades well this my friends is a cocktail for a massive run towards Bitcoin but it’s also a mixture that might just result in crypto becoming a major issue in the 2024 election which I believe on the whole is going to be extremely bullish for crypto

    Holders so there you go Trend one is elections and Trend two is a Bitcoin ETF but the reality is that the legal basis that grayscale used the existence of a Bitcoin Futures ETF well that was how they forced a court to rule that the SEC must create a Bitcoin spot ETF guess

    What asset also has a Futures ETF well you’d be right if you guessed ethereum that means that legally from the same legal basis there is no way that the SEC can prevent an ethereum spot ETF now of course they will do their best to delay

    And deny as much as they can like they have the Bitcoin ETF but the Bitcoin ETF after it runs its course will allow little brother ethereum to have in my opinion a much more expedited path to Market Market the SEC does not want to lose another embarrassing court case

    Effectively blocking an ETF that legally should be able to be created so they will not do it so when we talk about the ETF narrative after the Bitcoin ETF is approved we’ll very quickly see the trend shift to an ethereum ETF now I know what you’re saying ethereum is

    Currently the laughing stock of the crypto world because it simply has not performed certainly not on the level of things like salana which of course we’ve been allocated to and we’re one of the earliest channels talking about salana in the depths of the bare Market but

    More on that in a second because salana has everything to do with Trend number four but right now we’re going to talk about Trend number three which is ethereum the lagard and the ethereum ETF call it Trend 2 and A2 I don’t really care what I want you to take note of is

    This look at etherium from the past bare Market this is the 2018 top or the 2017 top it’s like January 2018 you could see that it didn’t really get going here until December you can see that it broke out here pretty much the beginning of January 2021 really the just call it

    January 1st 2021 you can see that there is this big breakout where ethereum finally gets over its lows and has this big explosive day really this was in January 2021 so if you look at that you could say wow it had this explosive run here where it finally got out of this

    You know consolidation range you could you could say it broke out here but it wasn’t really a big run right like these were slow gains where it made its way up from 400 up to 600 very very slowly remember the prior high was 1,400 so even at 600 it was less than

    Half of its prior all-time high less than half of its prior all-time high hm I wonder what’s a good correlation for that price today well well well let’s go ahead and take a look here we have a prior all-time high it’s 4874 we could just call it 5,000 for easy math but

    Let’s just call it 4874 that would mean that the prior all-time high was about 24 in change 2400 in change and wouldn’t you know it that we are sitting at about 2200 bucks now let’s do some fun stuff here cuz what you can see here is that

    This level that I think marked the real breakout once ethereum got through it on the last run is actually the same exact level that it really bounced off of here in the 2017 run you can see that this level was really a huge amount of support and once it broke through it it

    Kind of began the bull run as soon as it broke below this level 676 whatever this isn’t super precise and I’m not a professional chartist all right just just showing you this is really easy to see on a high time frame cuz once it broke through this it really went

    Parabolic here just huge Parabola up and it went from about 600 bucks all the way up pretty much non-stop to almost 5,000 right 9x or whatever all right let’s fast forward to this new run and let’s see where we’re at what you can see here is that this place that ethereum is

    Currently stalled out is actually where it bounced off 1 2 3 and then we see it got rejected under here during the the mini bear of 2021 summer you can just see that this is a historically significant line here does that mean that eth is just free to fly after this

    I’m not saying that but I’m saying that we’re looking at history kind of rhyming here but I think the part that people don’t quite get is the timing because bitcoin’s been moving so much further so much faster than ethereum so the real question is January 2021 what had

    Bitcoin already done on the last cycle and what you’ll find is that Bitcoin by the time ethereum really breaks out here was already over here look at this Bitcoin was already over 1 and a half times above its prior all-time high by the time ethereum started really breaking out from its long consolidation

    Let’s go ahead and do some simple math here right which is 30 30,000 we’ll divide that by 20,000 prior alltime High gets you about 1 and a half and we’ll multiply it times the prior alltime High to give you a sense of what the equivalent price for Bitcoin if history

