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    Good Morning Crypto

    Ivan on Tech by Ivan Liljeqvist

    Oh yes guys we’re back as you can see with a guest that Martini guy TMG is with us today we will be speaking about the ETF the Allco season the cheap dirty alts that can do well in the near future and on that note Martini Guy what’s

    Happening how have you been this week with the ETFs and old Madness yeah this this whole week it’s been uh hellish and very much no sleep and yeah just unpleasant in general with all of the new uh participants that we have in the market now that they’re really

    Making it very fun and exciting aren’t they yeah yeah it’s crazy with the Black Rock Grill like 11 other ETFs what do you make out of the launch by the way because there are some opinions that the launch was bad that you know it could have been better that half of the volume

    Is gril scale what’s what’s your view on the ETF launch as a whole I think the the ETF launch I think it was successful I think we saw a bunch of volume coming in at the start and then I think that everybody in the uh grayscale fund just

    Sold off because they bought Bitcoin down at $10,000 uh because they had a 40% discount right down at the very bottom and they’ve had a 20% discount for most of the fair market the guys that invested in that fund are the richest and so they’re just taking some profit

    They’ll then readjust like why would you hold it in Gray skills fund when you can put it in black rocks fund I think that today we’re more likely today’s Friday but we’re more like to see some buying from now I think a lot of the initial

    Sell off has happened like if you think Bitcoin up at $49,000 it was pretty expensive more expensive than what it’s been for a very long time like you’re naturally as a Institutional Investor going to take some profit at that point I don’t know what you think yeah I mean to me price

    Didn’t even move when I look at the chart it’s I mean obviously it did jump to 49 but if you just zoom out a bit and you look at the weekly chart uh we’re up massively this week I mean it’s uh like nothing has happened so uh I don’t even

    See how this is like a sell off some people like oh sell off you know the ETF had the selloff where is the selloff I just see a nice weekly candle which is breaking to the upside from the ascending triangle yes we did see the wick but listen this was like 30 minutes

    Or maybe one hour like this Weck here to where is it 49 it was so fast uh I don’t know how many people bought and sold there probably not too many because then Boop it collapsed very quickly back to 46 so yeah on the weekly this week is

    Insane if you if you just you know came from the outside and you knew that this week the ETF launched and you see this nice candle it is bullish as hell it’s a green Trend we’re can seeing the broader Trend as well for for Bitcoin so yeah I

    Don’t really buy into this you know sell the news uh story what do you think about seld the news um uh story because obviously there’s no way for the ETF to actually be as good as people thought it would be because people thought it’s going to be like trillions of dollars or

    Something in the first day so it’s impossible no matter how good it does so what do you think about sell the news like maybe it dumps now in the coming days because it’s not trillions what’s like in the coming weeks and maybe one month what do you think will happen with

    Bitcoin it’s a fundamental change in the market like it’s not a sell the news event you’ve now got a bunch more Market participants and there is there is one thing that helps Market grow and that’s volume if you increase volume over time price increases anywhere if you drop

    It’s like in the car market there is less volume car prices drop it’s it’s the same with all think Market all markets you add less liquidity the prices fall so from my perspective it can only be a good thing in the long term I just think in the short term

    There’s a lot of readjusting going on and I like the way that you zoomed out there because it makes it look so much better than what it felt yesterday um it didn’t feel great going like if if you went down onto more of like the five minute chat and watching that nice

    Lovely pump followed by an insane horrible dump that was like literally nearly 10% up and then nearly 10% down yeah I don’t enjoy that kind of thing uh I would much rather it just steadily rise with no drops in between but yep welcome stock market people you’ve got a

    Lot more money than what we do and uh you’re going to send it up and down like crazy and and how has by the way your journey been overall because the last bull market was insane I mean especially in all and I know that uh I mean all of

    Us who are in this industry have made it very very nicely in the last bull but then bare Market came and that was the year of wreckage so how is your journey overall looking like and what’s your plan for this uh for this bull market so

