Can Bitcoin be traced? How to keep Bitcoin anonymous? I will explain 5 of the best ways to keep your Bitcoin secure. Bitcoin traceability is affected by the tools you use, like a VPN or a TOR, storing your private key on a paper wallet or custodial wallet, whether you cash out at an exchange or Bitcoin ATM, make transactions on a P2P marketplace, or use Bitcoin tumbler.


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    WHO AM I?
    If we haven’t met – Hey 👋 I’m Brian. I am very interested and passionate about personal finance and investing. My mission is to break down complicated wealth-building strategies into easily consumable content to help you beat the rat race and live life on your own schedule.

    ⌚ Timestamps:
    00:00 Intro
    00:14 Receiving Bitcoin
    01:59 Spending Bitcoin
    02:52 Holding Bitcoin
    05:02 Cashing Out Bitcoin
    06:52 Protecting Your Online Privacy
    07:39 Outro

    PS: None of this is meant to be construed as investment advice, it’s for entertainment purposes only. The links above may include affiliate commissions or referrals. I’m part of an affiliate network and I may receive compensation from partner websites. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future. Please visit for privacy, terms and conditions, and disclaimers.

    Bitcoin is only untraceable until you make a  mistake. Your interactions with Bitcoin can be   divided into five steps. A mistake at any one  step could mean your privacy is destroyed for   that Bitcoin account. You can think of each  step as a link in a chain. One weak link and  

    The whole chain is weak. The first link I  want to talk about is receiving Bitcoin. So when Bitcoin hits your account or your Bitcoin  address. You can think of your Bitcoin address as   like a see-through P. O. box. Anybody can see  what’s in the P. O. box. Everybody can see the  

    Number on the P. O. box. But nobody necessarily  has to know who owns the P. O. box. In this case,   the number on the P.O. box is the public  key. A public key is a 34-character long   string that consists of numbers and letters  that define your specific Bitcoin address.  

    And then the key that allows you to open  that P. O. box is known as your private   key. The private key is a 64-character  long string of numbers and letters. What’s different though, is when you tell somebody  your public key or your P.O. box, they have access  

    To everything that has come in and out of that  P.O. box and who it was exchanged with for the   history of that P.O. box. That goes back into  the past and any transactions in the future. This is because of the blockchain. The Bitcoin  network uses the blockchain for security. The  

    Blockchain is like a distributed  public ledger that everybody has   access to that records Every transaction  of Bitcoin in the history of Bitcoin,   the Bitcoin network is set up to  only allow changes to the blockchain. If everybody on the Bitcoin network agrees to  the change, this makes it really hard to steal  

    Or add money erroneously with everybody watching.  This is great for security, but now you know what   you’re up against. If you want to remain private  on the Bitcoin network, essentially this boils   down to keeping your personal identity as  far away as possible from your public key.

    Once these two things are linked. It’s over.  For instance, if you have a business and you   want to take payments for your business  in Bitcoin, you can’t have your public   key tied to your business. That’s in your  name. Otherwise, it’s a really easy leap.  

    Anybody can see that this public key is tied  to your business, which is tied to your name. So you’re going to have to take payments  anonymously. The second link in your chain   is spending Bitcoin. Now there are a lot of  vendors out there that will accept Bitcoin,  

    But  you’re going to have to be very choosy.  If a vendor requires a physical address,   phone number, or email address.  These are all  things that can be tied to your personal identity. This means that you can make transactions  with a vendor that doesn’t require any kind  

    Of identifiable information or a party that will  use a Bitcoin tumbler,. The way a Bitcoin tumbler,   works is it’s basically a stepping stone  between you and whoever you’re exchanging   Bitcoin with. I and a hundred others will  send Bitcoin to tumbler, and then tumbler,   will distribute it to whoever we want to pay.

    Now from the outside, it’s hard to tell who  exactly I was paying because my Bitcoin and   a hundred other Bitcoins all went in and  then it got distributed to a whole bunch   of people. So these can kind of work,  but they also have their downsides. For  

    Instance, if Bitcoin has been through a  tumbler, then that is in the blockchain. And some vendors or exchanges will no  longer accept Bitcoin because it’ll be   considered dirty money. The third  link in the chain is how you hold   your Bitcoin. Bitcoin wallet is a little  bit of a misnomer. Your Bitcoin wallet  

    Is really more like a keychain. This is  really where you store your private key. All of the Bitcoin is held in a Bitcoin  address on the Bitcoin network. But how   you access that Bitcoin is by using your private  key. When it comes to storing your private key,  

    There is a trade-off between  security and convenience. The   most secure wallet is a paper wallet. This  is literally exactly what it sounds like. You write down your private key on a piece of  paper and then you put that piece of paper in  

    A safe or something. Now, this is really  inconvenient because your private key is   64 characters long, with random numbers and  letters. Whenever you want to make a transaction,   it is super tedious to have to  Enter that key every single time.