    Were to exactly repeat would be by the time ethereum really breaks out as you can see effectively 30,000 over 20,000 is 1.5 time 69,000 that gives you a price of over $100,000 in Bitcoin over 100k Bitcoin before ethereum makes its 10x run maybe it’s a 7X run instead of a

    9x run I don’t I don’t really care the point is timing wise ethereum has always been a lagard it was an extreme lagard on the last cycle even though all of defi all of the new coins all of the dexes all of the new Innovative technology that powered the last Bull

    Run was happening on ethereum and we’re talking layer one and it still took until Bitcoin ripped through alltime high to really get going so in ethereum ETF could potentially pull forward the Mojo but it’s important that you understand the timing of ethereum’s Breakout will most likely be a massive

    Lagger to Bitcoins however it is almost a guarantee that ethereum will end up with an ETF that is not a question of if it’s a question of when based on the legal precedent this is a huge opportunity we all know that ethereum will be very desirable with its native

    Yield and its time tested nature over the last nearly decade that’s right we’re coming up on 10 years since the ethereum white paper now that said let’s get into the real fun stuff which is of course Trend number four I guess depending on on how you count it if ETFs

    Are two Trends regardless of all that the next Trend that you absolutely need to understand is of course salana or better yet the next salana let me explain you see ethereum has always been plagued by high transaction fees and this is how the blockchain is built it’s

    Just not very scalable but it’s also the most trusted people value eth and the assets on eth more than any other competitive chain and there’s been this ethereum killer phenomenon for many years that’s right you see all of these blockchains Tron being one of the first

    BC are arbitrum salana some of these are l2s some of these are competing l1s but the point is the same which is that all of them fail to compete on one very important metric that my friends is volume without a doubt the main reason for any developer to deploy their

    Application their tokens their assets to ethereum is the liquidity is the volume you cannot have the same reception on another chain that you can have on ethereum because all the buyers are there all the money is there and so if you want to launch the biggest of the

    Big nft got to be eth if you want to launch the biggest of the big token it’s got to be on eth L1 that’s where all the liquidity is where you could have billions of dollars in onchain volume for any token it doesn’t need to be listed on a centralized exchange that is

    The promise that ethereum has brought to us that all got flipped on its head this week as salana actually flipped ethereum in volume and this is the first time that it’s flipped ethereum in volume on the 24-hour 7-Day and 30-day Windows as anom said and I’ve been telling you to

    Follow anom he’s he’s been an incredible signal this cycle and we’ll talk a little bit about the anom signal in a second here but Soul really did more Dex volume than eth and all l2s combined in the past 24 hours this is no longer a small Trend and this is no longer

    Something that can be very well ignored you see salon’s price increase is one thing anything can pump but for the actual tokens and ecosystem to have more liquidity and trading volume than on eth is the Holy Grail that is the reason why developers will come to build on your

    Chain because because there is Network effect and liquidity there for their entire ecosystem to thrive you see up until this point ethereum had a complete Monopoly on this but in this last few weeks this has changed for the first time and whether or not this trend

    Actually sticks or not is yet to be seen whether or not this salana moment is just a fad as a flash in the pan is yet to be seen however if salana is able to reliably bring more volume for dexes and onchain activity than there is literally

    And mark my words very little reason I’m not going to say absolutely no reason but very little reason to deploy your ecosystem to ethereum where the transaction fees can be 50 60 100 bucks nobody wants to pay that much for a transaction fee on salana it’s literal pennies to make transactions so people

    Can buy $5 of a coin or $1 of a coin better cheaper faster for the first time in crypto history is actually an argument that makes sense so as we look at ethereum here with about $1.23 billion in volume we see salana with 1.44 7 billion in volume with1 18

    Billion in 7 days you can see that ethereum is about half of the volume of salana and this is a monster monster huge indescribably big change because as a developer everyone’s looking at this going oh my God we don’t have to subject our entire Community to absurd fees just