    I mean in the PA Market I got ruined in in all coins I think everyone did if you weren’t the problem was that if you were holding a lot of something you couldn’t sell it because if you sold it then it would crush the market it doesn’t matter

    How much of it you held if you held I don’t know even $2,000 or something you might affect the price of it 10% um so you just can’t sell so I just got dragged down like everyone else did in the altcoin market and um I was fortunate enough to make a few good

    Calls near enough the bottom um which then gave me the ability to buy the dip quite good um so I bought a fair bit between 20 and 16 um but on the whole yeah coming out the the market has been a lot Kinder recently but uh me

    Personally I’ve been doing a lot of business things outside of crypto like putting crypto money into other businesses which is something that I’ve never done before because I didn’t have any money before I mean so you could say it went quite well overall The Last Bow Market plans going forward are hopefully

    Some of these other businesses that have been set up actually start generating some nice revenue and then we can put some of that Revenue back into Bitcoin it’s kind of like a longer play in creating a sustainable environment that doesn’t rely on gambling on the prices

    All the time in on a to try and get more money because I think that everybody is guilty of that I just get really tired of it after doing it for since 2016 now it’s been a long time um how many years is that it’s like eight years at this

    Point yeah I mean we’re running on the seventh year here for my channel I mean for if you if you start in 2016 it’s like eight years that’s crazy man yeah that that was when I first really started like not gambling but investing um it was was 2016 but the

    The as in the YouTube I also started 2016 but it was not about crypto back then I did car YouTube it’s on the same channel if you look back at my old videos they’re terrible um but we all have to start somewhere it’s just been a

    Long time long grind but coming out of this bare market and into the next ball Market which it appears that we’re going to have it I’m quite excited for it I think that we’ll make a lot of money um but also at the same time that’s not

    What we’re focusing on cuz we’re all here for the technology one one of the things I have noticed about uh there there is a lot of regurgitation in this market so far of previous ideas like from previous markets like nftd exchanges and all these other things

    That we really don’t need at this point because we’ve already got them seeing a lot of projects like that coming out um and at the same time will will those people compete with the the Old Guard some of them will but it’s it’s becoming very difficult I think to to invest in

    Genuine new and original technology because I think that there’s a lot of regurgitation of Technology going on at the moment and uh it’ll be interesting to see when the actual altcoin Market picks up especially with retail because retail are definitely not here yet yeah yeah I mean both you and I were we’re

    Speaking to many new early projects and something I’ve noticed is that all of them are on evm uh very few are on Solana although Solana is very hyped nowadays and uh I would think that there would be more projects building there but it’s not maybe it is because of this

    Regurgitation that you mentioned that you know people are already used to evm and like they’re already libraries and code you can reuse and and talent you can hire quickly how do you view this um L1 War uh progressing uh and uh do you think that we’re gonna see more projects

    On Solana soon because that that could be a frontier which is unexplored for for the projects I I think the there are not actually really seen any altcoins developing on salana I don’t I’m not I’m not invested in the single one I’ve invested in things on Avalanche Cosmos

    Um Bitcoin not not salana though it’s weird to invest in a Bitcoin project it’s weird I mean it’s weird because I mean they they have established projects like Jupiter and uh tensor and I mean they have established projects that do aird drops and and also mem coins I mean

    Mem coins are the new new projects that that pump there but in terms of like new like you know someone is is doing an Ido or someone is doing something new that that um everyone can participate in I haven’t seen that too much at all and yeah it’s h that that’s like

    95% plus the only thing I’ve seen is maybe like layer twos that use svm so on eth there’s going to be Eclipse which is the svm on eth and then on Solana is going there’s going to be neon which is evm on Solana so yeah let’s see how that

    How that goes I did the also what’s the wallet called on Phantom wallet they’re doing that airdrop thing at some point or at least they keep heavily no no no no I think I think they said they’re not going to do it they confirmed officially

