In this video I talk with a bullion dealer and coin shop owner about silver price in 2024. Silver price is currently at around $23 per oz and silver price 2024 will be a wild ride. If you want to start investing in silver in 2024 or investing in gold in 2024 then this is the video for you. My silver price prediction for 2024 is $32 per oz and this coin shop owner has a different silver price forecast. Harry’s Coin Shop is a local coin shop that I frequent in Oregon. Will silver price continue to move higher? How high can silver price climb in 2024? These questions surrounding silver stacking 2024 along with 2024 silver price predictions and silver price forecasts are present. These coin shop videos are meant for entertainment only and are not investment advice. Below is the playlist containing all of the videos made at Harry’s Coin Shop:

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    Topics I cover in this video: silver price, silver price news, silver price update, silver price prediction, silver price forecast, silver price 2024, silver price prediction 2024, silver price forecast 2024, silver stacking 2024, silver investing 2024, buy silver 2024, invest in silver, silver stacking, silver stacker, coin shop, coin dealer, coin store, bullion dealer, silver price, gold price, silver stacking, silver investing, buying silver, coin shop owner, coin dealer, local coin shop, silver coins, silver bars, silver rounds, junk silver, gold coins, silver stack, silver stacker, coin shop video, harry’s coin shop, silver, gold, precious metals

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    Where do you see silver going this year because we’re just starting 2024 what do you think I mean is this going to be a good year for silver bad year buy your gold and silver online from SD bullion new customers get gold or silver at spot by visiting sdban New Check out this inventory we got tons of coins here silver coins specifically uh over at Harry’s coin shop and uh look at that you got government specialty ounces 28 bucks it’s a pretty good deal Harry not bad not bad um the premiums have come down over time um the price of

    Silver has not kept pace with the the near record highs of gold however I expect silver to continue to be uh to represent a strong appeal for your viewers it’s uh it’s far more popular than gold speaking of gold I was noticing you have these um do

    Pesos those are kind of popular I feel like those will go quick huh that’s good entry level gold and it’s not it’s not just a bullion piece these actually were circulating pieces in Mexico up till probably the late 1960s really yeah my dad used to go drive from Northern California to Mexico

    Go to the banks and just over the- counter buy these and come back how did he bring gold in in the early 60s with uh with the law saying he couldn’t own gold well that’s another story um we don’t have to get into the specifics the statute of limitation has

    Pass they were in his hubcast okay there you go um by the way what’s up Richard good to see you to see Adrian good to see you and Bill good to see you as well good to see you what is this that we’re looking at right here this is just

    Something I pulled out of the back um first Majestic is a publicly traded silver mining company and they mine in Mexico and they mine in Mexico go with the theme Here exactly yeah and as you pointed out it’s got you’ve got a Mexican eagle here they’re also listed

    On the Toronto Stock Exchange so you got the maple leaf it’s a really nice 10 oz Medallion yeah that’s super cool so uh okay we got silver eagles 29 bucks we got rounds 26 bucks so it seems like I don’t know if it was me stacking if I just started I’m probably leaning

    Towards the rounds Harry absolutely think about it if if you’re just starting and you’re not really sure where you’d like to emphasize your stack Why not start at the lowest premium possible and that would be the rounds and you can Branch out and specialize later or you may stick with rounds we

    Sell far far more rounds than anything else in the silver I also think that the 1 o size is more appealing cuz you know you could get 10 o bars 100 ounce bars whatever but if you need to sell and you have 1 o rounds you can literally sell

    Them one at a time correct 100 o bars they’re gorgeous everyone loves to hold them and look at them but very few people buy them because it’s it’s a big chunk uh for one piece of silver big big investment yeah why would you just buy

    Gold I would yeah and you could put it in your pocket it’s not going to you put that in your pocket too but it might weigh you down a little it’ll drop your pants um yeah you actually do have a 25 o bar which that is a really rare size

    We hardly ever see those very unusual we have a 25 O atmex Bar we also have something that’s not quite as seldom seen as the uh kilo but again that’s still a big chunk it’s 32.1 15 Troy o and it’s a lot of silver in one piece

    You know how I remember the kilo 3 2 1 high five so it’s like counting down make note of that everybody yeah 3 2 1 high five yeah that’s a kilo but uh you also have this one here which is this uh it doesn’t feel like half troy pound so

    6 o six Troy o that is so weird why do they do that what’s the deal deal with troy ounces and Troy pounds precious metals are measured in troy ounces and a troy ounce is different than a a avar dupa ounce the way we buy our food those

    Are 28 G of and change the standard ounce is 28.35 G okay 28.3 a TR ounce is 31.1 G so a try ounce is a bit heavier than a regular ounce furthermore a troy pound is 12 Troy oun whereas an AV pound is 16 oz so it’s a

