#bitcoin #bitcoins #bitcointradingplatform #bitcointrading #bitcoinmining #investment #digitalcurrency #blockchain #blockchaintechnology #satoshinakamoto #alcoins #digitalcurrencty #digitalassets
    Bitcoin, a pioneering cryptocurrency created by Satoshi Nakamoto, operates on blockchain tech, ensuring decentralization, security, and transparency. BTC, a digital asset, thrives in a volatile crypto market, attracting investors, miners, and enthusiasts. It’s used for trading, investment, and digital payments via wallets, impacting the evolving crypto economy and sparking global adoption despite regulatory challenges

    In this video, Expert Filip a profitable trader since 1997 explains well on what is bitcoin all about.

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    0:00- Intro
    1:27- Bear Market
    2:28- Amazing Opportunity
    6:18- Theory of Conspiracy
    11:05- Gold
    21:34- Printed Dollars
    24:33 Fundamental Trends

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    #bitcoin #bitcoins #bitcointradingplatform #bitcointrading #bitcoinmining #investment #digitalcurrency #blockchain #blockchaintechnology #satoshinakamoto #alcoins #digitalcurrencty #digitalassets

    Hi welcome back to our channel in this video we’re going to learn why should you focus on bitcoin here are the few questions openly used and asked by our viewers what is bitcoin who created Bitcoins what are the reasons to trust Bitcoin and what are the benefits of

    Bitcoins how many Bitcoins are there and how many people uses Bitcoin how can I trust and know which Bitcoin services to trust anyway with this wh questions here are a trusted profitable Traders since 1997 no other than philli to explain why and what is bitcoin all about so without

    Further Ado let’s go to the Video you can see since 2011 yes when uh when it was introduced and if you look if you look the growth in 12 years so virtually literally not virtually literally it Grow from $1 all the way up to $69,000 and okay then we have this uh

    Pullback uh we call it bare Market it’s typically takes like one year time when it reach alltime high then typically it takes one year time it is going down because I said it already so many times that market always goes above and below the like fair price

    Okay uh and we can say in the case of Bitcoin we can say that you see this blue line this blue line is like uh 200 weeks average price so it is average price from last 200 weeks so it’s like average price from last four

    Years uh I mean some people say this is a fair price I would say fair price is much higher because when you are in the growing Market uh and you look four years back for average price I would say it’s not fair price I would say it’s uh

    Like like amazing opportunity it’s it’s it’s underpriced so this line 200 moving average weekly actually represent like uh underprice level and fair price is maybe where we are at the moment uh I would say even higher maybe close to to last highs maybe 60,000 but as we seen before when

    Markets start going up it is going like three four five times above the fair price so what we can expect uh with Bitcoin I don’t know 150,000 maybe uh very soon like in in 6 to 12 months but my point actually here was that this is the best performing Financial like

    Instrument uh in the world since year 2011 there is no any other investment or asset which performed better than Bitcoin in last 12 years and it will keep on performing that way probably for many more years to come so just to understand what is bitcoin so Bitcoin is like first

    Project which used blockchain Technologies and blockchain Technologies it is uh uh crypted uh data stored on the internet decentralized it sounds like I don’t know maybe not big deal to someone but what we get with blockchain Technologies we get first time in the human history we got possibility to

    Store some data on the internet which no no one can change and no one can steal but it’s not just when I say on the Internet it’s first time in the human history that you can store data which no one can steal and no one can change it’s not even about

    Internet you know it’s about if we if we think about history and you have those uh pyramids in Egypt and now we have AR the ologists which uh finding some uh like messages uh written in the stone okay and it was messages for the future and they already proved that all those

    Messages were changed some time in the history after they were originally uh produced and why those Fons were you know paying those people or not paying just ordering them they were slaves okay uh why they were ordering them to make this uh like uh messages to to the Future because they

    Wanted to send the message to the future but when next Faron come he was changing what is written you know he was changing old faroh name to his name he was you so everything ever written in the history has been changed even Bible has been changed changed so first time in the human

    History we have technology actually techology blockchain which allows us to make some Black Rock guys or uh all those theories of conspiracies which we are listening you know like Masons like uh those anti christs or those guys that guys no one can change what is written on bitcoin Network once when it is

    Written there is no way that anyone ever can change so it never happened before in the human history and then Bitcoin is the project which used that technology blockchain technology first project and actually it has very simple it’s simple Cod uh not many like uh exciting things what uh you

    Can do on the Bitcoin Network so it was just simple example how you can use blockchain Technologies for example to make money currency which cannot be manipulated because every government issued currency in the world is manipulated in the history of the human civilization average lifetime of the government issued currency is 50 years

    It’s sounds like like like you cannot believe that it can be true yes every lifetime of the government issued currency is 50 years since first time they start printing some new currency normally within 15 years this currency just disappeared because they they just cheating on people they borrowing money