    To access our ecosystem that’s huge that’s absolutely monstrous now of course tvl is no comparison with ethereum having 28 billion dollar in tvl salana with 1.5 but again I’m just telling you that tvl is just one way to view things another way to view it is

    Volume and volume is very important to a lot of projects this is a big deal but it also brings in a huge other deal which is bigger than just the salana trend because if salana can create some cracks to the narrative that ethereum is the only place to build and launch

    Serious big projects the NBA level of project well that means that salana can’t be the only game in town in fact any good chain with enough Community with enough support with enough time and Market could actually mount a threat to ethereum and could become the native blockchain of choice for the crypto

    Ecosystem the Amazon of crypto if you will even though that’s a pretty bad comparison the point is right now every VC every Innovation focused investor around the world is licking their lips saying what my friends is the next salana and that is the trend I’ve been trying to describe here which is the

    Understanding that just because something has been able to shake the Monopoly that eth has well it means that it’s possible it means that there is a whole bunch maybe infinite amounts of Fiat money that will be punted at trying to Dethrone ethereum and to enshrine a new crypto protocol in what could be

    Seen as one of the biggest battles for new value Creation in the history of humanity and so understanding that salana got to be in this position by not just having great technology there’s a lot of good technology out there but by having extreme price movements that will

    Bring more people to build and to bring liquidity you see price movement and increase of value on the chain is a huge leading indicator of people wanting to build and put their home there more money more volume more developers it’s very rare that it works the other way

    Around and so on a day like today where the market is actually bathed in red it can be a little bit easier to see what the next salana very well might be one of the great tips is to go to coin Gecko and to actually switch so that your

    Currency is Bitcoin and this allows you to see how tokens are performing compared to bitcoin meaning are they outperforming are they underperforming are they overperforming Bitcoin the things that overperform Bitcoin by the most typically are the strongest coins in Market CU all the big old whales a

    Lot of them started off with Bitcoin a lot of them started off with ethereum so when they’re outperforming Bitcoin in e that’s a huge sign that big whales are seeing those coins as better buys check this out you can easily filter by how much coins are outperforming Bitcoin and

    You can see mean a protocol and say but before we get to this point I think we should talk about a reality of crypto which is that crypto is kind of like a high school you can think of the coins in the high school as students and some

    Become a lot more popular than others a lot of times coins will be in clicks or groups but the main thing that you want to understand is that your opinion on what should or shouldn’t be the future is less important than what the market believes the future looks like and this

    Early in the cycle the market is giving you a ton of hints as to the coins that it thinks are going to crush it so we’re going to talk a lot about those again we certainly weren’t the only people that were talking about salana there are many very vocally bullish Salon accounts out

    There including anom and what we’ve seen is that it’s actually pretty easy to look across some of the top traders in the space and see what coins they believe are the most important scalable new tech aka the next salonas now what’s funny is that people tend to make uh

    Shortened names for these coin that are actually multiple coins in one remember last cycle we had solun aaac that was Solana Luna and avac those were the three dominant layer one blockchains that went like a bazillion X last cycle if you were in those you made crazy

    Money of course if you sold we all know that those ones imploded pretty hard from the top however a lot of people made life-changing money this time people were joking that the new one is incel which is injective and Celestia AKA inj and tia but now based on today’s

    Strength people are calling it SAA which is you know Mina and SE you’re seeing all kinds of of tweets from Top accounts about say about Mina like this and the point is it’s not hard to see why when these coins are performing so well compared to bitcoin especially on a day

    Uh where a lot of stuff is neutral or red so when it comes to finding the next salana days that are red days kind of like today are very helpful in helping you understand strength you want to see what coins the market loves the most this early in the cycle before retail

    Money comes cuz if they’re strong now they’re going to continue to be strong once retail money starts to see them up at the top of the charts retail loves to buy green and so stuff that continues to pump hard will probably continue to pump hard once retail comes in that’s just