    Different measuring system not too far off from one another but definitely different yeah so when you’re buying something like this that’s a half troy pound you need to understand it’s only six troy ounces not eight you would think it’s 8 oz because it’s a half PB but it’s not just to complicate the

    Explanation a little further you will find rounds like this that’ll say half pound on it and often times when you weigh them they’ll be eight regular ounces which is really it’s like a mixed metaphor it’s a mess yeah and they’re really hard to sell because it’s the

    Troy oun has come out into be a weird fraction and it’s a very it’s a very amateurish mistake that a refiner would make to do that something you just got to melt down probably usually also you have this really cool bar minted from us strategic stockpile silver uh Bill what

    What’s the deal with these bars these were just uh privately issued they have this very officious language on them that they’re from this you know us strategic stockpile USSA office but this is this is more just the origin of the metal for this this private minting um

    In the the early 8s the US government was selling down the last the last remnants of its strategic sock pile of silver because they Congress had determined it was no longer a strategic medal they felt like there was enough available for the military there was a

    War they didn’t need to Warehouse it so it was sold off auctioned off I presume and whatever refiner this was got a hold of it they’re very popular because of that sort of Cold War history yeah yeah they are cool I know that the rounds um sometimes they trade it a premium

    Especially if they got nice toning and whatnot definely yeah very cool all right so we’ve seen the silver bars we’ve seen the gold now we got to take a look at the junk silver and you guys still have the uh special on Morgan dollars and Peace dollars we do uh um

    What we’re actually for whatever reason we’re a little light on right now are 90% silver half dollars really we have some kennedies 1964 and we have some 1982 um uh commemorative Washington dollars but we’re currently out of Franklin halves as well as walking liberty halves interesting so you’ve

    Always well not always but for the last few months uh been short on the Mercury dimes which you have a few of them I bet they won’t last the day but but we do have some today yeah but now you’re seeing some of the older half dollars

    You’re just not getting any back or they’re selling quicker or what I think the price dip in silver last week caused people to not want to sell maybe hold out for another little bit of a spike mhm um it’s the best I can determine well speaking of a spike in silver price

    Silver’s actually down at the moment um it’s about you know $22.50 give or take where do do you see silver going this year because we’re just starting 2024 it’s a brand new year and I actually want to get these guys’ opinion on it too here in a sec but uh

    What do you think I mean is this going to be a good year for silver bad year I think it’s going to be a good year and the reason is the the Federal Reserve is already talking about lowering interest rates in the spring MH yes inflation’s getting under control

    But also it’s an election year and wh whomever’s in office wants to see interest rates low that just goes without saying but when interest rates go down the precious metals tend to go up because the safe haven of earning extra interest say in the bank account is diminished and so gold and silver

    Become uh perhaps a better safe haven in people’s minds F and all the trouble in the world doesn’t seem to be easing whatsoever and the metals seem to thrive on bad news yeah so there’s a few factors that are kind of bullish for silver this year yes I’ve thrown out you

    Know I think $32 is possible what are your thoughts on price $32 is possible cuz it’s certainly been there a couple times before yeah however if it does get to that point the world and the economy is going to be in bad shape because it’ll be a response to that I think it’s

    Possible but honestly I’m more I’m more thinking you know maybe mid 20s M just because of the easing of interest rates yeah and um if it goes to 32 or higher then we have bigger problems yeah I think you’re right and if it does go to

    The mid-20s um you know it’s that’s not that far off and last year you know we saw $26 silver very briefly right so it could certainly do it again this year but I’m thinking maybe it’ll hold above those levels the way look how gold even on a down day gold it’s several weeks

    Now hanging in there above $2,000 so it may be that you know this is the new reality and perhaps that’ll be for silver as well maybe in the mid 20s yeah we’ll have to wait and see I guess what do you think Adrien um Harry is saying

    Mid 20s for silver and it could hold um where do you see it going yeah it’s been playing around in that mid 20 to Upper 20 and then it’s kind of been sitting at that mid 20 to lower 20 this past year um so yeah I kind of side with with

    Harry saying it’s you know I hope it goes up right everybody that Stacks them silver is like hey I want the prices to up go up but then what are you trading off a lot more things are going to be going wrong in the world when we’re

    Going to see medals at those Heights if silver goes to 100 bucks we got real big problems yeah that means that everything else that you have that you’re using from dayto day is also going to be up what do you think uh Bill uh you’re kind

    Of the new guy here at the shop uh what do you see for silver this year yeah I I think Gold’s been been hanging tough because of all the political risk in the world like around the world you know cuz we we sometimes think just of America