    That but I also thought it before but I think last week they came out and officially denied that there there will not be a coin which is I mean it is an opportunity for someone to to compete with them as I guess I will um stop

    Using Phantom wallet now so on to the next one you can stop with your transaction poofing I mean I did a bunch of that I went and bought some Mercurial and actually I discovered something about Mercurial I thought they’d ruged they’ve not they ruged their old project and

    They’re making a new one and they’re airdropping the new token to the old holders which I’m quite pleased about because everything else I invested in salana zero everything’s at Z check check oh sorry and I was muted so Martini internet went to zero and oh

    There he is he’s back yes I’m back you said zero and then your internet disappeared yeah um what was I talking about oh yeah yeah everything that I invested in on Solano went to zero literally everything even mercur went to zero and but I was looking because I had not used

    Sana’s ecosystem at all and I thought Phantom were going to do an airdrop so I started doing a bunch of transactions poofing on their wallet on like 10 different accounts so that you can get the air drop on every like if you ever G to go for an airdrop guys create new

    Accounts and just do a bunch of it that’s the mistake I made on metamask using Unis swap if I have just done Unis swap transactions like I did for the rest of the poll Market on like a hundred different wallets if i’ have just done that before Unis swap did

    Their airdrop I’d have got $4,000 airdrop on every single one of them things so if you doing transactions boofing for for airdrops do it on loads of different accounts um but yeah Mercurial I I just saw it and I thought hang on a second I invested in Mercurial

    And they’re using Mercurial on salana Wallet not salana Phantom wallet um as some kind of transaction processing thing and I thought H I wonder what that is but turns out the projects technology that they developed is good they’re just not using the coin for it and they’re

    Using the coin for something else so they’re air dropping a new coin I don’t fully understand what’s going on with it but I was very pleased to hear that I’ve not been rugged um like and and looking at at how how you think about portfolio um and and creating a portfolio for this

    Bull market uh how do you think about your own portfolio I mean I know you’re heavily into tilted towards ALS what’s your strategy for the coming year or 18 months or so so in the last ball Market I think we both experienced a lot of success investing in early stage project

    Before they’ve launched um I think that that generally was the most profitable area to to invest in you can buy things off the market but you’re going to make a I don’t know if you’re lucky you do like 100x if you’re really really lucky in general between five and 10 um like

    Throughout the course of a ball Market unless you catch something that’s really small and it runs into being really big which again they’re one in a 100 and they’re not very common um but for for me the plan for the next bull market is so far I’ve been investing into pretty

    Much everything that has been coming to me and asking for money because I think it’s it’s the same strategy as last time round it’s spray and prey at the start hope that some of it goes well some of it does go well some of it won’t go well

    That’s an inevitability of it sometime I mean so far the worst result that I’ve had is a 2X the best result that I’ve had has been a 55x and it still sits to that value um so that’s the range that you get but at the same time you lose

    Liquidity when you do private sale investing you lose um access to all of your funds and you’re also just giving a bunch of guys that you don’t know a bunch of money and I don’t like that um you feel poor all the time doesn’t matter how much money you make you

    Should just keep slamming it into uh pre-sales you never have any um so yeah so is is that your main main strategy or like how do you divide it between like Bitcoin e stable or is it like all stable coin and just goes into it goes into new coins literally I

    I so I’ve got my old portfolio from the last bull market I’m not making any changes to that I was happy with it in the bull market I thought it was going to go up a 100 times uh it did and then it didn’t um and I figure well I’m quite

    Happy with a lot of these things they’re not stupid Investments and the ones that are like I think that’s kind of like gone it’s never really coming back and I hold say $1,000 do of it or something I’m just holding on to it because there

    Was a few in the last bull market that if you if you remember there’s a point in every ball Market where if something’s not pumped it doesn’t even matter if it’s rugged it’ll still pump um but like there is a point where everything goes crazy and people go