    How these markets work you also need to understand the big accounts when you see collaboration across them well that could mean that they all agree that certain coins are meant to be leaders and just to save you some pain here I did this 38 coins list and in that I

    Talked about salana I talked about Avalanche a lot of people like near it’s not in my portfolio but a lot of people like it we have injective has been an absolute killer on the charts obviously immutables in the gaming category and now adding to the mix we have Mina and

    SE so the crazy next salana narrative currently has these contenders in my opinion you have SE as of today you have injective Celestia you have Mina and to be honest there’s several others that could be in this category but my point is very simple that finding the next

    Salana is a very lucrative Chase and this will be the thing that almost every VC with half a brain cell will be trying to chase with their funds liquidity throughout 202 for it’ll get even crazier after Bitcoin makes new all-time Highs but again this hunt for the next

    Salana is going to be the major Trend because what salana has managed to achieve and again I personally don’t think this is the end of the cycle for salana but instead an astoundingly bullish start for what will be a wild and historic cycle for salana again you

    Could see in June I was predicting an $800 salana at the time everyone was calling me crazy doesn’t seem that crazy now really simple math 100x off the low that’s what cardano did last cycle I think it’s totally possible the point is that everyone’s going to be extremely

    Extremely excited to find the next salana and that will be a trend that dominates this entire Market cycle and what Salon has done has probably woken up a significant amount of risk that would not have otherwise been deployed to these alternative eth Killers if not for what salana has accomplished so

    Early in this new cycle it’s a brave new day and what salana did I believe is extremely bullish for the entire ecosystem but I don’t think it takes away from the fact that eth will eventually have day and that you should understand that the timing of the ethun

    Will most likely create a total reversion in this chart here which is nfts the interest over time again this is at or near the lowest it’s been since the last run now I’m not calling nfts a mega Trend like I did in 2020 looking at

    2021 that was one of my best calls ever I called nfts and gaming as two of my three Mega trends for 2021 thank God I was wrong about cbdcs being a trend that would take over in 2021 we instead got nft and gaming bull runs that would make

    Even the most degenerate bull market enjoyer blush but remember as eth explodes in value so too will a lot of the nfts on ethereum the desire to trade in ethereum on ethereum will once again be back in Vogue and you just need to understand the timing of that will most

    Likely happen once Bitcoin really gets its legs under it and final word here on say you can see I I had never been to the website before today I had never researched it before today but the entire timeline was talking about it as the next up to salana you know that’s

    What people are saying it’s the next up to salana this isn’t my opinion but it’s not that hard to spot things that are popular in our little crypto high school and then to say hm I’m going to bet on this and take a calculated bet on this

    Before it gets too saturated because if it is the next salana then there’s probably 100x in my future but don’t quote me on that now before I go on any further one of the main things that you need to do to prepare for 2024 if you

    Have not already is to make sure that you are using a VPN this is utter Basics if you want to be living in crypto land where you own your own assets where people know that you own your own assets where you visit websites that are crypto related from your home IP address that

    Is simply a no no in the modern crypto age in 2023 I was the victim of a hack and ever since then I’ve been extremely crazy about cyber security and a crazy part about that journey is learning that one of the cheapest products in the

    World a VPN can be one of the most useful in preventing against an attack on you be a data leakage man- in-the-middle attacks and other ways that bad actors can get a hold of your information as I’ve said many times before there are tons of mistakes you

    Can be forgiven for all of the veterans even make mistakes here in cryptand but not having a VPN and hiding your IP address is not a mistake that you’ll be forgiven for you can get safer here with just a few clicks if you don’t have one already make sure you download nordvpn

    With my link in the description and I’d like to thank nordvpn for sponsoring this video with that said let’s get back to the four Mega trends of 2024 now for the final segment which is of course gaming and AI these are the two sectors that are most likely in my opinion to be

    Things that you can easily front run the biggest surge of liquidity and attention attention and liquidity are the two things that mean the most for moving markets here in cryptand now when we think of what in the outside world will cause attention and liquidity there are only two possible answers that I believe