    And to pay their debt back they print more and then they borrow more and they have to print more and then they borrow more and they have to print more to to to give money back because they giving money back by printing not by you know working earning money that’s how

    Government works and actually uh you know if you have uh I don’t know, today and if American government print in one year more than they ever printing in printed in the history of the dollar as a currency it means that next year with this ,000 you can buy half what you

    Were able to buy year before year ago okay and then next next year they will print two times more than ever in the history because once when it start it cannot be stopped and and we are now we are now in in in in this phase of the cycle of

    Government printing money which which is just going out of control in many countries like Venezuela like Argentina like uh Lebanon happened recently turkey for example you know they have like like their money losing value like th% a year like like you know what you can buy with with 10 Turkish l

    Uh today uh next year you will need 1,000 so it’s just out of control trillions and year after this they will print 15 trillions so it’s it’s it’s just losing control and Bitcoin as like first project on blockchain Technologies it’s coded how many Bitcoins will ever be

    Printed or released or we call it mined and it’s 21 million so there is no way that anyone can produce one single Bitcoin after 21 million and now now we have more than 19 Millions already printed now we have more than $19 million uh Min already uh so so there is

    Uh let’s say less than 10% is remaining for next 100 years so we exactly know that next year we will have like I don’t know 400,000 Bitcoins is produced on the top of 19 I don’t know how many let’s say 2 Millions uh and it represent a value of $1 trillion

    At the moment okay little bit less because price is 43,000 and we have less than less than 20 million Bitcoins so it is value of $900 billion and people start realizing that it represent one like value which no one can steal from you oh powerful because

    No one can Brint you know it represent value better than gold people said oh gold is good you know because but but look when gold price now we are now we are around $2,000 per per ounce of gold it’s like alltime high and why it is alltime high because dollar is losing

    Value gold is not gold is not uh uh gaining value the truth is that dollar is losing value you know gold actually gold is also losing value because gold is is is is not limited with Supply whenever price of gold goes up so many big money investing in gold mining and

    Actually the the production of gold I mean you don’t produce gold you mine it you search for gold but it increases so you would not believe how much this production of or mining of gold increasing when gold goes up with gold you don’t know how much gold they will

    Dig in next year or two or 5 years right maybe they will dig more gold than ever in in the history before because technology today is so Advanced compared with technology you can you can dig so many gold so much gold you have no idea

    You know how fast you can dig the gold with today’s technology so you buying gold because we say okay all the gold in the world is like I don’t know1 15 trillion dollar worth so if you divide it by price per ounce you can calculate

    How many ounces of gold you have in the world but what will have if gold price goes to 3,000 hey trust me they will dig in one year more gold than they dig ever in the history so Bitcoin is the only asset in the world which no one can steal from you

    And which is no better long-term investment than uh to buy Bitcoin or at least that I can say there is no better way to protect what you have then to hold it as a Bitcoin don’t hold it as a gold don’t hold it as US dollar don’t hold it as real estate hold

    It as a Bitcoin because even real estate everyone says Oh Real Estate will go up of course they will go up compared to you know if you want to buy house like to protect your Capital what you have someone have uh someone has someone doesn’t uh but the ones which has buying

    Real estate is wrong wrong move so you made a wrong move as you can you said before yes yeah I mean compared to bitcoin it’s good if you compare to Dollar it’s better to buy real estate than to hold dollars definitely but if you compare with Bitcoin you know real

    Estate you can have tax on real estate right then you have to maintain this okay but sorry um I I think example the price of the land today is 10,000 after 10 years it become ,000 so how could you buy it it’s already high yeah but

    Bitcoin but but Bitcoin if you say after after 10 years after 10 years Bitcoin is now 40,000 after 10 years it will be one or two million my God so what’s better and even with land and you know even with land or house you have a lot of problems you

    Know you have problems that actually government can take it out from you I guess yes you know if you do some crime or you know some political if you are some political problem they can seize it from you they can they can introduce taxes that you have to pay

    Every year because you own it okay MH and then if it is not land if it is house or so you have to do maintenance and you don’t know if you will rent it or not how much income you can and even you can you you must work

    On it you have to spend your time if you want to rent it to someone you know if you want to have income you you you know you must be active it will not happen just if you sleep at home yes how how could you also Define the the people who

    Are engaged in buying some property and let them people rent on that they make some money also years ago Bitcoin was ranging from10 to $100 10 to between 10 and 100 wow so let’s let’s say it was $43 10 years ago mhm you can you read can you

    Read the price today in BTC yes let me check here BTC here you can you can see on my screen wait ah this 43,4 44 so 10 years ago it was $44 okay and now it is $44,000 my God 10 years ago from 44 to