    Everything’s going to a dollar and it’s like no it’s not but like let’s go anywhere um so I’m I’m holding on to that’s my plan is just hold on to as many things as long as possible and hope that some of it works out there’s a lot

    Of good projects out there but I think that a lot of these projects now are more so focused on the token model which which is good the problem with the new projects is they’ve got TG on unlocks which will continually eat into the price whereas the old stuff won’t have

    That yeah yeah yeah yeah and then and what about Bitcoin like do you hold big amount or like how do how do you proportionally allocate to the Bitcoins like you know chain link Blue Chip do you do any of that yeah no I do do some

    Of that um so my my biggest holding is not Bitcoin my biggest holding is some altcoin I don’t know which one specifically but like I’ve got a lot of altcoins that are actually the same size as my Bitcoin holding um so you could say my Bitcoin holding proportional to

    The size of my portfolio is quite small it’s like maybe 7% it’s not significant I spent too much of it I did have a lot more but you know we I run started a startup in the middle of the soding bare Market that was costing nearly 100K a

    Month to run and I’m spending Bitcoin at $20,000 every month five Bitcoin it’s like a god this is horrible um because you don’t really have any significant income coming in in the bare Market either so it was one of them things I I lost i i as a person suffered quite

    Significantly with regards to my Bitcoin Holdings in the bare Market because my my business crypto saving expert was not making any money for two years we were just and then I I made people we stopped spending with such ridiculous amount of money after a while I realized the

    Market wasn’t coming back I was just kind of funding it hoping it was coming back and it wasn’t so we cut costs 70% to where they are now at somewhere near a 30k a month and finally we’ve got some profit which is nice uh it’s been a long time

    Big yeah yeah and and what’s your view on this like building startups because there there is a good question to be had like if you build with your own money and you don’t take investment is it better to just put your money in Ethan or Bitcoin or your own startup that’s

    Something I’ve been thinking a lot about myself and it depends on like which time frame of course and how well the startup does but have you have you thought about this like analysis yourself on investing in crypto versus your own business don’t don’t bother is what I would say unless you can build

    It don’t bother like that you make so much more money just putting it in the Bitcoin when everything’s going bad if you look at like proportionally the amount of money that I’ve lost versus the amount of money that I’ve spent uh if you calculate the fact that Bitcoin

    Is now up nearly three times from the bottom uh no it is definitely not worth doing startups don’t bother with them if you’re G to do one build it with someone else’s money because they are cash intensive and unless you have a very quick road to revenue which

    Everybody thinks that they do nobody actually does even I thought I did we didn’t um don’t bother you save so much more money just making money and investing it and over time just build a portfolio and then because the other thing is if I the way that I calculate

    It is what what is your actual yielding Roi so how much money do you put into that to make money um so say that if you spend 100,000 how much money do you get back out of that do you get 105,000 do you get 150,000 what do you actually get

    Back um and at the moment that’s changed a little bit for the business which is good because the Market’s picked up but for a long time it was very very negative so and in in Bitcoin or ethereum or usdt doesn’t matter you know that you can get a minimum somewhere

    Around 5% a year in crypto just staking it in defi lending pools or whatever so from a business point of view cash is King don’t spend it all on some stupid idea yeah I mean that’s what I I’ve heard it from several people where yeah normally Bitcoin outperforms uh startup

    If you use your own money fully so that’s uh that’s a that’s an interesting data point as well but looking at at the at the future and what what things could do well could pump I mean on this channel we love the dirty dirtiest cheapest undervalued uh fully ignored alts that

    Are destined uh for a great future um what are some like latest coins that you’ve seen or is there something new on the radar for you or or maybe old something that you you’re holding that but I still feel that is uh fully undervalued and ignored I mean it’s

    Getting more and more difficult in this market to pick stuff like that because a lot of the stuff has has risen up off the floor so whereas before the answer would have been buy anything everything is cheap even I’ve got some bags that have done like a 25x from over