    And I will talk again about two other things that I see as massive distractions going back to the Arthur Hayes arttic I was actually excited to see that he agrees with me here because I’ve been bearish on real world assets on the blockchain for a while maybe

    It’ll happen one day but the reality is is that if you actually think that you’re getting a real world asset on the blockchain what it means is that effectively you need a legal framework with intermediaries you need someone to put that asset into an SPV a special

    Purpose legal entity that is owned by the token and then managed by some intermediary so you always always with real world assets have this intermediary counterparty risk you simply cannot have the true benefits of decentralization and permissionless with real world assets I think that this narrative for me is overhyped and if it

    Does catch some steam I will not personally be the one jumping in though everybody does want to trade and buy real estate on ethereum that seems interesting to them but just know it’s not nearly as scalable as anything else specifically Ai and gaming are infinitely scalable without any intermed

    Medaries whereas the real world asset thing to me has a massive ceiling on it and it will be really hard for me to see it get going anytime in the next few years maybe sometime in the 2030s it would make more sense the other thing

    People are making a big deal of here and it’s part of the rwa thing is debt and this is because people think that by putting treasuries on the blockchain getting that 5% government yield on the blockchain that this is somehow a revolution in my opinion it is not and

    The opportunities by seeking out risk for your assets instead of guaranteed debt yield are significantly higher and this will once again fall on deaf years over time once the Bull Run really gets going because making 5% over a year just is silly to be chasing here in crypto

    Land when you have such a better opportunity simply buying Bitcoin so when it comes to gaming as you guys well know I am obsessed with gaming and I’ve been doing a constant Deep dive on gaming and the gaming tokens I have a gaming investment Bible I put out a few

    Months ago I will link it here in the description and I’ve done an extreme amount of digging into gaming coins that I think are going to do well in the next cycle that said I will continue to do this and I aim to make this the indisputable number one stop for gaming

    Content here in cryptoland and I have some very exciting initiatives coming up for that so stay tuned and make sure you have the Bell notification on here as well as on my Twitter as well as on the super vers Dow Twitter make sure you have post notifications turned on here

    But if you’re itching for some more gaming content just know that my thesis is very simple that there is not just one not just 10 but hundreds of games coming to the blockchain over the next 24 months that means that there will be hundreds of opportunities to attract new

    Audiences in a fun and friction free way to cryptand my bet is that at least one of these teams is going to have some serious success and that we will see a new era of the internet where crypto and gaming begin their forever in meshmen and a beautiful and harmonious marriage

    And the second framework is that AI the most disruptive technology of the last 10 years since of course the creation of blockchain will continue to make insane headlines and Captivate the attention of the masses every time this happens the AI sector Goes Bananas and I heard today

    That everyone is super bullish on render render to me being the number one AI coin is interesting I personally think that it will be replaced at some point in the cycle and my biggest holding is aosh I’ve said this many times I actually run a validator so if you want

    To actually stake to the aosh network you can stake to the Leo trades new validator if you were staking to my old one please stake to my new one I’ve been a long-term holder of aash now for years and very bullish on their concept of effectively the Airbnb for compute

    Compute is an extremely short supply so being able to rent out GPU compute power and do so in a fully open source way AOS is an incredible project in my opinion and I’ve been holding for years I’m going to continue to hold through this cycle and see what happens but to be

    Clear the AI sector here has only 10 B million dollars in market cap for one of the most impactful Technologies in the world coming onto the blockchain it is Unthinkable for me that there will not be a top 20 coin that is an AI coin potentially even a top 10 it’s also

    Unthinkable to me that this won’t multiply dramatically over the course of this bull run AI is bound to make astronomical moves up in the charts and market cap size the same of course can be said of gaming the total gaming market cap is about 20 billion in my

    Opinion looking at gaming as a whole it does about $200 billion in transaction volume each year and I believe that things coming on the blockchain will make them 10 times more valuable and people will actually transact a significantly higher amount of money knowing that they have true ownership