    But if you’re in other parts of the world it’s even dice here right now so people have been going into gold and uh Silver’s been been lagging so maybe this is the year silver catches up a little bit yeah it could be what do you think Richard is this the year silver catches

    Up crystal balls a little hazy right now I think all the three previous opinions are are pretty good I wouldn’t know whether to say so or not myself but it has a lot of potential and you know with gold new alltime high and silver now less than half of its all-time high it

    It feels like we’re headed up I mean that’s that’s all I can really surise might be a good buying opportunity this year yeah especially with the little dip right now I mean it’s only down I think about a third of a dollar for the day

    But uh hey I like to buy the dips all right well uh this was really fun Harry appreciate the time yeah absolutely good to see you Adrian good to see you Bill oh thank you good to meet you yes and uh good to see you again Richard


    1. Harry God bless you , I am praying to settle in $35 for the year. May the adjustment do to balance , silver should be at $130 an ounce now . Silver is manipulated by paper silver prices . I am praying for a run paper silver that would cause fiscal silver price to rize being a good thing for our economy . Will we see it happen ? I praying pray with me silver goes up by demand not because of a poor or bad economy. I am praying not predicting nothing. I am putting it in the true owners hand , God's will be done. Silver can go up without harming or bring bad for the economy . Before the Chinese virus that is what was happening to our economy in 2018 till the Chinese attract the world in 2019 . Silver was rizing with a very strong bull market 2017 till the attack in 2019 by THE COMMUNIST CHINESE PARTY . THEY WELDED THEIR PEOPLE APPARTMENT DOORS SHUT KILLING THEIR OWN PEOPLE. Dear Father God please protect the World from the Marxist Communist and A.I. THANK YOU FATHER GOD IN THE NAME AND BLOOD OF YESHUA"JESUS" FATHER GOD YOU WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN A'MEN!&A'MEN! Anybody that agrees with me say your own prayers now, Love you all

    2. Governments are banking away as much gold as possible with intent to create a media-driven artificial demand to drive up the value. The reality for 2024 however is gold will drop in price, closing the gap between it and silver. And thanks for the ounce and pound info, I learned something.

    3. If what has been said about the brics do have or will have 10 nations under its belt and China prints the money and can prove it's back by GOLD right befor thay roll out that currency the rest of the world will drop GOLDS value and silver will rise up and that will depend on who much decline gold goes how high silver will go.

    4. It’s always a pump pump pump. No real action. I’ve been a stacker for years and the price has hardly gone up. The markets are manipulated.

    5. Silver always is an intrinsic value that never varies. It's the fiàt paper that wobbles, desperately flailing as it seeks a value that is only a ghost. Never mingle paper with silver, they exist in separate worlds.

    6. Question? Silverdragon Can you tell me can a person purchase less than 10K in gold or silver on a daily bases or does it have to be monthly so as to not alarm those in charge of USA. FYI I don’t have that kind of money but no one has ever asked that question. Ty

    7. In 2005 silver was around 7.00 / oz which struck me as ridiculous compared to gold at the time (64:1 gold to silver ratio). I bought silver. Again I see silver is even more ridiculous compared to Gold. I think it is going up again, hard to see how it can't. The ratio is sitting at 89:1. That is way out of whack compared to the 100's of years trend of 16:1.

    8. I greatly appreciate this incredibly enlightening video. Throughout times of economic turbulence, gold and silver have earned a reputation for their stability. Yet, it's essential not to underestimate the significance of cryptocurrencies, which present distinct opportunities such as liquidity, around-the-clock market access, and the potential for significant profits. Embracing the realm of crypto trading in this digital age could prove to be a prudent choice for substantial expansion. I'm indebted to Francine Duguay for her expert guidance, her deep crypto knowledge and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this journey, With her holistic investment approach and her commitment to staying current with market trends, she stands out as a formidable ally in the cryptocurrency world…

    9. Amateur comments .
      Crapcoin going up tens of thousands and a strategic metal that mankind can’t live without is at an embarrassing $23.00 an ounce …
      This metal will go parabolic ; but WHEN is a guess at best .

    10. I could see Silver in the low 30's late this year, honestly it all depends on the strength of the Dollar (DXY is usually good to follow for a clue on Metals direction but it's not 1:1) and how MANY cuts and how big those cuts are from the FED. If they go 75 bps down, metals won't move too much, if they got 2% then there should definitely be some movement. Lastly inflation is a huge mover for the metals, keep an eye on that, if it flares up again that will help the metals move up.

    11. Rates might go down but there is going to be a lot of bad sh!t happening this year so I say $29-$30 peak this year on silver. I wouldn't even consider selling before it hits $40+.

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