    The course of the past month just because the project had no liquidity and they’ve literally just restored liquidity to how it was um there is there is a lot of different things on the market I guess for me I don’t know shall I share my screen I

    Think I can yep yep let’s see you you click share screen on that then I should see it here down down there is add to Stage there we are perfect right so I think the first thing for me would be this project here which is Frontier um I’ve put a decent amount of

    Money into Frontier a while ago around 30 cents now it’s trading at 49 cents just think it’s going to have a big run up at the start this year I know that they’ve got some news coming um it’s not come out yet but it is expected soon um

    And then from that perspective what does Frontier do well it’s currently positioned itself as a web three wallet on Cosmos I think that Cosmos is um they don’t really have a significant like safe simple and multi-chain wallet solution apart from Frontier and Frontier has been around

    For a long time it’s like I think the number one wallet on Cosmos but at the same time its market cap it’s only 44 million it’s listed on binance okx and everywhere else that’s big and popular which is nice um I for me that’s one of

    The ones that I’ve put a decent amount want I say a decent amount of money I put $50,000 into it so it’s it’s quite a significant investment especially like spot um and I think that that can run and here here anyone can just try the wallet you can you can try you can

    Download the wallet see if it’s good if you like it then it’s it’s always nice to have a product you like because then if the coin is down at least you know that you know you can persevere a bit longer I feel if if you have a project

    That you actually like use your self uh so that’s a that’s a pro tip for everyone looking into this yeah and from my perspective I just think that there’s a lot of these do you remember what’s the price of this now it’s 49 cents so we enter this stage on binance with all

    Binance listed coins I don’t don’t know if it’ll happen this time because they’ve locked out all of their UK users French you French maybe German definitely and a bunch of other countries in Europe have been locked out so basically what because they’ve done that will we see the same oh it’s all going

    To a dollar on binance type stuff because it just reaches around numbers for no specific reason other than the number is a round number I like that part of the season um it’s it’s always nice like like you said everything going to a dollar at some point in the bull

    Market yeah so there’s always that logic there um other things launch block is another one that I really like the look of at the moment it’s this is more of like a look this is a small market cap it’s a $2 million market cap fully Dil

    Ed 7.9 million but it’s listed on Hobe and kucoin with launch Block it’s a Launchpad but if you look at like a lot of the different launch pads that I use like uh poker starter and I like poker I think it’s great but if you compare the

    Value of launch plocks market cap here to Poker Stars poar has got a $76 million market cap but they’re listing the same projects the same projects are going through a lot of these these listing platforms uh paid Network what’s paid Network I believe that that pumped yesterday um

    Yeah K Kyle announced all kinds of stuff yesterday so it it had a nice 50% compal so it went up to 41 cents yesterday and now it’s sat down at 29 again but that’s got a $26 million and $168 million fully diluted so launch block proportionally is significantly smaller and having the

    Same projects going through it in theory should generate the similar amount of demand at some point it’s just the other two are more adopted at this point in time they’ve got more to holders whereas this one this is a Launchpad that launched into the bare market so if you

    Look at the chart for the coin it looks like this which is my favorite kind of chart because it means in theory can only go one way they can’t be that much lower it can go um and the thing’s not dead they’ve already done one successful launch which was grapes and that did

    Like a 10x or something so um yeah I like the look of that what do you think oh you’re mute yeah I I I think like a big thing is going to be soon which Launchpad token do I hold because like you say many projects they do many

    Launchpads and so if you are to have each and every Launchpad coin man you need to be a millionaire like you need to like put because there are many of and there there are new ones coming out all the time so if you are to be in all

    Of them it’s impossible at some point which is probably like now it’s going to be a lot about figuring out okay which do I sell like how do I rotate the capital so I get most allocation for least Capital invested in this Launchpad coins and then of course the launch pad

    Coin itself can pump a bit it’s even better so I think that I mean overall it makes sense because also like like like said the best way to make money in crypto is to be in the idos this is like investing in early stage projects is the