    Over these items so my mental model is a 5 to1 trillion do gaming Market within the next 10 years I think that could come a lot sooner and I believe that at least a trillion dollars in gaming market cap is something that should be happening here before 2030 long story

    Short gaming and AI are where I see the most transformative gains coming because the attention and liquidity will be unmatched however like I’ve said many times before smart contracts platforms layer ones ethereum Killers whatever you call them these have always been the big battle for VC liquidity and this cycle

    Will be no different and with salana making a real challenge to ethereum’s Monopoly on onchain activity and onchain transaction volume well this cycle is set to get very very spicy with a ton more ethereum killers and potentially even Salon Killers coming to Market so what should you do now to prepare for

    2024 I believe that understanding the context of why 2024 is a year unlike any other with elections and ETFs bringing dramatic and exponential amounts of demand to the crypto ecosystem in a year where the Bitcoin supply is getting cut in half in its emissions it’s a very strong recipe for massive appreciation

    Of the king asset of crypto but beyond that we have gaming Ai and the hunt for the next salana or actually salana as the ethereum killer those three categories are going to be absolutely astronomically popular and you don’t need to actually follow this channel what you need to do is take stock of

    Everything that you’ve seen over the course of 2023 understand which sources you first learned of winning coins from which signs of confirmation maybe signs that you ignored are ones that you don’t plan to ignore in 2024 understand that writing down your plan is the first step to success which categories do you think

    Are most important where you going to spend your time once you learn about a coin how are you going to establish if it’s something you should buy or not what tools are you using what people are you following what groups are you in how are you establishing whether or not your

    Decision-making framework is actually helping or hurting you these are the things that you should be doing right now to prepare for 2024 understand that these are the trends that I believe will govern the next year of cryptocurrency price action and excitement and development I’m curious what do you

    Think did I miss something did I miss your favorite Trend did I not cover your favorite token in my tokens list remember check out my 38 token list but again looking at the trends I’ve seen over the last year we can say that whoever actually takes the spotlight as

    The next salana will be in an incredibly incredibly good position and having a few chips betting on that horse is probably not a bad idea as always there are odds that this whole thing nukes you got to be comfortable with whatever risk you take in the market it’s on you to

    Protect your own positions there’s a risk that things could go to absolute zero and they could go to the moon and it’s it’s a beautiful thing that you have the opportunity to control your destiny completely and totally in this new world as always I hope you enjoyed

    This episode I hope it gave you some perspective on 2024 and what I believe are going to be the most important aspects of the 2024 Bull Run if you enjoyed this make sure to check out this video popping up it’s a full and exhaustive list of the coins that I’m

    Looking forward to in 2024 and of course we will update you as more information comes to the frame as always I’m mil your trades I’ll see you very soon on the next episode m


    1. We have just taken Solana's word that they fixed their crash issues… but this was in a bear market.. with no throughput… Kadena is a quality solution… Also Saito is in its infancy but will XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX KDA & SAITO address the blockchain trilema

    2. Hmm i can‘t stop thinking about two topics.. blackrock talking about tether, and sec classifying a lot of cryptos as securities. A year ago that was like the hot topic, still not resolved!

    3. I think his political thing has the mistake that they assume people will vote for the politican that gives them price go up environment in stocks. People dont vote based on one policy as mentioned by destiny streamer

    4. After the 1st 12 minutes of FUD this gets good/factual crypto talk. 2022 we were all going to hell in a hand basket. Supposedly the fed and Yellen had no idea what they were doing. Didn’t happen. 1987 William F Buckley used the same mantras. It sold his books. Stay focused on crypto, ignore FUD. Buy and hold for at least one year probably up to 18 months. DCA or you’re gonna lose your shirt. DCA and you will win.

    5. Do mind that the West is spinning a narrative against Indian govt that they are a Hindu fanatics to weaken the stabily.
      This is done to bring negative perception among people who are not aware of Indian politics so that its easy for the other party to bring forth their agendas .
      I would implore to common westerners to not fall for this kind of baseless news about India.

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