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    DISCLAIMER: This is not financial advice! This is an entertainment and opinion-based show. I am not a financial adviser. Please only invest what you can afford to lose, and we encourage you to do your own research before investing. DYOR

    We are literally on the eve of the biggest change in the history of cryptocurrency and of course Bitcoin and that is the approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF now what makes this moment so special is that I’m going to show you how the information asymmetry for those

    People who are outside of crypto versus those of us who are following the day-to-day evolution of cryptocurrency and especially this process to create a Bitcoin ETF we are so far ahead of the herd and this is caused some serious doubts to creep in within the crypto

    Community and I’m going to show you how nobody is predicting what’s about to happen in January to our beloved cryptographic tokens that’s right I believe there is a high probability not a guarantee but a high probability that we will see astronomical price movements within crypto and I’ve flagged for you

    The coins that I believe are going to outperform the entire Market again we’ve covered countless explosive tokens here on the channel it’s not even worth naming all of them there are far too many but obviously if you’ve been following the channel we’ve been getting you ahead of each and every major Trend

    In the market and I believe that the work that I’ve done over Q4 of 2023 may be some of my best work ever on the channel so please if you haven’t yet go back and review my thesis on gaming my thesis for 2024 portfolio design and overall the Outlook that I’ve outlined

    Over the last five videos or so I’m trying to make each and every video packed with so much useful knowledge that it utterly enriched the audience and I’m staying away from publishing content unless I’m absolutely sure I have something really important to share this I believe will maximize the time we

    Spend together and truly juice every last drop out of the value you get from these videos which means that I appreciate if you destroy that like button and share this video everywhere you can hyperlink it go tell your friends tell your family this is in my opinion the turning point for

    Cryptocurrency let’s explain why but first my friends we need to go down to the corck Der I do declare that Bitcoin it will be racing to the moon in the coin Pucket der H that’s right we have a race on our hands understanding this is going to be instrumental for how you can

    Contextualize why January is going to be a huge and in my opinion a positive month for Bitcoin and crypto check this out we have not one but 11 spot Bitcoin ETF filers all trying to get off the starting lines and become the fastest horse to win market share in the Bitcoin

    ETF race you see people like to buy into winners just like they like to buy into green coins that go up people trust that bigger is better and this is proven out with most leading ETFs effectively growing bigger and bigger over time while smaller ETFs struggle to catch up

    It’s not like people put their money into the smaller ETF if it’s a fairly similar product they’d rather be where more people are putting their money feels safer so with that in mind as people look to allocate to the Bitcoin ETF this new baby boomer generation that

    Has never gotten to oneclick allocate to bitcoin without figuring out the the private seeds and the coinbase and the kyc and the don’t store your keys in your wallet and don’t click on that link cuz you’ll get drained all that’s gone now they can call up their broker send

    An email boom they’re in Bitcoin that is the next step and that’s why this is so big you have to understand that the people trying to create this Bitcoin traded product are all competing with each other and some of them are not playing Fair because they know that if

    They become the leader here that this could mean billions of dollars in annual revenue now what’s funny is that the crypto Community is so convinced that everybody so sure that the Bitcoin ETF is happening that they have declared this a sell the news event meaning that once it’s approved and specifically once

    It goes live people will just sell Bitcoin saying hey look that was it we’ve all been building up to this moment but really the smart money has made all their gains and they’re just going to dump right now and while that could happen temporarily meaning you get

    A shortterm maybe a few days a few weeks of downside I believe that we will see some astronomical inflows through the Bitcoin ETF and here is proof now before we get to that proof I just want to show show you here are some of the loudest voices in crypto Mr Adam Cochran saying

    That I think most people are overestimating the impact of the ETF short-term while underestimating it long term I think for sure people are underestimating the power of the Endless teawap the endless buying power that comes in from a millennial generation that constantly adds to the stock market

    And Bitcoin being a part of that constant addition that’s not the point the question is what’s happening shortterm we all want to know what happens five minutes from now not like we actually talk about which is zooming out and planning for a few years years from now anyway he says short-term flows

    May be me and this is actually a sentiment that you see all around the industry you see here Peter McCormack ETF prediction price dumps on the news week hands Panic leverage Traders get margin called Legends pick up cheap STS and price Rises prior to ETFs actually

    Trading the thing is I think that this Gap based on my understanding could be as short as 48 hours so I don’t know if this is going to be a big gap between the approval and the trading I think originally we thought this would be a few weeks between approval and trading