    44 show me show me that land which uh grow thousand times show me that apartment or house where you earn thousand times on the purchasing price by renting it out show me show me anywhere in the world there is no place in the world where not even in Dubai you could make this

    Profit which has like the the the biggest growth rate of real estate in the world last 10 years so there is no there is no way to find better uh place to store money to save value and to gain value than Bitcoin in this world and it will not change next 10

    Years yeah Bitcoin is real I believe Bitcoin is real the problem is the platform where you purchase is the is the scum because later on when you open the platform cannot open anymore no no no no no no don’t that’s okay okay that’s that’s the point that’s the point

    We will also cover where to buy and where to store don’t store it in your bank okay you should you can almost on many places and then you should uh have your own wallet which is not uh provided by bank or some centralized exchange like Hardware

    Wallet which is even offline so no one can access it until you make it active and for example one of those wallet is this one you see it looks like a credit card credit card yes it looks like a credit card it’s not credit card it is

    It is Hardware wallet where you can store Bitcoin ethereum I mean like 3,000 different crypto projects you can store their coins on bu that where you can buy okay the the name is uh I don’t know maybe we can post a link uh down below the video so the name is tanm for

    Example and it is RFID Card which you just uh put like when you’re paying with Google pay or you know this uh contactless payments uh you just you just touch your phone and you open up application and then you can do with your coins whatever you want and no one

    No one can access it no one can store it and let’s say for some reason you have to leave your country like immediately because you have some political problem someone you have some threat that someone maybe will kill you or you know maybe maybe War starting you never know

    What future brings so what you will do with your real estate what you will do with your land what you will do with your house what you will do with your apartment nothing you cannot do anything in 5 hours you have 5 hour times you have less chance to leave the country 5

    Hours what you can do in 5 hours with your real estate I tell I tell my relative to take care of the house oh yeah yeah yeah and they will spend money for you as well I know that because what this what this card actually doing this card remember 24 words nothing else

    Nothing else so there is only 24 words uh stored on this card and this 24 words are actually like kind of password for me to access my wallet where my Bitcoin is so you if someone steal this card from you then he can access it of course there is there is some

    Additional safety on the top of this 24 words there is password which I have to know and if I and if I want to change this password then I have to use then I have to use at least two cards okay yeah out of three that I have they’re all the

    Same for same account but if I use two of them then I can change this password and disable that one so if someone steal from me that one if I’m fast enough with those two I can disable that one so you know that that is little safety more

    Than just uh but but actually the best and most secure way is is to remember this 24 words in your head okay so you did you did you copy that one and uh yeah yeah I mean yeah I I I didn’t remember I must admit but

    That’s the most secure way you just keep it in your head 24 words and you know you can you can use it you can use it you know if you goar you just you just connect uh to internet and you can access your uh your money in Madagascar

    You don’t need to bring with you like gold or sale or dollars or bank accounts or you you don’t need anything you just access it there and you seen you seen even I send you this this one payment it’s so easy and simple you know I can

    Send my money to anyone in the world for any reason and and it will just arrive in in in in in few seconds or few minutes depends which network you are using for transfer so you can do with your money whatever you want with you if you’re traveling to I don’t know

    Australia uh from Philippines you see those those countries from from this bricks like Association this is Brazil Russia uh India China and South America and now they have like six more countries joining like Iran uh Ethiopia Egypt United Arab Emirates uh I don’t know about Argentina because new their new president looks

    Like they they are American player so maybe they will they will step back they were with old president actually Express uh intention to join bricks but now new president looks like more America pro-american oriented and oh and Saudi Arabia also express interest to join

    Brics and uh the bricks plan is uh to uh make like dollar uh of the law you know like illegal to use Dollar in those countries so it means that those countries don’t trust dollar and America because know when America purchased oil from then uh the dollars which they use to pay oil

    Actually they just printed these dollars it it it has no real value and when uh when uh let’s say maybe China uh or America’s uh ordering something from China they also don’t want to Chinese don’t want to accept dollar anymore but when when uh maybe it’s opposite that

    Chinese what’s going on I have a lot of notification something’s going on on the market okay it’s it’s just some no no I’m just receiving some like interest rate on my uh on my coins that I hold some yeah notification notification so so uh uh Americans will not accept Yuan

    When Chinese purchase something from America and Chinese will not accept dollars when uh America purchased something from China because they don’t trust each other because it’s not transparent you know how much they print only logical solution is that they use Bitcoin to you know to express uh the you know the

    Price so okay I will sell you one tanker you know boat of oil whatever how many thousands or Millions liters I don’t know how much can fit in one tanker so I will send it to you but what I ask for it is I don’t know 100 Bitcoins I don’t

    Care how much dollars it is it is is your problem how much dollars it is okay I I I don’t I don’t need dollars so you find a way to pay me in Bitcoins how much dollars you will spend to purchase Bitcoin it’s your problem if you don’t

