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    In this video, I look deep into the world of crypto, focusing on two giants: Solana and Ethereum. We explore each platform’s technology, performance, scalability, and investment potential. I share valuable insights into Solana and Ethereum, helping you make informed decisions.

    DISCLAIMER: My content is never Financial advice. Just offering my opinion and entertaining. Feel free to start asking and upvoting questions. Be sure to leave a comment, share the video, and subscribe!

    #crypto #solana #ethereum

    Hey hey guys what’s going on what’s going on GM GM no matter where you are in the world welcome to the live stream and today’s topic we will be looking at the Solana situation where do we go next should you be in Solana right now or you should be in

    Ethereum salana versus ethereum it’s where the discussion is and if you’re wondering why we even having this discussion in the first place because there is now a battle between ethereum and Solana Solana had had a pump ethereum not so much but now we’re starting to see some activity and volume going into the

    Ethereum Eco so um that’s why we looking at this today and without wasting too much time let’s just get into it I will be breaking it all down and let’s first start looking at some news and what is happening right now in the world of crypto especially in the Solana ecosystem

    Itself so there is some news here about Solana fishing attacks cost users $4 million in December so please if you’re trading on Solana I would recommend that you be a little bit more careful with what you’re doing because the scammers the fishing attacks are getting more

    Real and real so please guys if you have a phantom wallet make sure you’re not using public Wi-Fi out there when you’re using public Wi-Fi make sure you turn on some VPN if you can afford to get a hardware wallet make sure you use it because the fishing scams keep getting

    Out of control a lot of people are losing a lot of money all right and on the other news we have also seen an xrp hack so simply if you type in the news just rippo you’ll see that this is currently the most trending topic when it comes to rippo

    Right let’s go to the news Okay um there’s two main things going on there is the xrp price could witness correction as SEC goes after repo’s financial statement so the focus of the crypto Market at the moment is entir on bitcoin owing to recent SP F Bitcoin ETF

    Approval but the same cannot be said about um the SEC that continues to fight repol laabs impacting the xrp price in return per it’s latest attempt the regulatory body now has the company’s financial statement for the past year that’s one but there’s also another news related to a hack

    Selloff or like a xrp sell off okay this is currently on Twitter which we can find but somebody basically transferred a bunch of Ripple there was a transaction that showed that xrp was being transferred from xrp into um into an exchange bit Phoenix to be sold where is that I did posted it

    Here xrp this is it but it turns out to be fake so I just wanted you guys to know so 25 billion xrp tokens which is about 14 million 14 billion transferred from unknown wallet to bit finex and this is the transaction it failed but I think it was a hack

    Somebody was trying to do this and a lot of people here are saying Brad sent his XP to his wallet to dump on a so just kidding but that wouldn’t be good if true so yeah this transaction didn’t work but somehow somebody managed to send a whole lot of ripple from their

    Wallet into bit Phenix they tried it didn’t work out so xrp holders Please be aware that your coin is highly centralized and things like this can actually happen but we digress moving on to today’s topic on salana let’s start with looking at the cool down of Solana

    Token all right just turn off the video let’s first look at the C down of Solana before we look at Solana versus ethereum so Solana itself this is where it stands at the moment this is a daily chart and you can see it has actually had a massive run without

    Really so much correction especially from here from September 2023 around here up until now it has gone up 6X six times all the way up and now we stand at a time at a point in time let’s just bring the FIB all right we’re now starting to to

    Um to see the time where the momentum is starting to weaken and you can kind of see what is going on here on the candles there is a bounce back whenever it hits 86 there’s good support here around $86 but it seems like the momentum keeps on getting weaker and the volumes here

    Are reducing if you see that is interesting and obviously the nitrous bull has called it bearish already there’s a bearish signal on so however do not get too carried away by this I want to show you guys something so this is what is going on on chain data on

    Number one obviously is ethereum but actually currently number two is salana so if I go if you look right now in 24hour volume ethereum is at 8826 million in the last 24 hours however if I go to Solana which is still considered a small chain salana is at $435 million of

    Activity so the activities keep going and the shitcoins keep on trading and printing more numbers in the in the last four hours with actually significant liquidity even on smaller tokens so there is a lot of activity happening on salana I think it’s not uh completely over you shouldn’t give up on too

    Quickly however I’m also going to say this so most of the Solana Bas tokens actually are still too high at the moment because they were climbing with Sol so you can look at dog for um dog with the hat I mean this token has been going bananas for a while and several

    Other mem coins on Solana have been going up significantly they’re still in the high UPS so what you want to do at this point in my opinion is if you’re to exposed into Solana tokens I would be worried about those the um the altcoins in Solana I would be worried about those

