Crypto markets are moving up fast and crypto kip talks about bitcoin’s secret to success.
    #cro #cryptonews #bitcoin

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    Welcome back to the crypto report everybody I am crypto Kip and today we’re going to talk about some excellent new updates from you can earn 10% annual percentage yield on stable coins now it is back guys we are increasing benefits on before the bull market at least that’s what it

    Looks like Chris marsak and the CEO of and the team are doing right now let’s talk about some of these things that are coming out why it’s so exciting and where we’re at right now in the crypto Market if you like the content smash the like button

    Subscribe to the channel let us get right into it uh love doing these videos guys love talking about crypto here on this channel every single day Bitcoin has been a very volatile creature indeed over these last 24 hours we saw Bitcoin go all the way up to

    $45,881 crazy ride and what we saw for the C to token was a lot of volatility now today while the cro token is down uh we got some messages coming from the team directly you can see here they put out this tweet he has a message zoom in rewards plus they are

    Advertising their new Rewards program that they’re launching or revamping should I say has been famous for the rewards in previous Bowl Cycles actually I myself am a holder of the Rose Gold Card uh matter of fact you can see it right here uh I staked $440,000

    In the previous bull cycle into the coin actually now I’ve got it all in the defi wallet but there are some satisfying yields in this exchange from time to time and if you look at his hat what you can see if I don’t know if you can see

    It right here it says with rewards plus you can get up to 10% annual yield on your stable coins like usdc look at what’s going on right now guys there are some Prett pretty big rewards back on the earn feature for the platform Adam they have huge rewards for

    Adam and polka dots taking 12% yields that’s really really good guys uh you could still get seven or eight% on the defi wallet I believe now in the app if you stake for a card you can get 8% yield on your Crow If you’re holding your Crow but this is certainly

    A good place to be holding uh some of your coins but let me tell you guys this uh I don’t love to stake too much of my portfolio because and that’s what this is this is staking really and you’re locked up for an extended period of time

    I don’t want to be locked up for too long because you know though I can get an attractive 10% yield on my stuff what the the key here is is if you want 10% yield you need to be an Elite member in the rewards plus program okay and in

    Order to do that you need to meet a bunch of trading qualifying thresholds and and it gets quite extensive so you’re likely not going to be earning 10% yields on your stable coins but some people out there might be going to chase some of those as they take their gains

    Shuffle it into some stable coins earn some yield on stable coins that was actually a big strategy that I was looking at in the previous bull cycle the rewards qu aren’t quite as good as they used to be they are definitely watered down and that’s just kind of how

    Crypto goes guys the reward as you’re in it for longer the reward is kind of decreased I talked about this on my live stream earlier today there’s a serious thing here called diminishing returns and over time this Market these bull markets they’re not going to go up uh as

    High at least for the large cap coins like Bitcoin isn’t going to make as many X or percentage gains as it did in the previous Cycles uh and even going back more so past to when it first came out and that’s why what we’re really hunting

    For on this channel every day is some coins that are lower market cap like crcoin which I’m very very bullish on that has a lot of upward potential and I I really do believe this project has so much potential we’ve talked about a lot of these Partnerships the licensing

    Approval in all the different places across the globe from Dubai to the United Kingdom to France uh India we recently banned a bunch of major crypto exchanges not uh they’re really doing a fantastic job they maintained a lot of their marketing Partnerships through this bare Market

    That we just came out of uh they’re focused on reaching the next billion users and these reward programs are going to be a great way to do it attracting people in with these cards like we just talked about uh attracting them in with all these advertising and marketing Partnerships for their

    Favorite Arenas the arena UFC F1 racing all these variety of factors and what we really need though guys is price action the overall market cap took a really big tumble Crow took a really big tumble as well we’re kind of coming back up right now because Bitcoin is in

    Fact breaking back up out of this triangle look at look at the volatility though here for Bitcoin we were tracking this triangle here on this channel for a while and what ha what’s going on is very obvious to me it’s manipulation we were in this perfect triangle we broke

    Out of this and and this should have been a move up but there are big whale games going on and they brought us back down not only back into this triangle but back down below it and now we are back above it what a wild a wild four

    Days we have had one two three four these are the first four days of January have been absolutely insane we have a fifth daily candle coming today uh and it’s going to be a wild ride if it continues bullish then for Crow guys we’re going to get back into this

    Triangle and I did make a prediction the other day and I still believe it’s true if Bitcoin can continue to break out we need it above $45,000 then crcoin can do the opposite of this terrible move to the downside that it had just in know a

    Flash Wick the other day and it can make the move that it was supposed to make out of this triangle if the crypto Market stayed aoat you know and go up to 15 cents go up 50% or so I would like to see that Guys these are good things that

    We’re seeing these earn features are important important the advertising campaigns for are important but price action is very important too and I know a lot of people out there are waiting for crcoin to pump but be ready it will come at some point now I’m not a

    Financial adviser this is not Financial advice we’re not sponsored by in any way I own a lot of crcoin tokens but I own a lot of crypto and I’m a bull on crypto overall that’s why me and my partner black C took our experience that

    We’ve had in this market since 2016 and put it to the test here in not only our own investing but telling you guys about the strategies that we have in place and trying to educate people that are new to this Market because we’ve made our mistakes we’ve had our successes we’re

    Getting better as time goes on and we want to introduce people to this market and help them understand what’s what in the space if you like this video smash a like button for me subscribe to the channel and as always guys don’t forget DCI hodal and I’ll see you in the next

    One thanks everybody have a great night I got two videos for you right here if you want to check them out peace y’all


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    2. 2024 is a landmark year for Bitcoin, marking its significant growth and acceptance in finance. The introduction of Bitcoin ETFs, the anticipated halving event, and changing attitudes in mainstream finance position Bitcoin as not just a digital asset, but a symbol of technological progress and a sound investment choice. Its growing role in global economies, attracting attention from institutional and retail investors, highlights its potential in financial diversification. However, navigating its volatility requires careful risk management and technical analysis. This year could redefine Bitcoin's role in the financial landscape. At the heart of this evolution is Donna Mikalonis, whose deep understanding of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has been instrumental. Her holistic approach to investment and commitment to staying abreast of market trends make her an invaluable ally in navigating this new era in cryptocurrency investment.

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