    Have enough okay print more dollars it’s your problem it’s not my problem okay so so Bitcoin is on the good way to become like number one world’s money not number one like the only money all the rest is not money all the rest is government manipulated and printed currencies it’s

    Not money it’s not money it’s like paper uh and you know they just they just say hey this paper word that much and if you don’t believe that it worth that much then they will attack you by the Army maybe you know it’s their problem how

    How they will make you believe that it has a value it’s it’s their problem they don’t need to convince me that their paper has a value because I know it has no value and that’s that’s why I don’t have dollars you know I have Bitcoins

    And I sleep well at night because I know I know no one is stealing from my weth yeah that that’s the way and and that’s the thr and that’s why Bitcoin is so so so important powerful so powerful yeah and especially now we have like a

    Lot of a lot of great uh I can say news it’s not like short living news it’s like fundamental uh news like like like like like yeah like like fundamental uh how to say Trends or happening what’s happening now with with with inflation what happening with amount of dollars being printed what

    Happening with uh interest rate Trend uh what happening with uh approval in America uh for for financial institutions to start investing in Bitcoin and offering Bitcoin uh as investment to their clients and then uh this uh event uh which we call halving in Bitcoin it means that the amount of

    Bitcoin uh uh how to say the the rate of Bitcoin production every four year is haling so every four years yes let’s what means bying it it means it go it means it goes to to half so when Bitcoin so when when when when Bitcoin was introduced in

    2011 uh let’s I I don’t know now exactly statistical data numbers I I can prepare one session for this So-Cal tokenomics so when it started uh they started maybe with let’s say 1 million Bitcoins and maximum is 20 so the the the the guys which were running the code

    On their computers around the world to process transactions and to store the history of the transactions they were rewarded in Bitcoins for for their work okay okay so so let’s say in the first year they started with 1 million and in first year or let’s say per year so first year was

    1 million second year 2 million then 3 million then 4 million then 5 million you know this production rate was very fast like a dollar Printing and then after four year they lower so they they made okay now we will not produce 1 million per year now we will produce

    Half million per year that’s called haling okay got it yes and then and then from 2015 to 2019 for example actually it was 2020 doesn’t matter uh production was like half million per year and then we had new Hing and then production went down to 250,000 per year and four four

    Years later we had new Hing and production went to 25,000 year so that that’s called haling so we have haling every four years and next haling is around March April uh the date is not exactly specified because date depends on how how many transactions uh it will

    Be done in the meantime you know it’s it’s it’s not like haling is is every four years but it’s like haling comes after every I don’t know billion of transactions so somewhere late March probably we will have new Hing so production of Bitcoin is already

    Very low as I told you we have we have more than 19 million but who is the creator of BTC who is the person behind that I mean I mean it’s it’s not important at all oh nobody know who who own the BTC no no one own that’s the point no

    One own the guy who created he was using Pony satosi Nakamoto no one knows yeah no no one no one knows his real identity who was he for real you know he was just using this name if he is still alive or not or how many Bitcoins eventually he has or no one

    Knows it no one knows because he is not recognize in the world that he is the most richest man in the universe or in the country or in the world no one no no no but no but he is not he’s not he’s not the richest that’s the point he just

    So so so the point of those blockchain projects like many of them which follow this uh let’s say principles of Bitcoin is that project is not belonging to some person project is like public and who is owning coins from this project he’s the one who can vote and decide about future developments there

    Is no owners that’s what some people struggling to understand yeah you know bit bit Bitcoin bit I don’t know I can search how many you know millions millions millions and and and and and even you know countries investing like like uh recently there was a news that

    Uh I don’t know Oman as a country investing uh half billion dollars in Bitcoin mining and then then there was the news that uh that KU will uh like okay it’s not mining but that they will invest uh but probably they will go to mining after as well the they will

    Invest I don’t know how many billions like 30 billions dollars they want to invest in purchasing Bitcoin for their central bank reserve so they want to push out dollar from from from their central bank reserve and they they want to accumulate Bitcoin as a central bank reserve and so so so it’s just

    Unstoppable it’s it’s just even um I mean I can talk I can talk five more days about you know the reasons why uh what happening and why Bitcoin is Unstoppable and why uh we can see I don’t even uh I don’t need to explain why it was the best investment last 10

    Years you can see it on on the chart because nothing because nothing grow in 10 years more than Bitcoin in this world uh and uh but I can talk forever why it is the best investment for next 10 years and then okay let’s let’s finish here about

    Bitcoin and that’s all for today guys thank you so much for watching video if you’re seeing value in this video make sure you’re giving up a thumbs up and it will make a huge difference please don’t forget also to share and subscribe our Channel and please follow our telegram

    Channel for free for a limited time only thank you so much bye-bye

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