    Starting but what I’m hearing now from expert experts like Eric bakunas is that this could be as quick as 48 hours or actually it should be so if you look up here ETF sell the news you pretty much just see constant takes here in crypto Twitter ETF is already priced in ETF is

    Sell the news sell the news sell the news sell the news it is literally ad nauseum I am so unbelievably immersed in this and once again what do we have here yet another example of the pain trade being up and that’s because I think a lot of crypto Twitter which by the way

    I’m about to prove to you are the only people who actually believe the ETF is happening or are excited about it have sced themselves into thinking that this is a sell the news or a bearish event meaning that the gains are coming out and people are going to dump now that

    Could happen again I do not have a crystal ball but I can tell you that the signs that I’m reading on the timeline the sentiment across the industry is screaming that people think hey Q4 was too good to be true it needs to dump now we need to have a moment of pain

    Everyone’s too euphoric we need to punish the community and then we can move higher and most people have very deserved expectations for what comes next but I’m going to tell you not only what I think comes next but what I think happens to altcoins and how I’m

    Investing around this so make sure you stay to the very end if you haven’t yet please smash that like button cuz I put a lot of effort and energy into researching these videos okay check this out here’s the kicker though the reality is that most of the traditional Finance

    World does not believe that the ETF is happening in fact they’re not following this at all they do not even care in fact less than half of all financial advisers expect to spot Bitcoin ETF in 2024 less than half expected to happen within a year not just this week or this

    Month you’re talking about the majority believing that this isn’t going to happen right and the vast majority this is less than 40% believe that it’ll happen this year much less all of us crypto dents following it play by play by play but the thing is that 88% of the

    Financial advisers also believe that if it were to happen it would be a massive positive Catalyst and only 19% of these advisers are actually able to buy B Bitcoin for their clients today so let’s break that down one more time 61% of financial advisers don’t even think a

    Bitcoin ETF will happen this year of all the analysts though 88% believe it will be a massive Catalyst and then here’s the kicker they’re going to be incentivized by their employers these big investment Banks to push the Bitcoin ETF because the winner of this ETF is competing for billions of dollars pretty

    Much of passive annual revenue they don’t really have to do much once the ETF is set up managing it is not a huge overhead thing this is going to be pretty much free money for whoever is able to take the lead and so you better believe that people are going to be

    Putting their hearts and souls into getting that lead translation once this happens every single financial adviser is going to be pushing to sell this Bitcoin ETF like they’re surviving off some herbal life multi-level marketing pyramides sales scheme and I know comparing a Bitcoin ETF to herbal life

    Isn’t exactly a positive thing but I’m just saying these people are going to be selling like Wolf of Wall Street they’re going to be hustling stuffing this product down their clients’s throat s because the bonuses probably internally for securing more market share in this particular product are in my opinion I’m

    Guessing going to be astronomical so only question is how do we know for sure that this is happening well we just got word a few minutes ago that black rock has leaked that they believe the approval will happen on Wednesday we know that we are within spitting

    Distance days of this happening and this is of course according to Fox Business again when it officially happens and it’s officially announced that will be the gap between a few days between when it actually starts Trading according to our sources so it could mean that we get

    A spot Bitcoin ETF as soon as Friday of next week or it could come the following Monday we also have Craig Sal here who as you can see is the chief legal officer for grayscale remember they’re the ones who actually won the court case against the government that allowed for

    Them to create all these spot ETFs they are effectively our hero in shining armor who has made all this possible and we saw on January 4th remember we are a few days after that now he said just filling out some forms and that literally let everyone to speculate oh

    My God it’s happening they’re just filling out the final forms to go live with their ETF we also have Anthony scaramucci who’s a massive Bitcoin bull here and he tweeted it’s done right around the same time of this tweet here from Craig s again these are Wall Street

    Insiders and Executives at ETF issuers effectively saying hey read through the lines here this is about to happen meanwhile the vast majority of financial analysts have their heads firmly inserted under the ground literally Wall Street has their head so far in the sand on this one that we are participating in

    What could be one of the biggest information asymmetries that has ever existed in the financial world no probably not we’d never mind we’d actually have to ask Congress about their stock trading tips that’s the information asymmetry but that my friends is another video you see the

    Truth is that the ETF filing was a done deal as soon as Black Rock put their application in and we covered it as such on this channel for months and months now of course this channel has been one of the most vocally bullish since the beginning of 2023 declaring the new bull