    Best especially now when the market is new i’ I’ve been saying on my channel it’s free money like it is free money nothing has lost money in this ideos right now they will lose money in in the later stage of the bull market when valuations are higher and there are also

    Scams and everything but now still today I would say that it is like free money to be in idos uh and yeah it’s all about allocation do you get $50 location or $100 and how much do you have need to have in tokens and that becomes quite a

    Mess now because there is a million launchpads so yeah I mean overall I think it’s a good theory to have like a good thesis in the market well the launch pads they always always have done well in the one bull market that they were around for um but they were great

    They were just so literally you put money and you so you put $100 and they give you a th000 you put a th000 they give you 10 they like it it was it was a really fun time was that um and hopefully it will come back um I’m

    Confident that it will though I just think that retail they don’t have that $2,000 worth of stimulus money that they did do in the last B so we still need that kind of part of the market to happen where everyone gets given a bunch of free money for some reason by the

    Government um anyway next one um and I guess it’ be my final pick in this would be uh Alliance block now all you have many many things open in your tabs I see though so potentially there is like I mean this is this amount of tabs here this is only a small selection

    Of the things that I’ve got in my portfol my portfolio is extensive because I take a an overall on the market if crypto is growing I’m doing well if one thing’s doing bad another thing’s doing good it helps me sleep at night to have so many different things

    As illogical as that would sound to it makes me feel more sensible having more exposure um yay anyway Alliance block rwa what do you think of rwa and do you reckon the trend will take off well uh I mean I I’m a Believer in the long-term

    Future uh but I don’t fully like that it’s you know there’s there’s still some paper behind it like you you need to have someone to do an entity to tokenize it now will it pump I’m sure it will still pump because it’s a narrative but there are also new projects like

    Kasu coming out also doing doing this so I’m a Believer in the concept because I I in the future I see that you sit at home you put like $10 and you can buy like real estate in any part of the world I mean that’s that’s gonna happen

    At some point or you know a kid in Africa can put 10 bucks into New York real estate if he wants that that should be possible in in in the future but there’s this always going to be a bit of friction with this papers because it’s

    Still like legal docks and stuff but I’m a Believer in the long-term vision of it and well for me too I think that logistically they sound very very like the there’s a few property ones I’m not really as as on board with the tokenized property things because I think that you

    Probably still need lawyers involved when dealing with property because you’re more likely to that’s what I mean that’s what I mean but what can you do which is not like that I mean outside of maybe currency but I don’t know if that that’s more like stable coin not the

    Real world asset but what other things are more easier I think one of the good ones speaking as somebody that deals in this market is race cars um race cars have no documentation you don’t have a document that you submit to the government when you transfer ownership of a race car

    There is nothing that proves ownership of a race car they just give it to you it’s like buying a toy from a toy shop there’s no paperwork um also race cars when sold between countries are taxfree and um race cars are in general um a very common vehicle used by um people

    With lots of money and not necessarily any trace of where that money came from they they get used for all sorts of things to race car a little bit like Watchers um but essentially tracking that and having ownership of I’m I’m thinking more so for high value assets

    That are have a significant amount of Fraud and Watchers because you got to prove authenticity to tokenize watches people invest in them uh and to Iz race cars I think that can work I think that it’s like looking I invest in the company that um creates EVS uh but they

    Don’t create EVS for the road like autonomous vehicles and that are made of electricity made of electricity I these there’s this company that I invested in that makes these autonomous vehicles called EV autonomous EV is in like the robot from the film Wally um with this company that makes these

    Autonomous vehicles they focused on markets that don’t require you to go and get special licenses and special approval to set the autonomous vehicles on the road that’s a saturated Market instead they’re making Farm vehicles um the same thing with rwa is I think focusing on more Niche markets will

    Create more success than I mean fact that’s kind of what alliance B’s looking at rather than tokenized houses which we are a hundred years away from more like tokenize an asset that just doesn’t have any yeah I mean that’s smart that’s smart so what do they do do that is uh

