The “sandal,” a cozy heating table with a long history in Central Asia, is becoming popular in modern Uzbekistan amid the energy crisis in the country. The sandal is a low wooden table covered with a blanket and has a source of heat underneath, typically from charcoal.

    #survival #coldweather #uzbekistan


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    [Müzik] btün vud odam sş [Müzik] [Müzik] azg kü kız ş bız [Müzik] bu Çu çıkarıp çık [Müzik] kpe adam k y şu S [Müzik] Kay 300000 buan bu sizm bu otursa davada he rzm de olı adam kuruk [Müzik] [Müzik] saklı


    1. I could imagine those things were fairly safe back in the days when houses or Jurts werent as perfectly sealed off like a modern building and the CO could escape through the sealing.
      Nowadays I wouldnt try it, to much of a risk

    2. Uhh. Okay. So the idea is to have old people fall asleep around a table and get their legs burned? I guess I’m just to stupid to understand how this is practical.

    3. A lot of useful heat/energy lost during the burning of the wood. Outside!. Maybe it has a cultural value for some, but it is not practical or efficient at all. Close to stupid, if you disregard culture.
      Humans invented stoves and ovens for a reason. 😉 Stone&clay ovens… if metal is too rare/expensive….

    4. In Bulgaria we have another method- the brick. One needs a normal, dense brick. You put it on the wooden stove and when its hot, wrap it in some cloth. Its used to warm your feet when you're sleeping and the stove goes out.

    5. This doesn't address the reason why there is a crisis in the first place? Your neighbor Russia has plenty of gas and oil. What is your government doing with your tax money?🤔🤔

    6. In my country we used to have little wooden boxes you put coals in, called voetenstoof. They are very sturdy, efficent quite save and mobile, you can just carry them with you and many surive to this day used as a little stool. You can get an antique one for like 20 euros so many still float around.

      Warm greetings from the Netherlands🇳🇱!

    7. A bicycle with a electric motor that you pedal will run a furnace to keep you warm this idea that they have works with ash and the barrel of frebrezze covers the odor. Bomb shells work as a insulator they should pick up there shells from MOTHER RUSSIA

    8. We are almost all dependent on burning biomass whether fresh like the wood here or old like oil and gas. In every case we burn it faster than it renews and in so doing add CO2 to the atmosphere. What a dilemma.

    9. And why do these people not have natural gas anymore? Why isn't that question being asked? Well, it's because morons are driving them back to the 10th century. It's plain stupid.

    10. so much carbon monoxide released with these setups. i visited china at the end of winter 15 years ago and got such bad headaches and felt ill that I was happier being cold. these are horrible setups for your brain and lung health.

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