    Market as soon as those bank bailouts happen now this black rock ETF just brought it into a new level of legitimacy you cannot underestimate the flows that are going to happen but again in my opinion most people are missing this you see we now have rumors that

    Black rock has more than $2 billion lined up for week one in new incremental flows from existing Bitcoin holders everyone’s going to try to rig the game so that they get the biggest market share in the Bitcoin ETF race and in this case black rock is saying we have two

    Billion worth of new Bitcoin buys that are going to flood into the ey shares the Black Rock Bitcoin ETF $2 billion of buying power on day one will not only set records but it will most likely have a massive impact on the Bitcoin price remember we are now seeing the biggest

    Financial institutions in the world duke it out with each other not only to get market share in the Bitcoin ETF but to advertise the Bitcoin ETF to their clients to the wealthiest Americans in the world who maybe just maybe need a a little bit more convincing maybe just

    Maybe they’ve been soured by the decade of absolutely atrocious propaganda that the mainstream Financial world has waged and has assaulted the crypto movement with in the phase that they were trying to fight crypto so they’ve got a lot of work here to change the narrative to make it palatable to Grandma and Grandpa

    To start dollar cost averaging into that old bitcorn but imagine imagine what’s going to happen if they get all their buddies in on day one they say hey bring us a big amount of liquidity and we promise you guys you’ll be in the money that’s probably more or less the

    Conversations happening behind the scenes because black Rock’s biggest money bags well they like to know that they’re getting a sweet deal and so Black Rock will probably try to stuff them in right at the beginning remember the more brutal this issue where competition is the more that investors

    Win because people are actually slashing fees here and effectively that is what the best ETF will do it’ll be cheap right you want to spend less to be in the asset you want to have less fees taken out so whoever does this the cheapest should in theory win but we all

    Know that’s not quite how it works it’ll be based on who actually has the most assets that’ll be the winner and it looks like black rock is trying their damnedest to blow everyone out of the water with day one inflows now I’m going to be completely honest with you a lot

    Of really really good analysts have predicted that we will see some massive correction here in q1 I personally feel like there’s been a lot of strength in the charts and I just want to see how this shakes out with the Bitcoin ETF I think that there’s a lot of ways that

    This could essentially get investors off sides for me it feels like there’s going to be some massive day one pump and then probably a huge correction and then we pick up and things get more interesting maybe later on in Q2 or something like that but it’s also possible that the ETF

    Creates a massive dump effect and people do sell the news it’s possible though I find that a little bit hard to believe the truth is that I’m heavily allocated to crypto I have no more stable coins I am Max long right now for all of my current crypto allocation of course I

    Still have a big chunk of my net worth in US treasuries and if things get really bloody really brutal I’m prepared to wire in more money money and buy the dip but the reality is because I’ve been buying so much lower I am so heavily in

    The profits right now that I’m okay with a little bit of a dip and I don’t feel pressured to buy too many more new coins that said I’m always making little moves in the market trying to find the next hot coins and here’s what I think is

    Going to be the case if we do get price appreciation in early 2024 which I certainly hope and believe is possible based on the billions of dollars of projected inflows into the Bitcoin ETF first off this guy I mean Kush I’ve never heard of him before this bare

    Market Market but he does these like wildly bullish charts and he’s been saying stuff like we’re going to be at 110k within 4 weeks he originally said we’d be there before the end of 2023 that didn’t pan out you can see here he’s comparing the price action right

    Here to the end of 2020 and saying we are here we are here he’s saying like essentially we’re going to have this vertical liftoff that takes us up to you know effectively 3x where we are somewhere there about just shy of 3x where we are and here we’re sitting at

    About 45,000 when he did this so if that’s the case by the middle of one we’d be sitting here at $100,000 Bitcoin and I want to just be very clear this could happen which is why I’ve said there’s just such a huge risk in being

    Out of this Market I don’t think this is very likely this is extreme extreme bullishness but it is possible Right these things are possible of course it’s worth noting that his analysis actually believes that we are at the tail end of a bull run and that this will sort of

    Complete the move that that move up to you know somewhere in the 100,000 to $225,000 range of course it’s worth noting that he does argue here that this is the end of the Bull Run we’ll hit somewhere in the $225,000 range by you know mid next year and then that will