    That is in this fashion like easy to tokenize specifically them do you know I don’t know an example that’s the bull Mark like we don’t have to know but it’s know they have they have all of these logos and stuff on their website here and they work with

    The I mean in the bull market that’s how I also operate you know the logo looks great rwa check narrative check uh good uh chart check that’s it and I mean it’s just strong growth and also the fact that it used to be a billion dollar market cap it’s had this

    Nice slow growth coming out of here nothing crazy and it well it was down at 5 cents initially buying into it’s 15 now and I reckon it’s probably going to go to a dollar because that was where it was everything go I think most things go yeah yeah but good Mar good

    Mar uh yeah those those were all right yeah I listen I I’m going going to check check out those like the wallet and the then we had the alliance with the rwa and then the other one what was the third one that you show launch the

    Launch pads oh yeah launch yeah that one yeah exactly exactly exactly right right right so yeah I think it was a good mix with the wallet Launchpad and rwa so all the all the narratives uh well I mean wallet as a narrative that’s interesting because there hasn’t been too many of

    Them like what other wallet has a coin it’s like rainbow is doing some points but yeah let’s see when they have a coin but wallet uh tokens I don’t oh yeah XD maybe have have a coin and this wallet and there’s also um bread wallet they have a

    Coin I don’t know if the coin on the wallet still exist I remember that on binance like in 2017 when binance first launched and bread yeah and also trust wallet they have the coin I mean the thing is this is basically going to be trading logos like everyone knows the

    Coin so yeah why not buy it it’s like you know you you you go into stock portfolio like yeah apple and yeah Nike Nike so it’s going to be the same I think for newcomers you know if they use Frontier is going to be which coin to

    Buy let me buy Frontier Frontier coin so just by being a big brand it’s uh is probably a good uh uh good way to get in early and good idea to get in early as if the brand is big and it’s gonna be just a magnet but don’t get late because

    Uh like we saw with like Unis swap you get in late it just dumps and I don’t know if it’s gonna come back but you got to get in early I mean I’m not so interested in holding Unis swap coins the thing is you’ve also got one inch

    Like if you can use one in over Unis swap use one inch and therefore one in coin is going to do better than Unis swaps coin one inch’s coin by the way cryptojack told me to buy a bunch of that thank you very much crypto Jack he

    Called it and now it’s it’s like 3x since he told me to buy that in December so that’s nice nice awesome but good martinia let’s uh let’s um round up this this interview guys check out Martin guy in the description uh below and Martin thanks for uh stopping by was a great uh

    Interviewing you again and yeah let’s see what the bull market brings us hopefully a little bit more money than the bare Market brought us because that was horrendous we’re out of it now and yeah up only up only thanks a lot guys Smash Up the like and goodbye guys goodbye goodbye


    1. Bro how is YouTube promoting these Michael Saylor deep fakes….. literally the 4th time I've seen this add in 3 days with 'microstrategy doubling bitcoin' like what the f?????

    2. first time I've seen/heard TMG… had to switch off… cant listen to that accent, even though its mild compared to others from his neck of the woods… screams uneducated to me, sorry, just does

    3. TMG is a fake guy.. His predictions are all wrong.. His followers including me got heavy losses.. Like XTP, Grape few coins which he shilled and now both are in heavy losses.. 😒😒

    4. Solana Market cap; $40 billion will pay $8 million per day to validations by diluting the supply.
      Bitcoin market cap: 842 billion, they pay miners 38 million per day for security.
      This proves how inefficient and expensive pos is compared to pow.
      That is why kaspa will win this game.

    5. Its crazy to hear ivan say that investing into Bitcoin is better than doing a startup while also saying that builders make money and to use moralis. So we now see that Ivan is in the business of selling shovels to web3 devs.

    6. Encouraging everybody to do multiple accounts for airdrops will only lead to fewer people getting more airpropped. I don't think this is what we want for a chain.

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