    So I would sell off some of them take profit and move those into ethereum because ethereum is just getting started so I’ll go back To um let me go back to the so ethereum this is the Solana ethereum chart I’ll switch onto the daily it’s basically have been bearish meaning that salana is losing momentum against ethereum from the 27th of December actually and it has been going on for that way the next

    Considerable resistance or I mean the the next support level that is realistic here is 0 03 which is about 15% so the way this works is that Solana itself could be going up ethereum is just going to keep going up stronger which means that this Gap is

    Going to get closed that’s how this kind of charts works so I would say I would either stay away of salana and move into ethereum or I would reduce my position from salana and move some into ethereum until this has been reversed so the next time you see

    This trend changes this signal becomes bull it becomes green that’s when you want to get back into Sana because it will obviously out complete ethereum but you just want to be in it on the right time so look at what happened here guys this was in September 2023 nitrous bu

    Actually went bullish on Solana against ethereum so boom since then the only time that it went bearish was in December so it’s absolutely clear that you want to currently move away from Solana until we see another B signal like this so it’s not over the party on

    Solana is definitely not over you just want to make sure that you’re not you don’t get caught out because it could see a considerable drop especially if the ethereum pump gets going stronger okay if you want these signals by the way if you want to have these boo

    Bear Boo Bear signals in your chart this is the nitrous boo indicator that I use you can find it for at Crypt university. Network and if you go to signals it’s basically here on the website right here get it it’s worth the money because it increases is your

    Chance of winning your trades and Investments and it makes it easier you don’t have to overthink you just look and follow it also gives you the green and red dotted lines which are the support and resistance of s tokens okay so before we close we can go

    Quickly also have a look at BTC USD here the OG the Bitcoin what is going on at the moment so I drew this trend line on the last uh last few days we say that we want to keep above but now because we exited it we’re now looking at a bearish

    Situation so nitrous buo here just went bearish on bitcoin and I believe the nitrous buo so much so this to me is a clear indicator that we are going to Trend lower more likely to visit the 38k level however because of the sentiment that’s happening in the market with the

    ETF and the fundamentals we could this could be reversed at any time especially considering that this is week now we’re now in the week it was the weekend the ETFs don’t trade if we see significant volume in the Grand Market or the ETF this could be reversed at any moment

    So please be observing it however you should expect volatility in the next few days which is going to be the battle of the Bears and the boo trying to maintain this position you can see that in Bitcoin there is a considerable amount of support around this level right been so many drops that

    Have bounced back from this level but this time around the natural spool has CAU it bearish so this could be a little more concerning but it’s Monday let’s see how the markets are going to react all right I want to also share about um some of the plays that I’ve been sharing on

    Twitter if you following what I’m sharing here you definitely pay more attention I shared some free mins on it and also some exciting stuff especially in the AOS there’s an upcoming idea on Alex this is a good opportunity for people who are holding Alex token because they have approved that they will be

    Launching orange it will launch on on as the first ideal project on Alex so make sure you check that out and you position yourself to get in I shared also how to make sure that you get into that Ideo I also shared some free mints

    On uh in the ordinal uh which was ligo and this has now been completed I told you guys it had less than 24 hours to go and if you check it now you can see that ligo has now been completed with 12,000 mentors or holders currently it has a market cap of

    11.89 million trading volume already of $4.3 million so it means that the trading has already started this coin is getting liquidity so congratulations to everybody that minted this token you just got yourself some free money and the next thing to do is to hold and see how the market is going to basically

    React to this kind of stuff but congratulations to everyone and there is an early investment allocation um an opportunity to basically invest in a coin before it launches for this one I have shared it in the alpha group and today I will be following up with the members that want

    Some allocation on that token and I think we are more likely to be successful in that one so if you’re not in the alpha group make sure you join in because you’re missing out on a lot of new plays that I find and other people

    Find as well you can find it at Crypt university. Network Alpa group be a member of an elite crypto trading Community where it pays to be there I mean you pay you join and it’s a subscription but it’s worth the money because the opportunities you find in there are

    Enormous all right do you like track I hear track holders getting an air drop I don’t know about the air drop but I hold a lot of track maybe I should just move my track now over to my Dex wallet because some of it is on exchanges but I do hold a

    Lot of track yes I’m bullish on track I love track and I’ve been telling everybody about it hopefully you guys have been listening so this is track currently down good buy opportunity in my books and I think it’s going to be one of the best performers in the brc2

    Ecosystem but yeah I do like track thanks for asking okay Cino on Ax s is in fire yeah absolutely so it’s the morning guys thank you for watching for joining me I will be doing this live stream on the very same time every day in the morning so please make sure you

    Turn your notifications on subscribe to the channel like the video leave a comment all of that helps to support the channel if you want links to everything that I use from buybit and other exchanges you can use to trade links are in the description below all right stay

    Awesome guys I will see you later


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