    Actually be the cycle top this is not an analysis that I’ve seen really anywhere else I would classify this under bullish porn here under bullish Bitcoin porn if this happens it would just be amazing because it would happen so quickly but then again we might get some horrific

    Bare Market not as fun so again I just wanted people to be aware there’s all kinds of predictions going on and in ETF if things get really really hot people might just start dumping money in I mean trillions of dollars can now just flow in like this that’s the promise of an

    ETF and if we do get massive pumps well that’s always the best marketing for people to buy more people love to buy stuff that pumps it’s just human psychology the other thing that I have to show you is that this is the total market cap excluding Bitcoin and E look

    How perfect this is the total three market cap you can see that it had this perfect perfect retest of this green line level you can see it’s now bounced off of it and if you look it had this exact same relationship back at the end of 2020 where it bounced off right here

    And then it went on its parabolic run so could that be the moment we’re about to see this parabolic run well let’s talk about it one thing that I want to be clear of here is that if Bitcoin really gets going it will most likely suck money out of the alts temporarily people

    Will sell alts to jump into Bitcoin feeling like they might miss this generational move in Bitcoin if it’s a sell the news event and Bitcoin sells off then alts will probably dump as well in fact short term I think there could definitely be some indigestion here for

    Altcoins I mean we have seen like th% gains in the alts over the last few months but that doesn’t mean in my opin opinion that you should forsake your altcoins quite the contrary I believe that there is probably no better opportunity than when bitcoin’s on a mad

    Tear than to be sizing up and planning your altcoin buys remember as Bitcoin kept tearing up all through 2023 people mocked me for saying that I was buying altcoins and then I banged out so many 10xs over the next few months and don’t get me wrong Bitcoin had some juicy

    Gains about 3x off the ultimate low but in my opinion making 10 X’s left and right is significantly better again outperforming Bitcoin is something that any can do if you know where to look and the thing is the market has given us an incredible insight into where exactly we

    Should look first and foremost let’s talk about my baby my beautiful baby boy coinbase that’s right this stock has been one of the biggest rippers I think in the history of rippers but in my opinion it’s just getting started it’s still about a third of its prior

    All-time high and I believe it has a lot of room to run my prediction for coinbase is to make it easily past $500 this cycle and possibly over 1,000 ,000 though I will be selling as we approach that $1,000 Mark remember when we talked about the information asymmetry as well

    Inside crypto versus outside crypto well coinbase is about to acquire a new application in the EU that would allow them to provide derivatives to all of Europe not to mention check this out I love this tweet from will here he says what I like so much about the coin trade

    Is that there’s clear information asymmetry between the street and crypto natives street is asleep at the wheel not seeing that coinbase is a venture style bet in the public market exchange to crypto super app at the top of the market they will extrapolate all of the crypto native Revenue verticals that

    They are missing now and that’s when we dump on them coinbase is far more than just a crypto exchange they have a derivatives Network globally they have the base chain which is an L2 on ethereum and they literally have countless countless Investments across the space coinbase is one of the biggest

    Bets on the entire crypto space and it is wildly misunderstood by Wall Street in fact check this out wall Street’s consensus for coin is a 30% drop in market value meaning that they believe that the current price of $150 needs to come down dramatically at least by 30%

    And this is based on 20 ranked analysts offering 12-month price targets for coin in the last 3 months the average price is 109 with a high estimate of $200 and a low estimate of $39 and what’s so crazy is you can see here we were already at almost what was at10 almost

    So the ultimate High prediction from all of these analysts is something we almost already hit on this run one more tick up here and you can see after it bust through this 180 uh 180ish resistance the next real major resistance is maybe what 250 here or maybe uh 235 the point

    Is Wall Street is asleep at the wheel just like they’re asleep at the wheel with the Bitcoin ETF they have no idea how to Value coinbase stock they might just be antagonistic to crypto and not like crypto they might actually be actively trying to keep people from knowing how big these opportunities are

    Because they don’t want the train to run away or whatever the saying is but regardless there is such a massive asymmetry between the people who watch videos like elot trades and the people who are sitting in the desks in Wall Street that I can’t help fight the

    Feeling that this is probably some of the freest money and one of the best trading environments that the world has ever seen and it probably won’t repeat itself not quite this easily maybe ever again that is assuming that I’m right about Bitcoin ETF being bullish which I

    Think is a fair estimation based on what we know the facts and circumstances that I’ve just outlined for you so let’s talk about some coins that I think are going to perform well in this environment so remember what I showed this chart this total three chart let’s go into a bigger

