The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approved 11 exchange-traded funds (ETF) that hold Bitcoin on Wednesday night, paving the way for those companies to begin trading Thursday morning and bringing the cryptocurrency more into mainstream American markets.

    ETFs give every day investors a way to get in on trading without having to actually own things like gold or Bitcoin, and they trade like stocks, meaning you can buy and sell them throughout the day.

    As Sean Previl explains, this could mean big things for cryptocurrency and because of the ETF structure, an easier way for people to invest in crypto.

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    Several exchange traded funds or ETFs for Bitcoin began trading Thursday following an unprecedented decision the night before 9o digital asset groups Alex Tapscott says the US Securities and Exchange commission’s approval expands how many people may invest I think that this is going to be a major Watershed

    Event for the asset class and is going to be widely uh there’s going to be wide interest from many different kinds of investors for this product ETFs give everyday investors a way to get in on trading without having to actually own things like gold or now Bitcoin and they

    Trade like stocks meaning you can buy and sell them throughout the day gold ETFs for example have been around for about 20 years with Bitcoin trading at nearly 47,000 us as of Thursday afternoon ETFs track that price and give smaller investors a way into the cryptocurrency purpose Investments Chief

    Investment officer Greg Taylor says the sec’s approval is really good news for crypto it may not take away all the volatility but will certain to dampen off some of it and it also should start to take away some of the risk of the Bad actors but crypto has not been without

    Issue numerous exchanges and tokens have folded and the high-profile collapse of FTX and its Founders fraud conviction left investors weary and Regulators being more aggressive with the sector while these will have more regulatory backing Tapscott says investors should do their own research on whether Bitcoin fits in their portfolio and be aware it

    Can still be a volatile product if you’re not prepared to stomach um a higher level of volatility then you might expect in other kinds of Investments then it’s probably not appropriate longtime crypto fans may not be throwed with the SEC decision as decentralized cryptocurrency like Bitcoin were created partly due to the

    Mistrust of the financial system but Taylor says given past issues in the market having a regulator can help crypto evolve I think this is further stamp on the room on the road to being validated and something more mainstream and I think the increased regulation is something that should be welcomed by the

    Crypto Community Sean preville Global News


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