    I mean, you think modern password requirements  are annoying now. Imagine if you had to do a   64-character password of random numbers and  letters every time you logged into your account.   A paper wallet is incredibly secure against  cyber attacks. It can’t leak, but it is not  

    Very secure against the washing machine if you  leave that piece of paper in your pants pocket. On the other end of the spectrum, the most  convenient way to store your private key is   through a custodial wallet like Coinbase. Coinbase  will hold your private key for you. So they  

    Technically own your account and then you log into  Coinbase with your username and password. Now this   is good for you because you only need to type in  your password and you can access your private key. very quickly. If you forget your  private key or you forget your password,  

    Coinbase has customer service that can help  you recover your account. With a paper wallet,   if you accidentally trash your paper  wallet and lose your private key,   your Bitcoin is gone forever. So there  are some trade-offs here. The downside of   using a custodial wallet like Coinbase  is one, they have your private key.

    So in a weird way, they kind of own your Bitcoin.  And two, they have your identity. So now you’re   relying on Coinbase to be secure with your  information. If they have a leak or if they   get hacked, you could lose all of the privacy  that you worked so hard to achieve. The best  

    Answer is probably somewhere in the middle,  perhaps an anonymous, non-custodial wallet. This gives you more responsibility, but  it also gives you a lot more privacy. You   can store your private key on a hard drive.  That way you’re not vulnerable to a leak or  

    A hack and you still don’t have to type in  your key every time. You just have to plug   in your hard drive. The fourth link of  the chain is cashing out your Bitcoin. Once again, there is a major trade-off  between convenience and privacy. You can  

    Forget about going to an exchange. I know I  mentioned earlier that if your Bitcoin has   been through a Bitcoin tumbler, then  an exchange won’t accept it. Well,   if you’re trying to maintain your privacy,  you don’t want to go to an exchange anyway. They will require your identification because  of government regulations concerning money  

    Laundering. This is a requirement for  all exchanges. One decent option is a   Bitcoin ATM. Some of these will require  identification, others will not. If you   can find one that does not, the only downside  here is that they will have a daily maximum.

    Maybe one or two hundred dollars. So you’re gonna  have to hit a whole bunch of ATMs in a day for   several days to cash out a meaningful amount of  Bitcoin. Additionally, if you’re trying to be   super private, you’re gonna have to wear a trench  coat, a hat, dark sunglasses, and a fake mustache.

    So that could be an upside actually,  depending on if you like that,   if you’re into that sort of thing. Another  potential option is through peer-to-peer   transactions. There are two types. You can  do in-person peer-to-peer transactions.   This gives you another opportunity to wear  your disguise. You can join Facebook groups  

    To connect with people in your area who  are looking to exchange Bitcoin for cash. This is a little bit risky because you  could be robbed. You’re having to meet   somebody that you don’t know. So find a place  to do this in public. The second way is through  

    Online peer-to-peer transactions. Using  an online marketplace is going to be way   more convenient and more safe. However,  they have to send your cash somewhere. Once you give somebody an account that they can  send money to that can be tied to your identity,  

    There’s always the chance it could  be linked in the future. Now,   since you’re dealing with just an  individual and not a company or a   bank that has to keep records, your chances  of identity being linked are a lot less. Even if you do all the things so far  perfectly, you are still vulnerable  

    If you have a weak fifth link. Hopefully,  you’re finding this valuable. Please help   me by smashing the like button down below.  My first goal is to help you make more money   and save more money. My second goal is to  hit 1000 subscribers  in the first year.

    Thanks for the support. The fifth  way that your identity can be   commonly linked to your transaction  history  is through your IP address. Even if you do all the previous steps perfectly  if your public key is tied to your IP address,  

    Then it can be tied to your physical  address, and then to your personal identity. Bitcoin does not have any built-in encryption for  broadcasting transactions through its network.   Your internet service provider can intercept  these broadcasts and determine which IP address  

    Is associated with which. Bitcoin address. If you  do not want your internet service provider to have   access to your entire Bitcoin transaction  history, then you can use a VPN or a Tor. These are not the same thing, but they both  serve as a block between your internet service  

    Provider and whatever websites you are  visiting. If you use a VPN or a Tor,   it makes it almost impossible for your  internet service provider to link your   transaction to your Bitcoin address. Keep in  mind, that maintaining your privacy is great,  

    But it will not shield you from  losing a lot of money with Bitcoin. Bitcoin is incredibly volatile and its value  swings by tens of thousands of dollars in a   pretty short period of time. So check out this  deep dive where I show you where Bitcoin’s value  

    Comes from. That way you’ll be able to make more  informed investing decisions. Until next time.

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