    View of it here and what you can see here is that this is the total three chart you can see that I’ve uh you know I’ve expanded it up here you can see this chart here you can see these three points of contact how it broke through

    And now it’s retested this it’s it’s really done this beautiful beautiful retest here where you can see that it bounced almost literally Picture Perfect off this line and is now trying to use it as support before it you know hopefully goes you know onward and upward here that’s what we want to see

    It do the question is where exactly could this go and to answer that question it’s really important that we understand what it did last time well here is the very similar retest we can see the corollary level here and let’s go ahead and see where it topped it went

    From this breakout Zone that we’re at again we’re at the same breakout Zone and it went up about what is that 5 32% 532 roughly from those lines let’s go ahead and see where 532 per takes us and again bull runs have diminishing returns

    For the most part so it might not be 532 but I’m just giving you a sense of scale here here we get 53 2% which takes us to pretty much $3 trillion $ 2.93 trillion right so if we go to about $3 trillion you can see we

    About 480 billion to 3 trillion that’s $ 2.52 trillion $ 2.52 trillion in New Market Cap and what you need to understand here is that all of these gains that everyone thinks have been life-changing all of these gains that people think have been way too euphoric

    Way way way too big well guess what those have happened from 290 2 billion just call it about 300 billion up to a little under 500 billion so we’ve had less than 200 billion here in change right less than $200 billion in market cap for altcoins has been added and yet

    Everybody’s declaring this the end of the run we’re too euphoric too bullish less than 200 billion and if you look here the math shows that we should have over 10x that in fact exactly 12.6 X the amount of capital that we’ve already seen grow within crypto could be what we

    See ahead of us for the altcoins so let’s talk about how I’m going to be allocating to this and some mistakes that I made at precisely this particular Moment In The Bull Run and there’s literally no better token to illustrate this than salana you see here we were as

    Bitcoin was just starting to try to get up to rip towards its prior alltime highs really the end of 2020 Bitcoin was still trudging up had not quite hit its prior alltime high salana was sitting here at about 100 million right I believed that $100 million market cap

    Was pretty high at that time that was one of of the higher altcoin market caps and it might be considered by many to be expensive well guess what it made its way very quickly up to the billion doll Mark right as Bitcoin was breaking out to new highs and I considered that very

    Expensive so nobody was really trying to buy salana at these market capap prices and you can see here the uh the price here in early 2021 was about three bucks right about $3 go back to market cap that put it at about a billion doll market cap circulating if we look here

    It went up to about 77 billion 77 billion and the price went from $3 up to nearly 20 and what was that 260 right so from $3 to 260 not quite a 100x but the vast majority of 100x my friends so why am I bringing you salana from the last

    Cycle again Elliot we know salana how how are we supposed to learn from this well I want to be really clear the lesson here is that the coins that are strong now before Bitcoin goes into full bull mode again if it goes into full bull mode you need to own the fact that

    I might be wrong here it might not go full bull mode it might take a while longer it might take till the second half of 2024 for things to really get going that’s not my current base case but that’s certainly possible and you need to be ready for that outcome if it

    Happens but if Bitcoin goes full bull mode in my opinion the biggest places to be placing your Capital are going to be on the proven winners of this early cycle you see think of your coins like prize Fighters the ones that are really really strong the ones that are knocking

    Everybody out that are 22 and0 32 and0 you don’t expect them to step into the ring and get knocked out no they’re undefeated think of that in the way that you think of your coins the coins that have just been crushing it like crazy if the bull market continues they will

    Continue to crush it and outperform and so of course things like salana are top of that list they’ve been some of the strongest performers we’ve also seen a massive parabolic move over things like say and what is say it’s a parallelized evm it’s effectively people looking at

    It as it could be a salana competitor even though to be fair it’s in the evm world let’s not get too complex here people are looking at it as another hyper fast blockchain right looking at the strong layer ones the ones that have had insane years in 2023 those are the

    Ones that are most likely going to continue to have insane years going forward because once Bitcoin hits 100K the amount of liquidity in the crypto ecoystem will mean that smaller altcoins will start being way way bigger the actual definition of a cheap or expensive altcoin will repic up

    Dramatically and what was an insanely overpriced Network maybe at a billion dollars will be seen maybe as cheap it’s all relative of course with Bitcoin at multi- trillions that changes the perspective if ethereum makes it up to 1 to2 trillion well that changes the potential ceiling for salana or any

    Other Challenger to ethereum hope you understand how this goes so even though things might seem like they have a ceiling now that ceiling gets moved up dramatically as Bitcoin races up to new highs and the biggest mistake that I made on the prior cycle was thinking that because something had already

    Pumped because something seemed seemed expensive early in the cycle that it really didn’t have that room to run when some of these proven amazing technological projects things like salana early cycle last time had almost 100x left and that was after it had gone crazy a 10x pump and was sitting at a

    Billion doll V my biggest mistake wasn’t betting on The Proven Winners the ones that have gone up 10x already over the last month the ones that have these strong Community waves the ones that are poised to keep winning like that prize fighter those are the tokens that if

    We’re blessed with this next leg in Bitcoin will continue to destroy the market and will make people I think the best risk adjusted returns again looking at the top we have salana is the next in line to ethereum ethereum’s had horrible price action I think it’ll get better

    Once Bitcoin breaks out to new highs Avalanche and salana have moved pretty much in lock step amazing gains out of both of them I bought both of them very near the bottom injective like we’ve been telling you for a while that chart is ridiculous it keeps winning a Casp

    Has been very strong and it actually doesn’t have say on the list here I don’t know why but that one for sure should be on your list and a new one coming this year monad whenever that releases should do very well as well gosh coin gecko really needs to update

    Their categories they don’t even have superverse in the gaming category and they don’t have Celestia in the layer one category they don’t have SE and they don’t have Celestia which of course are two very very hot tokens again nothing sucks up liquidity like these new shiny

    Layer ones cuz it has potential to be the next ethereum and ethereum has potential to be the next Bitcoin effectively a new layer one is the biggest show in town any project with its own blockchain is the biggest possible value in the space but again layer ones aren’t the only category in

    Town in fact I believe as you know that gaming and AI are the two categories that are most likely to help you win the coordination game you see crypto is not about what you think is good or what technology is good it’s about where the max amount of people are coordinating

    Meaning you want to go to the place that you think the most amount of people are about to go to next and in my opin opinion the Allure of a mainstream crypto game and the amount of money that’s been invested in this will for sure create a crypto gaming hit within

    The next 24 maybe 36 months but I’m optimistic that we’ll see some massive results here in 2024 I’m hopeful and what we’ve seen is that immutable X has gone absolutely bananas here you can see it’s up 425 off the lows of 37 cents and it’s just been on an absolute mad tear of

    Course we’ve covered it extensively throughout the bare Market I am a massive immutable X holder as well and I’ve never sold a token of a mutable X again also in the gaming category is beam or Merit Circle they have both been Titans and going absolutely bananas so

    Make sure you’re aware of the gaming tokens that have been crushing it cuz most likely once the whole market reprices up those gaming tokens will have more room to run I believe that this Market cycle isn’t complete until we seek a gaming token and an AI token

    Either in the top 10 or sniffing around to get into the top 10 of cryptocurrencies by market cap and that’ll mean that those entire categories will reprice up with a vicious vicious disregard for whatever you or anyone else thinks is logical and remember I told you guys my favorite AI

    Project in the whole Space is AOS and this thing has been absolutely ripping it was as high as $324 look at this chart look at this chart over the last year this my friends is a gorgeous chart it just pretty much just grinds its way up just so nicely

    Here anyway as I’ve said AI is going to benefit from constant advancements in AI from the Normie World AI is progressing at a Breakneck pace and every time there’s a major piece of news let’s say that the government wants to ban AI research or something like that well

    That’s bullish for decentralized AI if there’s something positive that happens with open AI That’s bullish for decentralized AI if there’s anything positive or negative that creates news for AI that makes people more interested in decentralized Ai and right now there’s not that many highquality projects so it’s really easy to get your

    Hands on ones that are definitely interesting and I’ll be doing a full Deep dive on AI cryptocurrencies very soon as you know I’ve done a lot on gaming and will continue to do a lot on gaming in fact I believe that this has become the highest signal crypto Gaming

    Community in the world and it gives me a tremendous sense of Joy because this is a movement that as you know I care so much about again there’s a massive update for super verse coming this month very excited to bring that to you and I hope you guys are excited as well I

    Haven’t been able to make any content one because I didn’t have a tremendous amount of new information to add to my prior videos but also I’ve been heads down working on something absolutely monstrous and I hope you guys are excited so now you know a ly what you

    Should understand which is that the information asymmetry around the Bitcoin ETF is ridiculous this is happening it’s a guarantee it’s actually already happened probably with the official approval coming at some point next week meanwhile the vast majority of financial analysts on Wall Street have their head buried in the sand although they admit

    That they’d be here to buy this ETF if it existed and they don’t know how to invest in Bitcoin on behalf of their clients today we hear that black rock has $2 billion lined up to inject into its ETF so that they can be become the front runner in the Bitcoin ETF race

    Which will be worth passive flows of billions of dollars in Revenue each year this is one of the biggest Financial races in the history of our world and we have most people in crypto believing it’s a sell the news event and what we know is that nobody’s following crypto

    Twitter nobody outside the crypto bubble is focused on what’s Happening inside crypto Twitter’s bubble and people inside crypto Twitter’s bubble have become convinced that the ETF is priced in and that nothing else good can come of this it’s all very interesting but once again I feel feel like the timeline

    Is on the wrong side of the trade that’s my particular belief and that’s why I’ve put my chips and allocated them the way they are which is effectively to say I’m long I am invested in this crypto market and I’m ready if we end up getting a big

    Pullback who cares I’ve held coins for years and I plan to hold them throughout 2024 for sure but I’m not a believer that this is a negative news event in fact I think we might see a massive explosive candle up and then we might see some pullbacks or whatever it might

    Be I do believe that the Bitcoin ETF is unexpected on Wall Street that the crypto Community has overthought this a little bit too much and really just need to simplify zoom out and realize this is a massively bullish thing for crypto the crypto total market caps are showing

    That altcoins have trillions of dollars of room to run if history is to repeat and in my opinion people would be making a massive Mistake by trying to go for stuff that hasn’t gotten love from the market go for stuff that isn’t strong and isn’t trending when the reality is

    That those trending coins could go so much further than your wildest expectations but you can’t see it yet until the whole Market expands like an accordion it’s a very exciting time and regardless of whether you’re bullish bearish or otherwise this is history and we should all be very blessed to be

    Living through history for those of you who might be looking for a way to become more active I think that this was a very valuable piece of advice from Santiago which is diversifying cash flow is really important effectively make as much money as you can make focus on

    Making and generating income instead of just allocating whatever money you have if you’re already a high earner then great I personally find it very very soothing the fact that I spend less than I make each month and that allows me to constantly bet into the cryptocurrency markets not feeling like I’m risking my

    Lifestyle or risking my entire world with each bet because we know that they are high risk High reward bets I mean in the end there’s a probability that we go up and there’s a probability that we go down I personally have believed that the probability we go up is more likely

    That’s why I’ve been betting and I have been actually winning quite a bit this year in fact 2023 was an historic year for me but I believe 2024 is going to make everything else I’ve done look about this tiny and so if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed please try to

    Figure out how to generate more income in your daily life grind hustle this year it is worth it I believe because there’s so much upside in crypto so if you have the ability to constantly earn income that you can then convert into more opportunities to win in crypto I

    Believe that’s the way forward again I’m just a YouTuber so you got to make your own decisions and figure out what’s right for you well there you have it there’s my thoughts on what’s happening with the Bitcoin ETF this week where I think the coins will go in January how

    I’m positioned yeah OD of going up down or sideways and now the rest is up to you if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you smash that like button leave me a comment in the comment section below and check out this Bible I made on investing in cryptos in 2024 I believe

    It’ll age like fine wine and I’ll see you very soon on the next episode


    1. I love that AMS65X is focused on sustainability and using renewable energy sources for mining. Its important to consider the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies.

    2. But new capital flowing into the ETF,s wont be readily convertible into ALTs and smaller projects. Might that cause an imbalance in the current ecosystem and potentially starve off parts of the market… Especially if there are renewed efforts by Warren and the Cartel to go after parts of the crypto sector. I'm suspicious of the whole digital gold narrative too, and given that JP Morgan is involved feels ironic given their foot is perpetually on the neck of precious metals prices…. They certainly know a thing or two about price manipulation… Not meaning to FUD it just feels like a slightly sad, bitter sweet moment… Ah well let's see what happens.

    3. I really appreciated this video, as a medium-term AMS65X holder. I know you commented on not many people paying attention to this, but it was very relevant for holders such as myself. After watching your thoughts, I willbuy more. I also remember your earl

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